Front Porch Story

Front porch

"Mommy, why can't Zero come?" Joey asks as he holds his four legged friend delicately.
"Because Zero wouldn't like traveling." I try to explain, "He likes to stay in one place."
"Is that why he sleeps a lot?"
"It might be."
"Can't he sleep on the bus?"
"No, because the bus moves too much."
"Awe." He whines.
"C'mon we have to get going, and we still have to take Zero to Aunt Tanya's."
"Wait!" Joey demands, "I want to take Blue with me." he runs off to get his stuffed animal and returns moments later, just as I put Zero in his cage.
"Ready?" I ask as we head out to the waiting taxi.

We get to Tanya's apartment where we see her waiting outside like I asked her to. I step out of the taxi and hand her Zero's cage.
"Have a good trip." She says waving.
"Thanks, bye."

We get to the airport and I sit Joey in the trolley and move our suitcases on it. I'm a little nervous because this is the first time I take Joey on a plane. I would've been more comfortable traveling with Anastasia and Estelle but I had to stay behind a little while longer to take care of Adeline business. Honestly, starting our own record company seemed like such a good idea, but it's really a lot of work.

"Mommy, my ears hurt." He says on the verge of tears when the plane lifts off. I hand him his sippy cup.
"Drink your juice and it will stop hurting." I say calmly. His sippy cup stays glued to his face for a good ten minutes. I just hope that now he doesn't become air sick.

"How much longer till we get to see Daddy?"
"About an hour on the plane and then another half hour after that, so an hour and a half."
"Whoa! That's a long time!" he says in disbelief.
"It's the same as three TV shows."
"Ohhh." He whines as he hugs his blue toy dog tighter. "Why does daddy have to be so far away?" I don't answer his question, but he doesn't seem to mind. I can't wait to see Billie Joe either, and tell him the great news.

We eventually land, and get past the baggage pick up and we head past the gates to see Billie Joe standing there happily.
"Look Daddy's here."
"Where?" Joey asks eagerly.
"Right over there." I say as I push the trolley towards Billie Joe.
"Daddy!" Joey squeals as Billie picks him up.
"How ya doing?" he asks as he puts his face close to Joey's.
"Airplanes are boring!"
"Yeah I know." Billie says laughing as he turns to me, "How was the trip Adie?" he kisses my lips softly.
"It was good." I say taking in his scent as he wraps one arm around me. "I finished up the last deal at Adeline so I'm glad that's settled too."
"That's great." He says as he puts Joey back in the trolley and commences on heading towards the door.

"Tre managed to convince Lisea to come on tour with Ramona." Billie says casually as I pick up Joey.
"I can walk myself!" Joey protests, so I put him on the ground and take his hand.
"He must be in hog heaven then."
"Yup, just about." Billie says as he takes the two suitcases and we head into the tour bus.

Tre is sitting on the sofa with Ramona on his lap, their watching some cartoon and Lisea is at the kitchenette making herself a coffee.
"Joey," I say as I crouch down to his level. "Do you remember Ramona?" he shakes his head.
"I remember you!" Ramona says pointing at me and Joey.
"Hi Ra-moe-naa." He says sheepishly.

Mike and Ana walk out of the back part of the bus where the bunks are with Stella in Mike's arms.
"Oh hi Adie." Ana says happily.
"Hi." I say as I watch Joey climb up onto the sofa, making himself comfortable as the bus rumbles to a start. We spend a few minutes catching up when Billie and I casually slink to the back of the bus.

We casually lie on one of the bunks as his hand moves up and down my side slowly.
"I have something to tell you." I whisper, he smiles.
"And what's that."
"Certain smells are making me nauseous, my boobs are tender and I've been craving weird food."
"What?" he asks reading my expression. "Are you-"
"I'm pregnant." I say into his ear. I back my face away from his to see him smiling.
"That's great." He says as he leans forward and kisses me passionately.