Front Porch Story

Front porch

I wake up the next morning to Billie's absence. I crawl out of bed and make my way into the living room where Billie's got the phone attached to his face.
"Really? So next week, you're serious... okay see you then." He says excitedly.
"Who was that?" I asked yawning.
"That was Warner Brother's studio!"
"What?" I ask not quite grasping what he's saying.
"Reprise records!"
"What?! Really." I say as I run up to him and hug him.
"We've been pestering them for a while and they've given us a record deal."
"That's awesome." I say as I kiss him.
"I gotta tell Tre and Mike!" he says hopping around.
"Where are they?"
"They left earlier to get some coffee or something." He says putting on his shoes. "You coming?"
"No, you go ahead, I still want to shower and stuff." I say as he runs out of the apartment.

I take my time and take my shower, style my hair and get dressed. I leave the washroom to see Billie sitting on the couch silently.
"What's wrong?" I ask worriedly.
"Am I a sell out for signing with a major record label?" he asks not looking up at me.
"What? Why the hell would you be a sell out?" I ask abruptly.
"Because it's a big corporate thing and Indie was more about the music." he mutters.
"Don't be ridiculous, it's not the label that matters it's the message behind the music." I say as I sit next to him and put my arm around him.
"Would you call someone a sell out if they got a scholarship to one of those big colleges back east instead of community college?" I ask in a sad attempt to make him feel better.
"Well no." he mutters.
"Stop being ridiculous, this is your big chance to be a musician." I say optimistically, "This deserves to be celebrated. Let's go out tonight."
"I'm not in the mood for going out." he mutters.
"Then we'll stay in and eat your favorite foods and get drunk and shit like that." I ramble.
"I think we should skip the favorite food thing, I seriously doubt anyone in this apartment is willing to make lasagna." Billie says laughing.
"I'll make it then." I say poking him.
"No I'm serious, if that's your favorite food." I say getting up.
"Where are you going?" he asks amused by my rambling.
"We have no cheese or spaghetti sauce, I don't even think there's pasta." I say pulling on my shoes.
"What? You're seriously going to make lasagna?" he asks laughing.
"Yeah, I think I made that clear." I say digging in my pockets to see if I have any money. "Any other favorites you want while I'm out?" I run into my/Billie's room and get some money.
"Root beer I guess." He mutters, "You want me to come with you?"
"Nah it's okay. I'm already out the door." I say as I make my way out of the apartment.

I get back to the apartment and Billie grabs the grocery bags out of my hands and takes them to the kitchen. He starts going through the bags.
"Get away from there." I say as I run to the kitchen.
"Awe, why?" he whines as he puts the bags down.
"It's a surprise dinner... lunch ... meal." I mutter as I realize it's too late for lunch, too early for dinner.
"But I already know about it." He whines.
"Out, out." I say shoving him into the living room.
"C'mon, we can cook together." He says raising his eyebrows, "It can be sexy."
"Maybe tomorrow." I laugh as I shove him out of the kitchen once and for all.
"Awe, you're no fun." He whines as I hear him slump down on the couch.

I put a pot of water boiling and start mixing ingredients for a cake in a bowl.
"It sounds hectic in there, I should help." I hear Billie call out.
"No everything's fine." I say as I put the pasta in the boiling water and go back to making the cake. Once the pasta is ready I start rummaging through cupboards looking for a baking dish for the lasagna. "Hey Billie, do you have a pan?"
"Yeah, I'll show you where it is."
"No! Just tell me." I yell back.
"Fine, I hid it on top of the fridge." He mutters.
"Because I knew you'd do this and I wanted an excuse to come in the kitchen."
"Child!" I yell laughing as I reach atop the fridge for the pan. I bring it down and start layering pasta, sauce and cheese in it before popping it in the oven. I look around the kitchen for a second pan for the cake but fail to find one, so I decide to wash out a pie tin some Chinese take-out came in and use that.
"It smells good." Billie says as he walks toward the kitchen.
"Don't even think about it." I say running to block the entrance to the kitchen.
"You're just being mean." Billie whines.
"Maybe." I say evilly as I push him back into the living room and sit next to him.
"What about the food?" he asks trying to get up but I stop him by sitting on his lap.
"It needs time to cook." I mutter as I shift my weight on his lap.
"It smells done." He pesters.
"Five more minutes." I say in a teasing tone.
"You sure?"
"Very." We sit on the couch watching T.V. waiting for the lasagna to cook. "Now it's done."
"Oh good." He says following me into the kitchen.
"Stay out." I mutter as he whips around and goes back into the living room. I pull the lasagna out of the oven and divide it into two plates before bringing the plates into the living room.
"Drinks." Billie says getting up.
"No worries." I say beating him to the kitchen. I pull the bottle of root beer out of the fridge and grab two glasses along with forks and knives. I walk into the living room and sit myself next to Billie.

"Thanks." He whispers.
"You're welcome." I say as we both take out plates.
"Mmm, it's really good." He says happily.
"Thanks." I say taking a forkful of lasagna. We finish up our lasagna and I take our plates to the kitchen. I pull the cake out of the oven and put a mound of chocolate frosting on it and decorate it with M&Ms. I walk out of the kitchen and Billie looks at me with big eyes.

"You made cake too?"
"Yup." I say sitting next to him. "Enjoy." I cut a couple of slices. Billie takes his and eats the M&Ms first before moving onto the actual cake. Tre barges in with Lisea.
"Hey you got cake?" he says going up to the left over cake on the coffee table. "Can I have some?"
"Sure." I say shrugging. "Give some to Lisea too; I don't want her to get jealous of you stuffing your face."
"Oh right." Tre says handing Lisea a piece. "You guys had lasagna too? And you didn't save me some."
"Nope, it was just so good." Billie says patting his stomach in mockery. Tre and Lisea leave after a few minutes to go back out to the clubs.

Billie starts staring me intently as we sit on the couch watching T.V.
"Whatcha looking at?" I ask laughing.
"You." he says as he leans over me and starts kissing me vigorously. I put my hands on the back of his neck and pull him on me.