Front Porch Story

Front porch

"Don't leave." I mumble as I wrap my arms around Billie.
"I have to. You said yourself; I can't let down all those hormonal teenage punk girls."
"Hell with the punk girls." I say as I start kissing his neck.
"You are a punk girl." Billie says evilly.
"I'll go goth then." I mumble.
"Don't do that."
"Okay. Stay with me then."
"Seems fair." He says as I straddle him.

"Billie! Get the fuck up! We have to leave in five minutes!" Mike's muffled voice is heard as we hear banging on the apartment door.
"Oh fuck." Billie says as I get off of him and gets up slowly.
"Remind me to kill Mike." I mumble as I look up at Billie from where I'm lying.
"I'm not going to shower!" Billie yells, just for Mike to hear.
"Our neighbors must love us."
"Oh yeah, 7AM wake up call, who wouldn't." Billie says as he pulls on a pair of pants.
"This is going to be a long month." I whine as I watch Billie pull on his Misfits band-tee.
"Yeah." He says as he comes and lies next to me again. "I'm going to miss you."
"I know, I'll miss you too." I say as he kisses my lips lightly.

"Ha-ha! I can pick a lock!" Tre's voice rings out through our apartment.
"Tre get out!" Billie yells.
"Where are you?" Tre asks as we hear him step across the living room. "Oh, in the bedroom. Can I join in?!" he runs into the room and jumps on the bed between us.
"Tre! Out!" Billie yells as he grabs Tre by the upper arm and pulls him out of the room.
"Ow! Ow! Let go." Tre squeaks, "Mike said five minutes are up."
"Tell him to extend it five more minutes and to enjoy his time with Ana." I say as I hear Billie slam the main door shut. He walks back into our room and flops back on the bed.

"I wish you could come on tour with me." he murmurs.
"Me too." I whisper as I snake my arms around him.
"I have to leave now." Billie mumbles as he gets up. I stand up as well and place my hands on the back of his neck.
"Rock the world Billie Joe." I whisper as I stand on my tip-toes and give him a long passionate kiss.
"One month." Billie whispers as he picks up his bag and leaves the room.

I stay in bed a little while longer, until the phone starts ringing. I walk over to the kitchen and pick it up.
"Adie, it's Tanya."
"Hey Tanya. What's up?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to do something today since I'm leaving tomorrow."
"Yeah sure, come over. The guys just left and I'm supposed to go wedding dress shopping today."
"Oh fun!" she says excitedly, "I'll be over soon."
"Okay see you later." I say hanging up the phone.

In the next hour Lisea and Ana found their way over to my apartment and we sat on the couch making raunchy comments about random soap operas on TV.
"Oh that's so sweet, Marcy gave Dave a blowjob so he could gather up the courage to tell his ex-wife that her step-cousin is in a coma after a tragic skiing accident." Lisea says as we all burst out laughing. We change channel and it was now Ana's turn to make up a scenario for what was happening in the scene in front of us.

"Gabrielle doesn't want to go back to her parents so she's going to perform kinky favors for the old guy."
"Uck nasty." I say mid-laugh as I change the channel in search of another soap. "Aha, the blond is stealing cash from Greg because he ripped her off last time he called her as an escort."

"It's open!" I yell.
"Hey." Tanya says as she shuts the door behind her. "What are you doing?"
"We're too cynical to sit through any of these soaps so we're just flipping through them and deciding what's going to happen before switching channel." Lisea says intelligently.
"Oh okay." Tanya says as she comes to sit with us. "I thought you were going dress shopping today."
"Stores only open at ten, it's only nine." I say as I turn off the TV. Lisea stands up and goes to the washroom.
"So what do we do till then?"
"Umm breakfast?" I say as I make my way over to the fridge. The flush of the toilette is heard and Lisea steps into the kitchen with the rest of us.
"What's today?"
"Tuesday." Ana mumbles.
"The what?"
"Tuesday May 16, 1994." Ana says rolling her eyes.
"Jeez attitude." Tanya mumbles.
"Why'd you want to know?" I ask as I pull an apple out of the fridge and bite into it carelessly.
"Uhh... Oh... Nothing, nothing." Lisea says suspiciously. I shrug off my suspicions; I don't really feel like interrogating her at the moment.
"Where's the cat?" Tanya asks, obviously bored with the conversation.
"Zero should be around here some where, he usually hides under the couch." I say as Tanya goes off on her quest to find him.

After about an hour we head down to the major shopping streets in search of my wedding dress.
"Where are all the bridal shops?" Tanya asks as we walk down the busy street.
"Mainly on the next block." I reply as we carelessly walk down the street while people push and shove past us. We enter the first shop and a creepily happy lady comes up to us.
"So who's the bride to be?"
"Umm me." I say lifting my hand in there air humorously.
"Ahh you'll make such a pretty bride." She says awkwardly, I could tell she had issues with my dreads, she just kept staring. "So what kind of dress were you thinking of?"
"Something simple, nothing with long sleeves."
"Is price an issue?" I look over at Lisea and Ana who are snickering at this uptight woman.
"Not really." I say as she leads us to a dressing room.
"So I'll just take your measurements." A younger employee says as we enter the over-sized dressing room. I stand up on a pedestal thing and the employee bustles around me with a measuring tape and a note pad.
"Alright, I'll be right back with a few dresses."

"This is an interesting way of shopping, they bring you the clothes." Ana says smirking, "It really differs from head shops and stuff, where you have to attempt to find out how much something costs by trying to reason with some stoned ex-hippy."
"Yeah, but at least the hippy doesn't judge you." I say shaking my head.
"Honestly, what is that woman's problem?" Lisea says rolling her eyes.
"I guess she's used to prep brides who come shopping with their mommy with their daddy's plastic." Tanya says laughing. "And you look younger than you are, so it's like selling a wedding dress to a teenager."
"Here we are." The perky lady says as she and her assistant enter the dressing room with like four dresses. I look over the dresses.
"They're all so..... I don't know.... Puffy!" I say as look at the mass amounts of fabric.
"Well they're the latest style." The woman says worriedly.
"Well then the latest style isn't my style." I say as I hear Ana snickering behind me, "Listen I'm getting married in July, in case you haven't noticed that's in summer, I want something light, airy."
"Something Billie can get you out of easily." Lisea snorts, the once perky lady now looks un-amused.

"I think I saw something you'd like, I think it's in your size too." The assistant says excitedly.
"And what would that be?" the no longer perky lady asks crossing her arms.
"We got it in this morning, the one with the V-neck and it's about ankle length."
"Well that's not exactly...."
"Get it." I say cutting off the annoying woman. The woman starts turning red, oooo she was pissed alright. Her assistant was doing a better job then she was. The assistant returns with a dress in a packaging bag. She removes the bag and I can finally see the dress.
"It looks awesome." I say as I take the hanger from her and go behind the screen to change. I come out and look in the mirror; it was perfect.

"What do you think?" I ask as I turn to the others.
"Perfect." Tanya says wide eyed.
"It's so you." Ana says in awe.
"Hmm and by the looks of it Billie accessible." Lisea says laughing.
"I'm just looking out for you on your wedding night, last thing you want is the moment ruined by a million buttons down your back." She says intelligently.
"True." I say turning around to look in the mirror again.
"You look great." The assistant says as her boss storms out of the dressing room. "Would you like a veil." I think about it for a moment.
"No, I don't think so."
"Why not?" Tanya asks.
"Veils are because the groom hasn't seen the bride yet." I say as I look myself over in the mirror once more before heading behind the screen again to change.
"She's had sex with Billie so she figures the veil is pointless." Lisea spells out.
"Oh okay." Tanya says as she goes silent.
"How will you wear your hair then?" Ana asks, breaking the silence.
"I don't know, maybe put flowers in it." I say as I come out from behind the screen with the dress over one arm.
"So, you'll be taking it?" the assistant asks.
"Definitely." I say as I hand her the dress and follow her to the cash register.

"Well that was fast." Tanya says as we walk onto the street, "What do we do now?"
"Well you three are going to need something to wear." I say as we walk past a few other bridal boutiques.
"I already bought my dress, its back home." Tanya says shrugging.
"Well, I don't have anything to wear." Ana says as she looks in the window of one of the stores. "Let's go in here, I see something I like."