Front Porch Story

Front porch

Two years later
Billie's coming home from touring tonight for the Christmas season and I want everything to be perfect. I know that sounds slightly pathetic and possibly sexist but I don't care. I hear Billie open the front door.
"Adie, you home?"
"Billie!" I say excitedly as I wrap my arms around him.
"I've missed you," he mumbles into my neck. "Where's Joey?"
"Tanya's babysitting, so we have the whole house and the whole night to ourselves."
"I like the sound of that." He growls as he drops his bag and picks me up. "The couch, the kitchen table, the floor, where would you like it?"
"Hmm surprise me." I whisper into his ear. I hate to think he'll be back on tour within a week.

I wake up the next morning spooned in Billie's arms on the sofa with only a throw blanket to cover us. As it must have become apparent that Billie had chosen the sofa along with the floor.
"Morning." I say as I put my lips against his neck. I feel his arms tighten around me.
"I missed you." he says mid-yawn.
"By your actions last night, I could tell." I say giggling. I look over at the clock and see how late in the morning it is. "We have to get Joey now."
"Alright." Billie says finally releasing his grasp from me.

We get dressed and head on over to Tanya's apartment. Her roommate answers the door, a guy with a short blue Mohawk and one ear full of piercings; I'm still trying to figure out if he and Tanya are an "item."
"Heya Adie, Billie." He says as he lets us in. Tanya walks into the main part of the apartment with Joey holding her hand.
"Daddy!" Joey squeals as he runs up to us. Billie picks him up and starts making funny faces.
"Hey Joey, was Tanya and Mr. Mohawk nice to you?"
"Yup!" Joey exclaims happily, "Who's Mr. Mohawk?"
"Nate." I say as I watch my son nod.

"So did you have fun?" Tanya asks as she pulls me aside. I slap her arm playfully.
"So what's the deal with you and Nate?"
"What d'you mean?"
"I mean I know you."
"Fine, but don't tell Dad I don't want him all freaking out."
"Awe but that's half the fun." I say evilly, "Fine I won't tell Dad. So seriously what's the deal?"
"I don't know, we're together and well yeah." She says shrugging.
"Tell me more." This is so much fun, now the tables have turned and she's the one with the questionable boyfriend.
"He's getting pretty far in pro skating." She says shrugging, "He got accepted onto the Roxy team so this summer he'll be touring and stuff."
"See was that so hard to tell me." I say in mockery, "Us Nessers and our touring men." Tanya can't help but start laughing.

"What are you doing tonight?"
"Why?" she asks slightly rudely.
"It's Christmas Eve."
"Oh! Well there's this party thing that we were invited to, and you?"
"We're going to Mike's and then tomorrow everyone's coming to our place, you and Nate should come."
"Why? Did you invite Dad?"
"No, they're staying in Minnesota this year."
"You sure?"
"Yes Tanya!" I say slightly annoyed.

That evening we head over to Mike's where he answers the door with his daughter in his arms. In the past year or so Mike and Ana got married and had Estelle. Estella or Stella is the apple of Mike's eye and whenever he's back from touring they seem practically inseparable. The party is slow paced, especially with Tre not here. Tre is in New York visiting Ramona, in the past year Tre and Lisea's marriage disintegrated. I've personally come to the conclusion that he married her because she got 'knocked up.'

The rest of the Christmas came and passed all too quickly and Billie Joe and the guys were back on tour.