Front Porch Story

Front porch

The guys had two more weeks of touring before they ended their Dookie tour. I watch Billie from the bed as he packs up his bag. He comes up to the bed and kisses my forehead.

"Will you be okay?" he whispers.

"I'll be fine."

"Are you sure, because five minutes ago you puked up half your body weight." I laugh a little.

"Apparently puking up half my body weight is normal in this strange thing called morning sickness."

"Maybe we should call off the rest of the tour, seeing Lisea and Tre are going through the same thing." Billie says as he wraps his arms around me, "I should stay here and take care of you."

"That wouldn't be fair to Mike." I mumble.

"I'm not married to Mike and Mike isn't carrying my child." Billie says smirking.

"I sure as hell hope not." I say laughing, "Considering he doesn't have a uterus."

"Ahh the technical terms."

"Yes well what would you rather me say?" I ask laughing.


"You're taxi is going to be here soon." I mumble as I look over at the clock. We hear a couple of honks from outside. "Speak of the devil."

Billie tightens his grasp around me as he kisses me good bye.

I decide to get up about half an hour after Billie left. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of orange juice. It was a strange site to see not a single beer in the fridge. I place my hand over my stomach, two weeks into my pregnancy, two weeks of no alcohol, two weeks of watching everything I ate, two weeks of Billie Joe constantly worrying about me and thirty-eight more weeks of this.

I sit at the kitchen table sipping my juice and flipping through a music scene magazine. I can't help but be thankful that Lisea's pregnant too; I mean I have someone to talk to about this whole pregnancy thing. Tre has also gone a little berserk over the whole baby thing, I've never seen him so paranoid, and I've seen him on acid trips. Lisea's baby is due in January, mine's due in March. It seems so far away.