Front Porch Story

Front porch

The term VERY pregnant could be used for what I am right now. I'm looking in the bathroom mirror as I apply my make-up. It's my final month of pregnancy, at least I hope so, I've heard about babies which come like a month late.
"Adie, are you ready to go?" Billie asks as he walks into the washroom. I smack my lips to get my lipstick even.
"Yup." I say as we head out. Tre being married is such a funny thought, but so is him being a father. So is Billie being a father, I mean none of them had really left teenage-hood.

We near the small chapel where Lisea and Tre's wedding is to be held. Billie and I go to sit down near the front of the chapel where Mike and Ana are already sitting. Tre walks up to the front of the chapel smiling like a mad man, when gets to the front he gives us the thumbs up signal. I look around to see Lisea's mother holding Ramona. Tre's father and step-mother are sitting not far behind. Wedding music starts and Lisea walks down the isle. She lost all the weight she gained from the pregnancy and was glowing with happiness as she stopped next to Tre.

"Do you Frank Tre Cool Wright take Lisea Lyons to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward?"
"I do." Tre says sure of himself.
"And do you Lisea Lyons take Frank Tre Cool Wright to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward?"
"I do." She says smiling.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss." We all watch as Tre cups Lisea's cheeks as gives her a long kiss.
"WOOHOO!" Mike and Billie yell as we all clap.

We all head down to this restaurant where Lisea and Tre had rented out the hall. There's plenty of food and they got a deejay to play so we got to dance. It was a blast.

Lisea, Ana and I sit back stage of the Much Music studio where the guys are finishing up playing as band of the month. Ramona is asleep in her stroller. We can over hear the guys playing lightly in the background. I'm feeling a little uneasy so I decide to pace back and forth suddenly I realize my pants are all wet, and apparently so do Lisea and Ana.
"You have to get to a hospital." Lisea says urgently. I start to freak out a bit as I realize what's happening.
"But Billie's still playing."
"I'll take you." Ana says as she pulls on her jacket and hands me mine.
"I'll tell Billie the second he gets off stage." Lisea reassures me as Ana and I hurry out the door to where Mike's car is.

The drive is unnerving, this baby is coming, it's coming now. I'm not sure if I'm ready for a kid. We pull up to the hospital and I go inside while Ana goes to park the car. I head up to the main desk and I feel an extreme cramp. This must be a contraction, I think to myself.
"My water broke." I say to the woman behind the desk. She looks me over quickly and mumble something into a walkie-talkie. A couple of interns come up to me with a wheel chair and take me to the elevator.
"Have your contractions started yet?" one of them asks me. I nod as I feel one at that very moment.

The take me to a room where I feel like everything's being rushed as I find myself lying on a bed with my legs up in stirrups as the doctor checks how many centimeters I am. I had already changed into a hospital gown and gotten an epidermal.
"This baby's coming fast." The doctor mutters.
"Is that a bad thing?" I ask quickly.
"No, just telling you." she says as she looks over the heart rate sheet. Ana comes into the room.
"How's it going?"
"Apparently this baby's coming fast."
"Oh." She says awkwardly.

"We're taking you to delivery now." A nurse says as she and another nurse help me onto a stretcher.
"What? No, Billie's not here yet." I say quickly.
"I'm sorry, but there's no time." I glance at Ana nervously.
"Don't worry he should be here soon." She says as they wheel me off.

"Adrienne, we're going to need you to push." The doctor says seriously, what a demand at this state of time. I wanted Billie here next to me. I do as the doctor demanded, how did women do this without epidurals because this has got to be the most uncomfortable sensations ever. "I see the head, keep pushing."
"Adie!" Billie says as he runs into the room, he's sweaty from stage lights. I look over at him and I feel a hell of a lot better.
"Adrienne, just one more good push." Billie comes up to me and grabs my hand.

"You were right, it's a boy." Billie says as I rest my head back finally. He kisses my forehead. The nurse puts my son in my arms.
"He's beautiful." I say with tears of happiness rolling down my cheek.
"Yeah, he is." Billie says as he strokes his finger across his son's forehead. "He's so tiny." I look down at my son he was so small, so fragile, a little baby, my baby. "What do you want to name him." I had thought about this on my way to the hospital.
"Joseph." I say confidently, "I rather not have him named after a band."
"Yeah okay." Billie says laughing lightly.