Front Porch Story

Front porch

We awaited the guys to arrive at the airport anxiously, we hadn't seen them for a whole month and even then, it was only for a week.
"LISEA!" We hear Tre yell at the top of his lungs as he charges toward the bench where we're sitting.
"Where's Billie?" I ask eagerly.
"Dunno." Tre mutters as he wraps his arms around his girlfriend.
"Looking for me?" a familiar voice whispers in my ear from behind.
"Billie!" I practically screech as I embrace him. He kisses me for a long time before he lets go.
"So did you find an apartment?" he mumbles into my ear.
"Not only did we find one, we moved in." I say happily, "Mike and Ana live next door and Lisea and Tre are living across the hall."
"What? Really?" Billie says happily, "Is it a nice place?"
"It's an awesome place." I say happily, "Why don't you go see for yourself."

"Is this it?" Billie asks intrigued as the cab pulls up to the apartment building.
"This place is great."
"You haven't even seen the inside yet." I say laughing.

The six of us take the elevator up to the fifth floor.
"Ooo buttons!" Tre exclaims happily as he starts pressing every single one.
"Oh dear god Tre, this is going to take forever." Ana complains as the elevator doors jerk open yet again. Billie grasps my hand as the door opens for the third time and he runs out of the elevator pulling me with him.
"Fifth floor, right?" he asks as he starts running up the stairs, still holding my hand.
"Yeah." I say as we pass a door with the number four on it. Billie slows down as we reach the door with the five on it and swings it open.
"Which apartment?"
"54, Mike's is 53 and Tre's is 52." I say slightly out of breath as I hand Billie the key. He carefully opens the door and walks in.

"This place is great." He says looking around. "We need a sofa though." He says as we step into the living room with only a TV.
"Yeah we drew names out of a cup to see who'd get what, we got the TV, Tre and Lisea got the couch and Mike and Ana got the microwave." I say laughing.
"Well we could go out and buy stuff now." Billie says looking around.
"So I take it Dookie is doing really well." I say cautiously.
"Yeah, it is." Billie says happily as we hear a knocking at the apartment door.
"Bill, just to let you know, your bag is still riding the elevator." Tre's voice says evilly.
"I should get that." Billie says as he heads to the door. He returns minutes later with his duffle bag. "Thanks for nothing Tre!"
"It wasn't in the elevator, was it?"
"No, he tried to hide it in the janitor's closet and when I was walking down the hall the janitor happened to need a mop and it was a less then friendly conversation explaining why my bag was in his closet." I burst out laughing.
"Are you going to get him back?"
"Eventually, yes." Billie says crossing his arms. "So this wall here is against Mike's?"
"Yeah." I say cautiously as he puts his hand against the wall. He starts banging against the wall.
"Oh yeah Adrienne . . . . . That's the spot. . . . Oh yeah baby . . . you know I like that . . . ohhhh . . . . . . Ahhh . . . . Do that again." He says orgasmicly as I attempt to hold in my laughter. In return we hear Mike banging on the other side of the wall.
"Oh ohhhh ohhhhh . . . . . . Mmmm that's good. . . . . . Ohhh . . . . Ohhh yeah." Mike's muffled voice says.
"Adie, Adie, one more time!" Billie yells in response.
"Ohhhh Ana, do that again." Mike yells in response.
"You're so immature." I mumble.
"Mike you're wearing me out." I hear Ana's voice.
"Oh is that a challenge." I mumble causing Billie to smirk, "Billie ohhh . . . . . you know I like it like that!"
"Ohh Mike!"
"Ohhh ahhh Billie!"
"Mmmmm, that's good."
"FUCK ME LIKE THAT ONE MORE TIME!" I yell and silence is heard next door followed by slight laughter.
"We win." Billie says evilly.
"So let's go shopping." I say casually as if the past two minutes never happened.
"Uhh sure let's go." Billie says laughing as we leave the apartment.

"We're going to go buy more condoms!" Billie yells as we walk down the hallway.

We return to the apartment two hours later with a several boxes of appliances, small furniture and stuff.
"So what are we going to do with the old TV?"
"Why'd you buy a second one anyway?" I ask as he places the box down on the floor.
"Because the old idiot box is shit and this idiot box is bigger and prettier."
"Umm okay, let's give it to Tre." I suggest.
"Talking about Tre, can you tell him and Mike to help me with the rest of the stuff?" Billie says as he heads back to the elevator. I knock on Tre's door followed by Mike's and waited in the center of the hallway.
"Yesh." Tre asks slyly.
"Billie needs help bringing in the sofa we bought."
"Ohhh so when it's battle of the sex noises I can't join in, but when you need help with a sofa I'm all you got."
"Yes, you got it perfectly." I tease.
"Tre, just help." I hear Lisea mutter.
"Okay, let me find my left shoe." Tre says as he disappears back into his apartment. I turn around to see Mike, who must've over-heard everything.
"Gimme a minute." He says as he disappears for a minute.

"Hey are they coming or what?" Billie asks as he comes down the hallway with a fairly large box.
"Yeah, they're just locating shoes." I mumble as I help Billie fit the box through the door.
"Super Tre is ready!" Tre says as he steps out of his apartment with a towel tied around his neck like a cape.
"Where's your theme music." Mike taunts as he too joins us in the hall.
"My ding-a-ling, my ding-a-ling, why won't you play with my ding-a-ling." He chants.
"Later!" Lisea says as she comes into the hall.
"Okay, I have no theme song now." Tre pouts as the three men walk toward the elevator.

The guys return about ten minutes later struggling to bring the sofa up the stairs.
"Why didn't you just take the elevator?" I ask as Lisea, Ana and I help them with the sofa.
"We tried, it doesn't fit." Mike grunts. We set the sofa down in the living room and the three guys flop down on it simultaneously.
"Got any beer." Tre asks out of breath.
"Yeah." I say digging through the fridge and bringing three beers for them.
"When we got outside a couple of guys were trying to nick the sofa right off of Mike's truck." Billie says after taking a long sip of beer.
"But Super Tre stopped them." Mike says laughing.
"I pounced him and licked his ear so he dropped the sofa and he and his accomplice ran away." Tre says in a child-like voice.
"Bravo." I say clapping my hands.

"So what are you going to do with the old TV?" Tre asks as he stands up to fiddle with the switches on the TV in the corner.
"Dunno." Billie mumbles as he nurses his beer.
"I'm taking it." Tre says picking up the TV in his arms. "Follow me to the roof!" With amusement we all do what Tre says and climb the final flight of stairs to the roof.

The six of us stand on the roof, Tre takes his place in front of us.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the execution of Mr. Phillips."
"Mr. Phillips?"
"Yes, I believe that's his name since it's written on him." Tre says as he points to the logo underneath the screen.
"Uhh right." Ana mumbles as she hugs Mike to shield her from the wind.
"Mr. Phillips was a shitty television, but he got us through many boring afternoons with the help of a couple of doobies now and then." Tre continues.
"For fuck's sake, just throw it!" Billie says annoyed as he hugs me for warmth.
"Right!" Tre says as he chucks it over the edge of the building. We all lean over to watch it plummet to the ground and when it does, we're all compelled to cheer.