Front Porch Story

Front porch

It was only a few days before Christmas and the guys had long since finished recording and had just finished filming the music video for Longview. Two days till Christmas and I still had no idea what to get Billie Joe. I already bought gifts for everyone. I got Mike a shirt that said "Chuck" on it; I knew it was his sense of humor. I got Tre new converse sneakers because his were all torn up and ugly, partially my fault because I spilt coffee on them and the stain never came out. I got Lisea and Ana walkmans, Lisea's is red and Ana's is blue. I was still stuck with no idea what to get Billie as I walked down the busy street. I see another head shop at the end of the street, as I'm about to go in I stop and see a pet shop a couple of doors down. In the pet shop window was a scruffy looking kitten; it was black with white patches. I was perfect. I walk into the store and the owner is sitting at the counter reading a magazine.
"Can I buy that kitten, the one in the window?" I ask casually.
"Uh sure." The owner says, "would you like a carrier cage."
"Yeah." I say as the owner picks up a dark green cage.
"This one here?" he asks as he picks up an adorable brown kitten.
"No, the black and white one." I correct him.
"It's kind of a runt." He mutters.
"I don't care, that's the one I want." I say firmly.
"Okay." He says rolling his eyes. I pay for the cat and leave the store.

I know Billie will love it, how couldn't he. I walk into the apartment building and peer into our apartment and see Tre sitting on the couch with Lisea.
"Is Billie here?" I hiss.
"Nope, he went out to buy your present." Tre says evilly.
"Good." I say as I bring the kitten into the apartment.
"Oh kitty!" Tre squeals happily as he puts his face to the cage.
"Tre can I put it in your room, until Christmas morning?" I plead.
"Of course, he's so cute." Tre says as he opens the cage and picks it up.
"Just to let you know, Billie's going to be back any minute now." Lisea says awkwardly.
"Oh okay. Come on kitty." Tre says as he puts the kitten back in the cage. "You'll be my roommate." He carries the cage into his room just as Billie walks in the door.
"Oh hi Adie." He says putting a bag behind his back. Tre runs up to me and puts his hands over my eyes.
"Thanks Tre." Billie says as I hear him run into one of the rooms.
"Owe Tre you're hurting me! Let go!" I say as I attempt to squirm out of his grasp.
"Okay Tre, it's safe." Billie says as Tre let's go.

*Christmas morning.*
"GIFT TIME!" Tre yells waking everyone up. Billie looks at me happily as I lift my head off his bare chest.
"Let's go." He whispers. I get up and put on some clothes as Billie follows.

We step into the living room to see Tre jumping on the sofa excitedly.
"Where's Lisea?" I ask yawning.
"Bathroom!" Tre pants as he jumps off the sofa. Mike and Ana come out of their room as Lisea walks out of the washroom.
"You ladies open theses gifts first." Billie says as he hands the three of us identical boxes. We unwrap the Santa paper and open the box to find green t-shirts which say Dookie on one side and Green Day on the other along with a picture of a pile of dookie.
"Awesome." Ana says as she looks it over, "Are theses the official band tees?"
"Yeah." Billie says proudly as I put the t-shirt on over my tank-top.
"I want to give you your gift now!" I yelp as I run off to Tre's room. I carry out the cage and hand it to Billie.
"Awe, it's so cute." Billie says sappily as he takes the kitten out of the cage. "Does he have a name?"
"Nope, not yet." I say as I stroke the cat's head.
"I shall call him Zero." Billie says as he pets the kitten affectionately.

The rest of the gifts are passed around and Billie starts smirking.
"What?" I ask as I hold up the rubber chicken Tre gave me.
"I got you another present." Billie says evilly.
"I don't see anymore." I say as I look under the small tree.
"It's in my pocket."
"What?" I ask laughing, Mike and Ana and Tre and Lisea are preoccupied with each other. Billie pulls out a small velvet box. He slides off the sofa onto one knee and opens the box.
"Adrienne, will you marry me?" I literally leap on him as I wrap my arms around his neck. "Is that a yes?"
"Yes." I say as I kiss his lips.
"Do you want the ring or are you content in hanging off my neck?" he asks laughing.
"Both." I say as I let go of Billie and he places the ring on my finger. I go back to hugging him. "This is the best Christmas ever."
"Awe isn't that sweet." Tre yells cheesily.
"Yes it is." I say hugging Billie closer.
"OWE!" Mike yells as he jumps up. "Zero bit my toe!"
"He's probably just hungry." Billie says rolling his eyes. "Do we have any tuna?"
"There should be cat food in Tre's room, if he didn't eat it." I say laughing as Billie struts into Tre's room.
"No worries, I didn't eat it. It's too dry." Tre mutters as he goes back to spooning Lisea.