Front Porch Story

Front porch

Ana and I were just sitting in her apartment one afternoon bored senseless when we hear Lisea banging on the door furiously. Ana gets up and walks over to the door and opens it.
"I'm pregnant!" Lisea yells.
"Say what?" I ask.
"Pregnant, I just got back from the doctor. A few days before they left, Tre's condom ripped and well I though nothing of it, till the day we went shopping for your wedding dress. I was late that day." She rambles.
"Okay." Ana says a little freaked out. "Have you told Tre yet?"
"Oh jeez, how am I going to tell him." she says flopping down on the couch hysterically.
"Calm down." I say as I sit next to her. "All you have to do is call him up and tell him."
"I can't tell him, you have to tell him." she says pointing at me.
"Me? No."
"Please." She asks looking back and forth from Ana and myself, "Or tell Billie, or Mike and they'll tell Tre." I pick up the phone and flip through their touring papers looking for a phone number where I can reach Billie. I dial the number slowly, occasionally glancing at Lisea.

"Hey-lo." Billie's voice says slyly.
"Hey Billie."
"ADIE!!!!" he says excitedly.
"Umm Lisea told me to tell you to tell Tre that Lisea's pregnant with his baby." I say slowly.
"Lisea's pregnant."
"Umm, I can't tell him that." Billie says awkwardly.
"Bill who are you talking to?" Tre's voice bellows in the background.
"Put Lisea on the phone." Billie mutters. "Tre it's for you." I pass Lisea the phone.
"Hello . . . .. . . Tre, I've got some interesting news . . . . . . I'm . . . . I'm . . . . Well I'm pregnant. . . . . . Of course it's yours; who else's would it be. . . . . . No I'll be fine, you continue touring." She cups her hand over the phone. "Tre wants to speak to one of you." I take the phone and put it to my ear.
"No it's Adie."
"Oh Adie, can you watch over Lisea, make sure she's okay till I get back."
"Yeah sure."
"Make sure she eats right, doesn't drink."
"Yeah Tre don't worry she and baby Cool will be fine." I say rolling my eyes.
"Alright, well can I talk to Lisea again?"
"Okay." I say as I hand Lisea back the phone.

Lisea takes the phone and sits on the couch; I could tell this was going to be a long conversation.
"Wow, she's pregnant." Ana says in slight disbelief.
"Yeah, I can't believe it."
"Me neither, I mean like last week we were just a bunch of teenagers now you and Bill are getting married, Lisea and Tre are having a baby and Mike is talking about buying a house."
"I think we're doing that weird thing called growing up." I say as we watch Lisea ramble on the phone with Tre.
"I don't think any of us will ever grow up." Ana says smirking. "We just gain more responsibility."
"Two more weeks." I mumble.
"Two more weeks till the guys get back, three until the wedding."
"Nervous?" I shake my head.

*Two weeks later*
We await the guys' arrival; they were coming sometime this afternoon in their tour bus. At around two o'clock we here the sound of a horn coming from the parking lot.
"They're here!" Ana calls at she looks off the balcony. The three of us practically run to the elevator. We get downstairs and head out the main door to see the guys standing in front of the bus. I run up to Billie and wrap my arms around him and kiss him several times before letting go. I look over at the others, Tre was on one knee and Lisea had her hands over her mouth.
"Lisea," Tre pulls a velvet box out of his pocket, "Will you marry me?"
"Of course!" she says all teary eyed as she drops to her knees too and hugs Tre.
"No, you're supposed to be standing, like in the sappy movies." Tre complains.
"Sorry." She says laughing as she stands up again. Tre takes the ring and slides it on her finger. He stands up and gives her a long kiss.
"That's beautiful." Mike says pretending to cry.
"Shut up." Tre says looking over his shoulder at his band mate.
"Let's celebrate!" Billie exclaims as he leaves me to go inside the tour bus. He returns with a case of beer. He places the box on the ground and takes two out and passes one to me.

"Let's go leave our mark on the bus." Billie mumbles into my ear after a few beers.
"Our mark?"
"Yeah, you know." He says shifting his eyes.
"Only for you." I say laughing as he pulls me into the tour bus. Everyone else had already went back into the apartment, so I wasn't worried that Tre or someone would walk in.

I wake up the next morning lying on the floor in Billie's arms with a blue blanket on top of me. I look over at Billie who's still sound asleep, behind him the crooked fold-out bed which we broke the night before. My guess is their only made for one person. I get bored of just lying there so I kiss Billie's lips causing his eyes to flutter open.
"Morning." He says in his raspy morning voice.
"Don't you have to return the tour bus?"
"We pulled in a favor and we have it till the afternoon." He mumbles as he shifts his weight so he's resting on his elbow.
"You know how I said that I booked everything for the wedding?"
"Well apparently, it didn't book, so now we have no where to get married."
"You're calm, aren't you supposed to go bridezilla on my ass?" Billie asks smirking evilly.
"Nope." I say smiling.
"I got an idea." Billie says as he gets up and pulls on his pants and head to the driver's seat of the bus. I pull on some clothes and join him up front.
"Do you even know how to drive a bus?"
"Umm, no, but I watched Mars do it so it can't be that hard." He says as he starts the engine.
"That's what we called the driver, because he was always eating Mars bars." Billie says as he drives carefully down the street. "See, not that hard."
"Where are we going?"
"I can't tell you it's a surprise."
"Not another place to leave our mark." I say as I sit in the seat behind him.
"You'll see."

I become confused when I see we've driven into the suburbs.
"Billie, are you sure . . . ."
"We're here." We step out of the bus to see a house.
"It's a house."
"It's our house." He says wrapping his arm around me.
"Our house?"
"Yup." He says holding up a set of keys. He walks up to the front door and unlocks it, exaggerating every motion. "Well aren't you coming?"
"What? Oh yeah." I say as I hurry over to him.

"It's big." I say looking around. "What are we going to do with all the extra rooms?"
"Good question, I didn't really think about that." He says as he leads me toward the back of the house. We look out the patio door. "We can get married here."
"Of course." I say as I hug him happily.