Front Porch Story

Front porch

I wake up early in the morning with the need to go to the bathroom. I carefully slip out of Billie's embrace and make my way to the washroom. Tre in sitting on the sofa but I don't pay much attention to him and vise versa. I use the washroom then come back out.
"Morning Tre." I say as he sits there twitching.
"Morning Adie."
"Whatcha doing?" I ask as I sit next to him.
"I want to call her."
"It's 5AM" I say exasperated.
"I know."
"Call her at 10AM okay, not a minute earlier."
"Fine, but what do I do till then." He whines.
"I don't know, Mario?" I suggest.
"Okay . . . Are you wearing Billie Joe's boxers?" he asks smirking.
"Maybe." I say smirking back as I look at down at my tank top and borrowed boxer-shorts, "I forgot my pajamas in Minnesota."
"Sure you did."
"I'm going back to bed." I say shaking my head laughing.
"Threesome?" Tre asks with big eyes.
"Fine then enjoy your twosome."
"That's not happening either, he's sleeping and I'm too tired." I laugh as I walk into Billie's room.

I wake up at a decent hour of the morning and look over at Billie, who's still sleeping soundly. I notice he has a bandage on his hip, I ignore it figuring he just bashed into something. I rub my hand over his bare chest and he wakes up smiling.
"Hey Babe." He says smiling.
"Hey," I say as I rest my head on his chest. "What happened to your hip?"
"Oh nothing," he says smirking as he pulls of the bandage to reveal the latest addition to his tattoos. This one, the number 80.
"Is that for me." I say as I run my finger over it.
"Yup." He says in his raspy morning voice.
"I like it. I like it a lot."
"I knew you would." He says happily.
"When did you get this one?" I ask pointing at a spider tattoo above his left nipple. He laughs and shakes his head.
"I got that one last year, I drank a little too much wine and I woke up with it."
"You got lucky, the tattooer could've tattooed at penis right by your mouth." I say poking at his cheek.
"Meh, it would be a funny story to tell." I laugh and kiss him gently as I get up and walk out of the room.

I see Lisea and Tre sitting on the couch with a bowls of cereal in their hands.
"Why's Lisea here?" I ask still a little drowsy.
"I called her just a little earlier than you told me to." Tre says not looking up from his cereal.
"But its 9:30 now, how early did you call?"
"8AM" Lisea says happily.
"I see then." I say getting my own bowl of cereal. Billie walks out of his room in only a pair of boxers.
"G'morning people." He says yawning as he gets himself a bowl of cereal.
"Put a shirt on Bill, we have company." Tre says wrapping his arm around Lisea.
"Adie doesn't mind and Ana's still in Mike's room." Lisea clears his throat to get Billie's attention. "Hello Lisea" Billie says sitting right next to her trying to make her uncomfortable. Tre doesn't stand for this so he pushes Billie off the couch causing his bowl of cereal to go flying.
"Fine I'll put on a shirt. Since when have you given a damn about how little I wear?" Billie says as he walks into his room. I follow Billie into his room.
"Got any idea why Tre is so prudish all of a sudden?" Billie asks as he pulls on a t-shirt.
"Probably insecure around Lisea and he doesn't want you taking his spotlight." I say shrugging my shoulders. We walk out of his room and find Tre sitting on the couch, his arm around Lisea; he is not wearing a shirt.

"Jerk!" Billie says as he takes off his own shirt and whips Tre with it.
"Bitch!" Tre yells back picking up his own shirt and whipping him back. They start whipping each other back and forth and Mike and Ana walk in to see what all the noise was about. Mike laughs and takes off his own tank-shirt and joins in.
"Aren't you ladies going to join us?" Tre asks raising and dropping his eyebrows. I run into Billie's room and grab one of his shirts from a chair in the corner. I run out into the living room and join them. Ana and Lisea follow in my steps.
"Disqualified!" Tre yells. "All three of you!"
"Why" I ask as Lisea whips him on the butt.
"You have to use your own shirts." Tre says proudly.
"No." Ana says as she crosses her arms. "Mike's eyes only."
"Awe, you're sweet." Mike says as he wraps his arms around her.
"Yeah Tre," I say as I go hug Billie.
"All mine" Billie says in a villainous voice as he hugs me back.

Lisea shrugs and throws Tre's shirt on the sofa and removes her own shirt and whips Tre with it.
"No fair you're wearing a tank-top underneath." Tre pouts.