Front Porch Story

Front porch

Billie was downstairs with Joey when my water broke. I woke up and went to the washroom and just as I was about to get dressed it happened. I fell to my knees and called out to Billie. He ran up the stairs without delay and helped me to my feet.
"Alright, to the hospital then," he says leading me to the car. Joey followed and practically strapped himself into his car seat. We had told him ahead of time that we might have to leave in a rush.

We drove down the main streets, luckily there aren't many cars on the road on Saturday mornings. We arrive at the hospital and just like when I was giving birth to Joey I was rushed off to a room and given pain killers.
"Doctor says you'll be here a while," Billie says kissing my forehead. "I'm going to take Joey to Tre's."
"Alright, see you in a while," I mumble.
"Bye Mommy." Joey says and he kisses my cheek. They leave the room and I look over at my roommate.

"So it's your second," she says casually.
"Yup, and yourself?"
"First," she says nervously, "And my husband is on a business trip so right now I'm scared shitless."
"Well you'll be fine," I say as my heart goes out to this woman. "I went into labor while my husband was playing a gig with my son."
"Yeah, his band mate's fiancée had to take me to the hospital," I laugh. "But they got the message to him right on time; he got to the hospital a moment before Joey was born."
"Oh well, if this baby can hold out another three hours then my husband will be here," she says rubbing her stomach hopefully.

"So he's in a band?" the woman asks.
"Yeah, Green Day."
"Oh yeah I've heard of them, Good Riddance right?"
"Yeah. My name's Adie by the way."
"I'm Brenna."
"Where's the nurse?" I whine, "I need ice chips."
"Me too," Brenna says craning her neck to see out the door. "Excuse me!"
"Yes?" a nurse says popping her head into the room.
"We need ice chips," I say, the nurse nods and walks away. She returns a couple of minutes later with two cups. She hands one to me and one to Brenna.

"So did your water break yet?" I ask trying to make conversation, the silence of the room was killing me.
"Umm, they had to break it," she says shrugging, "because of the contractions and stuff like that."
"Oh," I say nodding, "so, are you expecting a boy or a girl?"
"Girl, we're naming her Emily."
"That's sweet."
"What about you?"
"We decided we didn't want to know, I think it's a boy though," I say puting my hand on my stomach as I feel another contraction. "If it's boy we're naming him Jakob, with a k instead of a c."
"That's cool."
"Yeah, and Billie, my husband," she nods, "wants his middle name to be Danger."
"Oh well he is a rock star. Rock star kids are supposed to have weird names."
"Perhaps you're right," I laugh. "I have been considering it."
"And if it's a girl?"
"Umm good question," I laugh, "I just have such a strong feeling it's a boy."
"How are you doing?" Billie asks coming back into the room.
"Well okay I guess," I say as he pecks my lips. "Just chatting about baby names."
"So what do you think about Jakob Danger?" he asks looking at Brenna.
"Well, I'm just letting you know he's going to be one hell of a teenager," she laughs.
"Well knowing what we're like its bound to happen anyway," I say looking up at Billie.
"So that's going to be his name?" he asks in disbelief.
"Yup," I say proudly, "but I'm going to turn him into a mama's boy."
"Aw no," Billie whines.
"Kidding," I say as I feel a horrible contraction, "ohhh." Billie looks positively frightened.
"Nurse!" he yells, "Doctor! Someone!"

My doctor runs into the room quickly. I manage to put my feet onto the stirrups.
"You're ten centimeters, and this baby is coming," she says flagging in a couple of nurses. "We're taking you to delivery."

Right before I'm wheeled away my lower back is stabbed with a needle known as the epidural. Billie jogs along side of the gurney and we finally arrive at the delivery room and like with Joey nurses bustle around. I squeeze Billie's hand as the contractions worsen.
"Adrienne, right?" the doctor says looking at me.
"Okay, Adrienne, we're going to need you to push now." I do as he says as I squeeze Billie's hand some more. I take a breather and the doctor nods. "Okay again." Stupid doctor if only he knew the pain of pushing like eight pounds out of you. I push anyway regardless of the pain. "One final time."
"Thank god," I exclaim as give one final push.
"It's a boy," the doctor exclaims. I rest my head back and Billie kisses my forehead.

"We have another boy," he whispers. A nurse places the new born in my arms.
"Hello Jakob," I say softly. "I'm your mom, and this is your dad." Billie strokes the baby's face gently.