Front Porch Story

Front porch

I wake up in my bed alone. For a second I wonder where Billie is then I remember Ollie and Kathy insisting he stay at Mike's house because it was bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony. Tre and Lisea were the only ones still living in the apartment.

I walk down the stairs and smell food. I get to the kitchen to see Kathy and Ollie bustling around with pots, cutting boards, vegetables, and knives, Tanya is sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee.
"Morning," Tanya says as she goes to pour me some coffee.
"Kathy, Ollie, what's going on?" I ask slowly as Tanya hands me my mug of coffee.
"We're just cooking," Kathy says as she stirs something in a pot.
"For the wedding of course," Ollie says laughing.
"But Billie and I decided we'd all just go down to a restaurant after the ceremony."
"Well we thought we'd eat here and then go out for drinks," Kathy says chirpily.
"Does Billie know about this?" I ask as I sit at the table with my sister.
"Umm no," Ollie says thinking to herself.
"I'll call him then," I say reaching for the phone.
"Don't you dare! You can't talk to him," Kathy says snatching the phone away.
"Damn tradition," I mumble as I take a sip of coffee. "Where's dad?"
"He went over to Mike's to make sure everything was okay on the guys end." Tanya says as we decide to step out into the backyard to get away from the hustle and bustle.

"Are you nervous?" Tanya asks as we lean against the railing, coffee mugs in hand.
"No, just anxious," I say smiling, I can't help it, I'm giddy.
"What's going on in there?" Lisea asks from behind us, followed by the sound of the back door being shut.
"They decided to cater," I mumble. "Did you bring your camera stuff?"
"Yeah, my bag's inside," she says nodding as she too leans against the railing. "Tre just dropped me off, now he's going to see Billie."
"Stop saying Billie," Tanya whispers, causing me to laugh.
"Why not?" Lisea asks amused.
"Because she wants to see him, or at least speak to him but mom and mom-in-law won't let her."
"Shut up," I mumble as I take another sip of coffee. Kathy comes bustling outside.
"Adrienne, Anastasia just got here with the flowers, come, come."
"I guess it's time to be a bride." I say as I finish off my coffee and head inside.

"So umm would you like me to do your hair?" Ana asks after we've all gotten settled down.
"Uhh sure." I say awkwardly.
"So, you still want flowers in your hair, right?"
"Yeah." I say as she starts to pin up my hair. After about fifteen minutes of poking and prodding at my hair Ana hands me mirror.

"It looks great." I say in admiration.
"Adrienne, you should really get dressed soon, it's already past noon." Ollie says looking at her watch.

I head up to my room and pull the dress out of my closet and unzip the bag and take it off the hanger. I place it on the bed and stare at it for a moment, this is it, I'm getting married today. It was finally sinking in. I slip into my dress and head down to the living room where I'm startled by a flash.
"Lisea, you could've warned me first." I say blinking a few times.
"Umm sorry." She gibbers as she snaps another shot.
"Oh you look so beautiful," Kathy says sappily.
"Mom, you're being sappy," Tanya mutters as she rolls her eyes.
"Oh, oh the guys are here!" Ollie calls from the window.
"Really?!" I say excitedly as I attempt to go up to the window as well.
"I don't think so." Ollie says shutting the curtains quickly.
"Go upstairs. The four of you, c'mon." Kathy says as she shoos Lisea, Ana, Tanya and I up the stairs.

I hear murmurs of the guys voices coming from downstairs.
"This isn't a traditional wedding," I mumble.
"Just do this for Mom's sake or I'll have to hear about it the whole flight home tomorrow," Tanya says as I pace back and forth in my room.
"Hey how's it going?" Tre asks in a corky voice as he enters my room. Lisea goes over and hugs him.
"Oh Adie, Billie is going to be pleased."
"Shut up," I mumble.
"Oh yeah Ollie sent me up here to tell you that the officiate is here and the ceremony is going to start in about five minutes," Tre says as he cuddles with Lisea.
"Oh, I should go downstairs and set up," Lisea says as she and Tre leave the room.
"Are you ready?" Ana asks as she stands up from her chair.
"Yeah, can I just be alone a minute?" I ask as I shut the door behind Tanya and Ana.

I go over to my dresser and pull out the piece of paper that I wrote my wedding vows on. I read it over the already memorized words several times before placing it back in my drawer. Walking out of my room Tanya hands me my bouquet of flowers.
"You ready?"
"Of course."
"I think I should warn you."
"Warn me about what?"
"Billie sort of dyed his hair blonde."
"Oh okay, I thought it was something worse," I say laughing.
"Oh okay. Well here's your cue," she says as she opens the patio door for me.

I step out into the summer sun and see Billie Joe standing there, next to the officiate. He was in a tuxedo with a red bow tie, he looked great. I smiled as I walked across the back yard to meet him. Lisea was snapping pictures randomly, but I can see her concentration on every shot. I finally reached Billie Joe and he was smiling like there was no tomorrow.

We said our vows and the rest of the ceremony just seemed to fly by, next thing I knew the officiate said.
"You may now kiss." Billie cupped my cheeks and gave me long entrancing kiss.
"Oh yeah that's the stuff!" Tre yells causing both of us to laugh hence ending our first kiss as a married couple.
"Wow, that has to be the shortest ceremony I've ever held," the officiate says as he looks at his watch. "Only five minutes."
"WOOHOO!" Billie Joe says happily. "I'm married!"
"Hitched!" Mike yells clapping.