Velvet Stars.

Chapter twelve. Thrills. Rosalind.

The first thing I felt was a harsh throbbing in my head, I blinked slowly and tried to remember what had just happened. My body was numb and shaky. I put a hand to my head where I felt a lump forming – and then remembered what had made my heart smash in my head. I sat up instantly and tried to focus on my vision.
She was still sitting, still as a statue, in the same position. Her legs crossed and her hands on her knees, palms facing upwards. She had obviously chosen some of my clothes because I noticed my dark denim skinny jeans and my black boy friend cardigan with a black strap top, neither items I wore an awful lot. Her face was perfect, beautiful but expressionless. She was staring at me with ravenous red eyes and I realised that the loudness of my heart must have been tempting her so much it was uncomfortable. In fact I realised she was leaning back slightly. And then it hit me. I had shared a dream with this girl. But it was as if I had known her. I think I met her when she was changing, she was half way human and half vampire. Her eyes told me the same think but neither of us seemed like we wanted to discuss the bizarre dream right now.
Straightening my back I looked straight into those fever red eyes and said,
“Hello.” she said nothing but stared calmly at me. I shuffled awkwardly feeling immensely self conscious. My heart slowly quietened to an almost normal beat.
“Hello.” she replied, almost without moving her lips. I swallowed and looked down at the floor, peeking at her through my hair. A frown creased on her forehead.
“You were hunting Enchantra tonight. You were planning on killing her.” it wasn't a question, but her voice was on the verge of anger and full of hatred. I instantly didn't like her. She couldn't just assume I wanted to do this!
“Out of no choice of my own.” her eyes tightened.
“You could of refused.” she said simply.
“My farther would of hit me.”
“So you decided to try and murder instead of go through a little pain?” it was my turn to frown. It wouldn't of been a little. She still hadn't moved but had relaxed slightly now.
“Don't.” I warned. She raised her eye brows in a hysterical fashion and let out a cold laugh.
“I wouldn't caution a vampire if I was you.” she replied icily. I shivered at the sharpness in her voice.
“Are we just going to sit here talking.” she continued, “or get the hell out of here?” I hesitated.
“Where will you take me?” she snorted.
“Where do you expect me to take you?” I looked round.
“I don't have any where to go, but if I stay here then I'll be doing this for the rest of my life, what with my dad being the leader of this all.” she stood up with grace and looked down at me.
“Well I'm not taking you where I'm going!” she cried. My shoulders slumped and I looked back up at her with huge puppy dog eyes.
“Because I don't like you. You seem like a spoilt, selfish human to me.” she hissed. I knew she probably wouldn't of said that if she didn't have so much stress on her shoulders, but I stood up quickly and stared her in the face.
“Says who!” I snarled.
“SAYS ME! YOU HELPED THEM NEARLY END MY BEST FRIENDS LIFE! Just so you could be a daddy girl.”
“You don't know enough to say that!” I protested, hurt by her words. She had made her way to the window and was now fiddling with the hatch. She spun around to glare at me.
“I know you were close to killing my best friend.”
“How was I to know it was your best friend?!” I was outraged by this.
“It doesn't matter!” she took at step forward and snarled at me.
“Oh my gosh, leave me alone! Or I'll, I'll...” I stuttered, not sure how to threaten her. Her face slid into a sly smile.
“Don't try me human, or I'll rip your throat out and drain your body.” she whispered, her lips pulling back. I whimpered a little and shivered again.
“The only reason I haven't killed you is because vampires are already arch enemies with the slayers, and believe it or not, I don't think killing the leaders daughter for tea will make things any better. Now excuse me whilst I get out of here and leave you for your miserable life.” she went back to the window.
“You had a crap life once didn't you?” my voice shook, not sure how true the statement was. She froze with her hand on the window. She bought her forehead to the window to control her breathing.
“No.” she breathed, “I've had a perfectly fine life thank you.” and for a moment she almost sounded human, with that she slid the lid open and dropped out.
I collapsed on the floor and let the tears roll down my cheeks. I had let her go with out taking me and my future was just a repeating roll of murder. But I did act like a spoilt child sometimes, but it wasn't my fault was it? And how had she gotten out anyway? And then I remembered that a strong vampire, full of a blood and a lack of fear, might have been able to break through the material.
In the end I just crashed onto the bed and fell asleep where my only way out had been sitting only minutes ago.
“Psst, Rozzy.” a soft hand pushed my shoulder down to the bed from where I had been sleeping on my side. I slowly opened my eyes and squinted in the sudden light. Lilli was bent over my bed with a piece of toast in one hand and a coffee by her knee where she was crouched.
“Everyone will be arriving in half an hour or so. I herd you joined night duty as well, how did that go?” I rubbed my forehead.
“I feel rubbish.” I replied. She nodded understandingly.
“Your get used to it.” she stood up and brushed some toast crumbs off her leg.
“Now come on will you?” she snapped. And then her soft laugh brushed my ears. “We don't want Mike finding you in this state.” she started gathering together all my research books.
“Oh god sorry, I'll tidy up.” I cried jumping up. She smiled through her eyes and said,
“No wonder you had no time to tidy it all away. Don't worry its not a problem. Lets just worry about you tidying you bed up for now.” feeling very grateful to her, but annoyed she was treating me like a kid, I started to tidy my bed away. I dressed in a white knitted dress and shoved a trilby over my hair before brushing my teeth. Some how I didn't feel like breakfast.
I was sitting at the table, checking through the file on vampires I had made last night, when Lilli walked into the room with the Corpse Cage. I herd a sound of shattering and splashing and the Mike (A.K.A dad), walked in just in time to hear her yell,
“SHIT!” he looked at me in confusing and ran into the room, repeating her words. I ran in after them to see a mug shattered on the floor and coffee every where. Lilli and Dad were just sorter standing there gawking at the Corpse cage, that was literally ripped open.
“How the hell did she find the strength to escape!” Lilly cried. Mike just shook his head.
“This is one smart Vampire.” he turned to me. “You hear anything last night Rosalind?” again, he addressed me as a work collie.
“Well I probably didn't because I was on night duty last night and didn't go in that room when I got back, so obviously didn't realise. She must of escaped after I left for night duty,” he nodded and rubbed his chin as I lied my cute ass off.
“Okay, once we get Tom and Ryan in we investigate this fully. For now clean this darn mess up.”
and as I stood there, feeling completely unaware of my self, I wondered where an earth I could be right now instead of on my hands and knees wiping up spilt coffee.