Front Porch Story

Front porch

Dear god my head is hurting, I think to myself as memories of the night before come back to me. After eating at home we all headed down to the Claremont Hotel, at about ten o'clock Ollie, Tanya, Kathy and my dad went back to my house, but the rest of us stayed behind and got pissed drunk. Well all of us except Lisea, she had soda and was also the designated driver. Billie and I decided to stay at the hotel because we realized we can't spend our wedding night at home, especially with our family in the next room. Mike, Ana, Tre and Lisea left the hotel around 3AM, but Billie and I's wild night didn't end when they left.

So here I am now, lying in the honeymoon suite with a hell of a hangover including the urge to puke. Billie is snoring lightly due to the fact his head is craned weirdly against the pillow. I remember I brought aspirin, it was in my bag. I lazily get up and unzip my suitcase. I pull out my cosmetic bag and open it and grab the small bottle of aspirin and pop a couple in my mouth, as I replace the cap I see a few kotex in my bag. I remember last week I was happy because my period would be over by the time of the wedding, but I never got my period. I look over at Billie who's sound asleep, he'd be out for a while.

I quickly get dressed and creep out of the room. Across the street is a pharmacy so I quickly head there to buy a pregnancy test. I quietly re-enter the honeymoon suite to see that Billie is still asleep. I walk into the washroom and take the test. I wait the required five minutes then look at the test. It's positive. I'm pregnant.

I step out of the washroom and sit on the chair near the bed and stare at Billie for a while thinking about how I should tell him. He eventually wakes up and looks over at me.

"Adie, why are you dressed?" he asks evilly, I can tell he's hungover too.

"I had to go buy something."

"And what would that be?" he asks raising his eyebrows.

"Remember when you returned from tour, we decided to leave our mark in the tour bus."

"Sorry babe, I can't get the bus again," he says laughing.

"Well, we also forgot to use a condom and...I'm pregnant."



"You're not trying to prank me or something, Tre didn't put you up to this."

"No," I say as I walk up to the bed, I take Billie's hand and put it on my stomach, "Your child."

"Wow, wow, wow, I'm going to be a father," he says in slight disbelief.

"Yeah," I say as I lie next to him.


"Please say something besides wow," I plead. "Are you upset?"

"No, I'm just surprised," he says slowly, "Wow."

"You said wow again."

"Sorry," he says as he sits up, "So we're having a kid."

"Yeah, I think I already said that."

"This is good news," Billie says nodding, "Tre and Lisea are having a kid too, this'll be great."

"Yeah," I say trying to convince myself as much as I was to convince Billie, to tell the truth I'm scared shitless.