Front Porch Story

Front porch

I wake up the next morning feeling more than comfortable in Billie's bed; it has such a nice Billie smell to it.
"Are you awake?" Billie whispers, sticking his head in the room.
"Would you mind if I got some clothes?"
"Not at all, but why are we whispering?" I ask in mockery of our conversation.
"Good question," he says as he walks in with only a towel wrapped around his waist. "I'll get back to you on that in six to eight weeks."
"Then forget about responding at all." He laughs and pulls out a pair of long shorts and a t-shirt. "Oh would you like your privacy?" I ask, about to get out of his bed.
"Nah, it's okay, I show more than this on stage sometimes."
"You strip down at your gigs?"
"Yeah, when I want to get the audience enticed." He gets dressed and heads out of the room. "The shower is all yours." I clamber out of bed and grab some clothes out of my bag and walk into the bathroom.
"AHH! Tre, what are you doing here?" I yelp.
"Using the toilette, now if you don't mind, either video tape me or go away." I shut the door and wait for him to finish up in the bathroom.
"Did you ever hear of locking the door?" I ask him as he walks out of the bathroom.
"Did you ever hear of knocking?" I roll my eyes at him and went to take my shower. I walk downstairs to find Billie sitting with a bowl of cereal and Tre rummaging through the kitchen cupboards.
"Does he always do this?" I whisper to Billie Joe. He just shrugs.
"Meh, it's Tre. Oh, what do you want to eat?"
"I guess I'll have cereal, like you." As I say this Tre threw a box of cheerios at me. "Umm, thanks Tre." I eat my bowl of cereal on edge about the whole Tre throwing boxes of food at me.
"Oh, we have guests," Billie Joe's mother says, walking into the kitchen. "Hello Adrienne dear, how's your mother."
"Fine, I guess," I say, looking down at my empty bowl.
"She got in a fight with her mommy yesterday, that's why she slept over," Tre says in a tattle-tell voice. Billie didn't stand for this; he whacked Tre swiftly across the head.
"Billie Joe Armstrong!" his mother exclaims, apparently appalled at his behavior. "Not in front of a lady."

"Hey Dad, can I stay with you for a while?" I ask, standing at the door of his apartment.
"Yeah, of course, but who are these two?" he asks, motioning towards Billie and Tre.
"They insisted on tagging along, this is Billie Joe and that's..."
"I'm Tre," Tre exclaimed happily.
"Please tell me you're dating the dark haired one," my dad whispers in my ear.
"Yeah, I am."
"Well, put you can put your stuff in the guest room, but you'll have to leave now, I have to go to a meeting."
"Aw, can't we stay here?" Tre whines.
"I rather you don't, I don't have an extra key."
"Its okay dad, we'll hang out at Billie's till you get back." I say, putting my bag down.
"Alright, I should be back around 6:30," he states as he escorts us out of the building.

"I have to go back to Minnesota in two days, are you coming with me or are you going back to live with your mother?" my father asks me over dinner later that week.
"I'm sure as hell not going back to mom's," I say, shaking my head, still upset.
"Alright then, I'll call Kathy and tell her you're coming, oh, Tanya will be so happy you're staying with us."
Kathy is my step-mother, she's really nice. The sad part is she treats me more like a daughter than my real mother does. Tanya is my half-sister, she's a hyper-active little 15 year old, but she's nice as well, very naïve though.
"I can't wait," I say, while inside I know I'm going to miss the hell out of Billie.