Front Porch Story

Front porch

"So what are we going to do today?" I ask as Billie and I snuggle on the couch.
"Well Mike's going over to Ana's to meet her family, Tre's taking Lisea to meet his, so that just leaves us."
"Well my family are here for the holidays, if you feel like going." I say shrugging, not wanting to leave Billie's arms.
"Yeah okay." He says nodding.
"Seriously? Aren't you supposed to have issues with your future in-laws?" I ask laughing.
"Television myth." He says laughing, "Besides, there will probably be food." I can't help but burst out laughing. "What? Kathy's a good cook."
"No comment." I say as I try to get my laughter under control.

Later in the afternoon we walk to my father's apartment building, due to the fact that buses were out of service and Mike left with the truck and Tre with the bookmobile.
"I'll keep you warm!" Billie insists as he wraps his arms around me ass we walk.
"Billie, I can't breath!" I say as he hugs me tighter.
"Sorry." He says letting go as we enter the apartment building. We walk up the stairs up to the right floor and knock on the door.
"Merry Christmas!" Kathy says excitedly as she pulls Billie and I into one of her motherly hugs of death. "Oh you're freezing, did you walk here?"
"Yeah." Billie says as he regains composure after the patented Kathy hug.
"Oh you should've called, Tanya would've coma and pick you up; she just got her license you know."
"That's great." I say as Kathy ushers into the apartment. "Hey Dad."
"Hey Adrienne, Merry Christmas." He says as he comes up to me and hugs me. "Hello Billie Joe." He says shaking his hand.
"Adie you're here!" Tanya squeals as she runs out of the room that used to be mine.
"Yeah." I say as she practically tackles me. "What's that?"
"On your hand." She says as she holds up my left hand, "Is that an engagement ring?!"
"Yup." I say happily.
"You're engaged!" Kathy says happily.
"Since when?" my father asks looking at Billie Joe confused.
"Since this morning." Billie says as he receives an awkward pat on the shoulder from my father.

"So you're going to be Adrienne Nesser Armstrong, Mrs. Adrienne Armstrong." Tanya rambles.
"Yeah." I say in mockery of her dreaminess.
"I'm so going to be your maid of honor!" she squeals.
"Says who?" I ask as we take our seats in the dining room.
"Says me." Tanya says as Billie can't help but laugh. We all serve ourselves food and my father starts with the usual questioning.

"So how's your touring going?"
"Well we're not touring at the moment, we just finished recording."
"So it's your third album?" Kathy asks as she plops more mashed potato on her plate.
"Yeah, but we're with a different record company this time." Billie says as he fidgets with the fork in his hand.
"Oh really? Which one?" my father asks interested.
"Reprise, it's owned by Warner Brothers."
"That's a pretty big label." My father says impressed.
"Whoa! How'd you get that?!" Tanya asks amazed.
"It took a lot a time and effort." Billie mutters with a mouthful of food.
"Oh Billie, you didn't get any turkey." Kathy says concerned.
"Umm I don't want any, I'm vegetarian."
"Oh jeez, I forgot, would you like something else to eat?"
"No the rest of the food's great." Billie says happily.
"Are you sure?"
"Okay." Kathy says settling down.

I can't help but realize that last time Billie Joe and my father sat at this table my father was accusing Billie of being a bad influence and a waste of time. He even tried to scare him off by asking when we planned on getting married. This time around, I'm engaged to Billie Joe, he's becoming very successful in the music industry according to my father and he's more than happy to have him at his table.

"So Adie have you selected a date?" Kathy asks as the meal comes to an end.
"A what?"
"A date for the wedding."
"I just got engaged this morning and you already expect me to have a date?" I ask laughing.
"Well you must've suspected that Billie was going to propose soon, you must've started looking around hopefully at wedding stuff." Kathy insists.
"Umm not really, the proposal sort of came as a surprise." I say looking at Billie happily.
"July third!" Billie outbursts as I crack up laughing.
"Why that date?" Tanya asks laughing as well.
"I dunno, just chose one at random on the spot." Billie says shrugging as Kathy scurries off to the calendar in the corner.
"Mom what are you doing?" Tanya mutters.
"It's a Sunday; you can't get married on a Sunday. How about July second."
"Kathy, they're not deciding anything yet." My father says rolling his eyes.
"Hmm, that's only six months away." Kathy mutters.
"Kathy!" I yelp, "The only thing being decided today is that I'm marrying Billie Joe, okay?"
"Okay fine." She mutters as she sits back down at the table.

After an evening of rowdy conversation Billie and I excuse ourselves and leave, but Kathy insists that Tanya give us a lift back to the apartment.
"Wow, this place is so cool, it's like the center of the music community." She says looking around excitedly. "Mom doesn't know about this place, does she?"
"Nope." I said laughing.
"I figured." Tanya says as she pulls over in front of our building, "She's never willingly let you live here."
"See you around Tanya." Billie says as we get out of the car.
"Bye." She says as she drives off.

We get into the apartment and I wrap my arms around Billie and smirk evilly.
"Whatcha thinking about?" he asks as he leads me to our bedroom.
"Can't wait to become Mrs. Adrienne Armstrong." I say laughing.
"Good." Billie says as he removes my shirt. "First order of business." He removes his owns shirt. I lock my lips against his as we give way onto the bed.