Front Porch Story

Front porch

"Go, go fumes are bad." Billie insists as Mike arrives at our house in early February.
"But I want to see." I whine.
"You can see when it's done." He says as he tries to get me out of the house.
"It better be baby friendly."
"Very baby friendly, and no subliminal messages like Disney." Mike adds in as I head out to the car. I drive over to Mike's house where I'm supposed to have coffee with Ana or something.

"I got kicked out." I say laughing as Ana answers the door.
"Awe, that's too bad." She teases as we walk into the kitchen, "I just got off the phone with Lisea, apparently they're getting married in March."
"Awesome." I say as we sit at the table.
"I feel so left out, you and Lisea both have babies."
"No, not really." Ana says shaking her head, "Not after seeing both of you go through morning sickness."
"As nervous as I am, I'm really starting wish I could just have this baby now."
"Why's that?"
"I miss my regular clothes, I miss beer and I miss well . . . . Billie."
"Billie . . . oh. . . . Thanks for sharing that." She says disturbed.
"No problem." I say as I sip the mug of coffee in front of me.

Later that afternoon, the phone rings and Ana gets up to pick it up.
"Hello . . . . . alright. . . . .see you then." Ana hangs up the phone, "The guys are finished."
"Okay, let's go see." I say as I get up and we head to the door. We take my car back to my house. As we pull into the driveway Billie runs out to meet us.
"You're going to love it." He mumbles in my ear.
"I hope so." I say as we make our way into the house.

We walk up to the room Billie chose for the baby. The walls are painted green, there's a crib in one corner and a rocking chair in another. There's also a changing table with some stuffed animals on it along with the other stuff from the baby shower. Lisea and I shared a baby shower back in the beginning of December.

"Billie it's beautiful." I say as I wrap my arms around him.
"You like it." I nod into his shoulder; I could tell he was smiling without even looking at him. "Baby likes it too." I say as I feel the unborn child kick, I place Billie's hand on my stomach so he can feel too.