Front Porch Story

Front porch

My time touring had come to an end. Time to go back to the real world and make sure Adeline records is on track. Touring wasn't as fun as it could've been, dealing with morning sickness and everything. But now we're back in Oakland and the guys have the week off.

"When's the baby coming?" Joey asks as he points at my stomach.

"In about six months," I explain as his jaw drops.

"That's a really, really long time!" he exclaims as Billie scoops him up.

"So do you want a little sister or a little brother?" Billie asks.


The sound of the doorbell rings through the house.

"I shall get it!" Billie exclaims as he charges for the door. "Ahh, if it's not my sister-in-law, oh and hi Nate." I head over to the entrance to see my half sister.

"Hey Tanya."

"Zero!" Joey exclaims as he sees the familiar green cage. Nate places the cage on the floor and Joey spares no time in getting his furry friend free.

"Well come in, come in," I say leading them back to the living room.

I look over at Tanya and she looks like she's about to burst.

"Tanya are you okay?" I ask looking her over, usually she has a million things to say and not enough time to say it.

"We're having a baby!" she exclaims, Nate nods proudly.

"Congratulations," I say hugging her. "Wait, what are you going to tell Dad?"

"Well Mom and Dad came to California while you were gone and well-"

"Was he alright?"

"Yeah, I guess after Billie, nothing can affect him."

"Awe, I desensitize people," Billie says cheesily. "Well congratulations." He shakes Nate's hand.

"So when did you find out?" I ask as we sit on the sofas in the living room.

"Umm yesterday," Nate says clearly.

"Pst," Tanya says laughing, "How long exactly does morning sickness last?"

"Fourteen to sixteen weeks," I say laughing as well, but she turns serious.

"Are you serious?"

"Umm yeah," I say glancing at Billie who's nodding. She looks nervously at Nate.

"Then how come women say being pregnant is the best experience?"

"No that's just a nice way of saying sex is the best experience ever," I snicker. Billie laughs as he wraps his arms around me. "But seriously, some moments of it is worth the morning sickness." I get up and head to the book shelf in the next room. I get a "what to expect" books that I've practically memorized when I was pregnant with Joey.

"Here," I say handing it to her.

"Thanks," she says looking over at Nate.

"Yay! Bedtime reading," he squeals. I have to admit, Nate is one interesting character.

"Hey, how are you going to tell your Dad?" Billie asks evilly.

"Umm," Tanya says thinking to herself.

"We'll just tell them," Nate says simply. "Didn't Billie say he already desensitized him?"

"Not exactly, he fucking flipped out when he found out Adie was pregnant with Joey."

"He did?" I ask sort of shocked.

"Yeah the whole plane ride home he was going on and on about how you two were too young to start having kids, and even how you were too immature to be married." I can't help but start laughing and Billie joins in.

"Oh yeah laugh it up," she says crossing her arms.

"It's okay babe, we'll be okay," Nate says as he kisses her temple. At that moment, I fully accepted Nate. The only guy deserving of my little sister.

"Let's do role playing!" Billie exclaims, "I'll play the grand Mr. Nesser."

"Let me guess, I'm playing Kathy?" I say laughing, Billie nods.

"Now, do you plan on marrying my daughter?" Billie says in a perfect imitation of my father.

"That's scary," Tanya says with big eyes.

"Seriously, that was so him," Nate adds in nodding. Billie smiles proudly.