Front Porch Story

Front porch

Billie and I decided to spend our morning on the couch doing absolutely nothing. Mike and Ana had left early to go shopping for stuff for their apartment, Tre had gone the day before, right after he killed Mr. Phillips.
"So how's the wedding planning going?" Billie asks casually after he realizes there's nothing good on TV.
"Great and horrible at the same time." I say putting my hands over my face. "Kathy keeps calling for wedding detail updates but I've already booked everything for the second."
"That's good." Billie says in mockery. "You buy your dress?"
"Nope, not yet. Lisea and Ana said they're taking me once you guys go back on tour. Besides even if I did buy it already, it's bad luck to see the bride in the wedding dress before the wedding."
"And two years of sex means nothing?" he asks laughing.
"Umm, not sure." I say laughing as he starts to kiss my neck.
"What am I supposed to wear?"
"Anything you want."
"Can I go nude?"
"If you like."
"What's traditional?"
"Okay, I'll wear one of those." He mumbles as he holds himself over me as we lie on the sofa together. I can't help but start laughing. "What?"
"I really can't picture you in a tux."
"Well, that's what I'll be wearing, oh with a red bow tie!"
"I knew there was a catch!" I burst out laughing, "I knew you wouldn't wear the full traditional tux."
"Oh but the red bow tie would compliment my figure." He says happily.
"True." I say as I sling my arms around his neck and kiss his beautiful lips. "Only two months away."
"I know." Billie says as he rests himself next me snaking his arms around my waist. "So everything's all planned out?"
"Yeah, basically. Lisea's going to be our photographer so I don't have to worry about that."
"Yeah you do."
"Tre's going to be pouncing her the whole time."
"I forgot about that." I mumble as laugh lightly. "I'll just hope for the best."

"Billie! I helped you with your sofa, now you help me with mine!" Mike's voice belts out as he knocks on our door.
"Argh." Billie mutters as gets up and heads to the door.
"What? Did I interrupt a plausible sex afternoon?" Mike says laughing.
"I refuse to answer that." Billie mumbles as he puts on his sexy leather jacket.

Billie returns ten minutes later and tosses his jacket to the ground.
"Tour seems to be coming back too soon." He murmurs as he comes to lie on sofa next to me.
"I thought you loved touring."
"I do, it's just I wish I could stay here a bit longer before going back."
"And let down all those punk girls with raging hormones, who are dying to see you shake your stuff on stage."
"You're the only punk girl I need."
"Cheese ball."
"I prefer the term hopeless romantic." Billie says laughing.
"Romantic yes, but not hopeless."
"Does that mean I'm getting lucky?"
"You're always lucky." I say laughing. The phone starts ringing from the kitchen.

"It's probably Kathy again." I mutter as I go to pick it up. "Hello."
"Tanya, is that you?"
"You're not being my maid of honor and that's final."
"Yeah, I know. Where do you live?"
"Uhh because I just remembered you said you moved out of the squatter building."
"What? Why?"
"I'm sort of at Oakland airport."
"What's going on?" Billie asks as he looks up from the sofa.
"Tanya's at Oakland Airport." I hiss, "Tanya what are you doing there?"
"I came to visit."
"Does dad know?"
"I left him a nice letter explaining everything." She says meekly, "So address?"
"Fuck, I'll come pick you up myself." I mumble as I hang up the phone.
"I'll drive!" Billie offers as he picks his coat off the ground and put it on. I locate my jacket and pull it on before heading out the door with Billie.

I sit in the passenger's side of Billie's car as he starts it up and we head to the airport.
"So what's she doing here?"
"I don't know, she probably got pissed at Kathy and my dad and decided to spend all he money on a plane ticket."
"Why here? Doesn't she have friends back home she can stay with?"
"Being across the country makes it all the more difficult for my dad to get to her, and when he does get to her she can say to all her friends she spent a week with Green Day."
"I don't like her." Billie mumbles.
"I've already lost my temper with her." I say as we pull up to the main door of the airport and she's there sitting on her suitcase.
"Adie!" she yelps happily.
"Fuck Tanya, what the hell?"
"I thought you'd be happy to see me?" she says as she picks up her suitcase.
"Yeah, maybe if you called ahead of time, or maybe if you didn't try to drag me into your stupid teenage rebellion against Dad!"
"Sorry." She says quietly. We get into the car silently.
"So what happened that you had to interrupt my rather pleasant afternoon with your sister?" Billie asks as he starts up the car.
"Uh well I kind of followed in Adie's steps and fell for a guy in a band. He's touring and his band is going to be in the Oakland area this week."
"Let me guess Dad didn't approve." I say cynically.
"No, and I even brought up the argument about you and Billie being together and he was all like Billie Joe might dress like a stupid punk kid, but he's a nice guy and Davey dresses like a stupid punk kid and he acts like a stupid ass hole." I can't help but burst out laughing.
"What?! How dare he insult my style?" Billie says laughing.

As soon as we get back to the apartment I pick up the phone and call my dad.
"Adrienne! Is she there?"
"Yeah, what am I supposed to do with her?"
"Send her back!"
"Tanya, when's your return flight?" I ask putting my hand over the receiver.
"I got a one way ticket; I'm going touring with the Davey and his band."
"She claims she's going touring with her boyfriend's band."
"Like hell she is!" My father mutters, "I'll book her a flight back home and I'll call you back with the details."

"Adrienne! How can you be such a hypocrite?!" Tanya demands.
"I didn't drag anyone else into my infatuation with Billie and secondly I hashed it out with Dad I didn't just disappear!"
"Awe infatuation, I feel so loved." Billie says laughing as he hugs himself.
"You can't send me back; if you meet Davey you'd see he's awesome."
"Fine, I'll meet him." I mumble not wanting to get in an argument with her now.
"My heart goes out to this guy; I mean to actually be able to put up with you." Billie teases.
"Hey!" Tanya says angrily.
"You better be nice to me, your sister is an inch away from killing you and I'm your only hope for holding her back." Billie says evilly.
"Make that half an inch." I mumble as I go to sit next to Billie. Tanya leaves the apartment in silence.

"You're sexy when you're angry." Billie says smirking evilly.
"Shut-up." I mutter as I try not to crack a smile but fail.
"You know you want me."
"Shut-up." I repeat as I hold in a full-blown smirk.
"You know you just want to have your way with me." he says into my ear making my spine tingle. "You know you just wanna slide up against me." Billie starts to peck at the place between the back of my neck and my ear. I can't help but smirk as I wrap my arms around his neck and lock lips with his.