Velvet Stars.

Chapter thirteen. Escape. Emma.

I disposed of the body quickly, feeling a lot more energized. It wasn't easy breaking out that cage. I felt crap though, my whole body ached, and the thoughts of being locked up still haunted me.
And that girl. I felt bad for being so nasty, but I was so thirsty at the time, and she was rude. She was probably tired and I knew and she was quite sweet, I owed her my life. But she had been such an ass! Jeez. And then the final thought was I wanted to see my family. But was it safe to go back to the HQ? I know they'll probably look for me every day, but it was early morning. Jimmy and the gang had to be asleep. But it was the fact that it would be to obvious to go back there. But then again maybe they thought the same thing and wouldn't bother to search. Like they don't believe I would take the chance to return, I was on the run for it.
Clinging onto this last thought I made my way through the night to the HQ. My body was tingling with a giddy excitement to see my family and tell them I was okay. I climbed over the roof of it and first saw Jimmy smoking his head off, sitting on the wall. Yes. It was obvious that he had been searching and now was taking the guilt on his shoulders and blaming him self. I landed so quietly on the wall beside him he didn't notice at first, and raised the cigarette to his mouth again. So I did what I wanted to do the most – I threw my arms round his neck and squeezed hard but so just my arms were in contact with his body, so glad I had just fed other wise his pumping blood would be so tempting. He froze and turned to me.
“Emma? EMMA!” he yelled and nearly pulled me into a huge bear like hug with second thoughts.
“Oh Emma!” he smiled after the small reunion and I shuffled back along the wall, pressing my lips together, to avoid his blood inside his body. Stubbing out his cigarette he stood up on the wall.
“Enchantra.” he whispered, but being a vampire I herd it ringing through the air, bouncing off the buildings and eventually reaching her ears too.
I felt so full of bubbly happiness when Enchantra appeared by Jimmy looking confused, I thought I may explode with joy. She looked at me and ran into my arms. We jumped up and down on the spot burrowing our heads into each other.
“Go see the others” she whispered in my ear, a command, one hand on the back of my head. I lent back and nodded, under standing who she meant. I ran inside and went over to the bed room, but I could not smell him in there. Suddenly I felt very cold. I moved to the lounge room and sniffed. Dissecting room? I cried in my head.
I ran to it flinging the door open and gasped in shock. He was lying, asleep or unconscious, I did not know, attached to several drips and bandages wrapped round his head. Luckily there was no blood, it must of been cleaned up. So I went towards him and saw that half his face looked ripped, and the fact he had a serious blow to the head. How did this happen?
I took one of his hands that were lying limply at his side and whispered,
“Matt?” a shivered ran through his body and I remembered how cold I was, so I let go. His eyes didn't open, one of them had a small wet cloth over it, but his lips parted.
“Emma?” He said weekly.
“Yeah, yeah its me.” I was so scared, his head looked as if something heavy had smashed into him.
“Why did you let go? It helps the blackness.” I knew what he meant, I had been there to many times.
“Because I'm cold.” he tried to shrug but gasped in pain. I fussed over him, but my hands fluttered unhelpfully around the part that had hurt. So I bent down and kissed him softly. He sighed.
“What happened to you?” I cried, resting my hand on his burning forehead.
“The Slayers, I tried to fight. They smashed me into a table. My eye, its so damaged. My face is twisted, can you love some one so ugly?” he whispered and I realised he meant it. I started to cry.
“Yes! Your in love with a monster, a little scaring won't mean anything! Oh god, please, please don't say that!” my voice shook so much it was like a laugh, and my scarlet tear drops fell on his face. He didn't say anything else and his body relaxed. He had fallen back asleep. Absolutely terrified I left the room.
Jimmy was standing there with his hands deep in his pockets, staring at me. I wiped my eyes on the back of my sleeve hurriedly and tried to smile. It came as a grimace.
“He'll be fine.” Jimmy whispered just as Lizzie ran in screaming EMMA at the top of her voice. And soon enough I was surrounded by the old crew.
The boys were giving me half hugs and beaming smiles, Lizzie was all over me but I hadn't yet seen Nessa. As I was surrounded I could only smell one thing. And I appreciated the welcoming. I did. But I was drowning in the heat it, the fingers on me I could feel the pulse under the skin and the stress and shock piled on my shoulders and I stopped breathing. And I could only think of one thing. I tried to lock my thoughts, shove them aside but I couldn't. It was closing in, and in and in until...
The next thing I knew I was on the ceiling, in the corner panting and staring at my sudden frozen friends. I tried to control my breathing, miraculously horrified that I had nearly killed them. And I was shaking. Shaking so hard.
“Oh god Emma, sorry!” Lizzie ran forward a couple of steps and put her hand to her mouth. I realised I was staring at the table and my head flicked to her. I tried to speak but my lips were numb.
Suddenly Enchantra was by my side, in the corner.
“Emma?” she whispered. I looked back at her still breathing hard. She touch my cheek lightly and closed her eyes like she was transfusing energy through her finger tips. Soon I felt my body relax and my emotions whisked off like some one had very gently blown on them.
“How'd you do that?” I whispered as she opened her shining eyes.
“Your be able to control people emotions partially one day. But only a little. Only because your learn how to channel energy. Werewolf, ghosts and witches can do it to.” I was to ashamed to ask if all those things were real.
“Cool.” I felt a tremble run through me and paralyse my thoughts.
Then I remembered something.
“Do you have nay idea why some human would have purple eyes, like we have red ones?” her shoulders jumped back slightly at the random question and then she jumped down lightly. I jumped down beside her and suddenly everyone else was gone, even though they still stood at the other side of the room. She placed her hands on my shoulders and breathed deeply, fear filled her eyes and she took a deep breath in.
“I have her rumours that the one to have eyes those of purple are the barrier between life and death. In other words witch. The one with the brightest is the most threat to us, if they are dull lilac we can deal with them easily. But if we find the one with the bright purple eyes then we must be cautious. One look in the eye and the thought die and that's it.” she whispered, her voice on the verge of break. I tried to process the information.
“yeah, she works in the slayers.” Enchantra swayed a little on her feet. “I had an argument with her.” her eyes widened in horror, “you had an argument with her!? Face to face?” I launched into a short explanation.
“One of the things you inherit as you get more into adult hood is the fact you are able to persuade people through your voice, right? Well I'm slowly beginning to be able to do that... and I asked her to help me. Obviously I wouldn't have been able to do it if there was more than one person. And it was very week so she still had complete free choice over the decision. I just influenced her. Any way I got her to give me blood so I could escape. She disappeared shortly after giving it to me, I knew she was after you because I herd the others enter and tell her they must help her follow the newly found trace of the other one. I broke free, with difficulty, stole some clothes and waited for her arrival. If they had all come in I would of just disappeared. So I got angry with her because I realised that she had been out trying to kill you.” (she ooed and ahhed at this bit obviously remembering the chase),
“and she got angry too and insisted that I saved her from the night mare she was living and I said no and went,” she glowed for a little,
“you said no!”
“Hey!” I hissed, “I though you just said she's our biggest threat!”
“Yeah well ever herd the expression keep your friends close but your enemies closer?” she shook her head in disbelief and raised half a lip. I opened my mouth like a gold fish.
“Ohmygod your right. If she really likes me, and that would be hard because I HATE her, then she won't dream of hurting me!” I sighed. Enchantra nodded dramatically.
“This means I have to be a night in shining armour and save her from that place, and well, bring her here – doesn't it?” I sighed. She nodded again.
“But with tactic.” I didn't want to bring that good for nothing here, I know she was probably sweet and I was over reacting, but I really don't get along with people like that. I guess I'll plaster on a fake face and just smile and wave.
“Look, I know you don't want to – but hey Emma, welcome to life.” I knew she was probably pissed because I was upset about this small thing and she had been through hell in the last few years, but STILL. I tapped my foot thinking deeply and turned to the gang completely forgetting what had just happened.
“Hoe does that sound to you guys?” I asked sternly. The boys shrugged, as you do, Lizzie cocked her head to one side and looked very puzzled but Jimmy looked sour.
“I'm not sure I want here here, I've herd about her. She's his daughter. But then again, like Enchantra mentioned, welcome to life.” Enchantra took a step back at the mention of her name – she hates humans.
“Can I please attack their HQ now you know where it is?” she was so full of eagerness it made me sick.
“Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?” I recited her words. Her shoulders slump.
“What ever, if they do one more thing wrong I'm gonna rip their pathetic throats out, whether you like it or not!” she hissed more to herself.
“I'll go tonight, just as they're leaving. The girl may stay behind a little.” Jimmy frowned but nodded.
“Unfortunately I agree. But Emma – Emma, Emma, Emma – please don't get hurt.” he chewed his bottom lip so hard I wanted to shout to him not to. But he wouldn't be stupid enough to spill blood.
And then suddenly, braking the soft silence, something vibrated in my pocket that hadn't rang for so long I completely forgot I had it. It made me jump a little and I slipped my phone form my pocket and bought it to my ear.
“Emma!” Enchantra called and snatched the phone from me.
“What if its the slayers trying to trace you? Let me check the number.” she looked down at the screen and raised her eyes.
“No, its not.” so with that she passed it back to me and smiled gently.
“Hello?” I asked nervously and then I completely relaxed as my mothers voice came through.
“Emma?” I rolled my eyes at Enchantra and mouthed 'mum' she looked away shiftily so I carried on.
“Mum.” I sighed.
“Emma. You won't believe it!”
“What mum?”
“I can cook!” I started to choke and then I started to howl with laughter.
“YOU? Cold pot noodle lady?” I could almost see her nodding her head girlishly.
“Well, that lovely man I met at the charity work, he came round the other day and I wanted to cook him up something nice an all, ya know what I mean? So I pulled some old cook books out, and even though it took me four times longer than what it was supposed to, I still managed to make a yummy dinner!” I smiled and sat down.
“Your really changing your life around now aren't you?” if there wasn't all these improvements (I.e stopped drinking, working and cooking)I would hate the fact she's seeing another man. But I was truly thankful to this man who appeared out the blue because he had started to bring out the mum I used to know before everything happened.
“Wow.” I breathed.
“I know! How are you? You been up to much lately?” yes. I've been running round after repossessed bodies filled with evil spirits, bitten by a vampire, saved a vampire, fallen in love but not sure if the love we feel for each other is different, been captured by vampire slayers, escaped by using powers in my voice, my boy friend had a near death scene, I'm starting to feel like I have a dad and sisters again in years, and tonight I'm going to save a silly human girl who is the only person that could potentially, easily, kill me and try and make friends with her, whilst killing and drinking people all the time and hiding from everything and every one. Oh yeah, and this girl, who I shared a dream with, may be a witch.
“Nah, nothing much. I have a boyfriend.”
“How, did you meet him at the hospital?” oh shit, I was at the hospital, remember?
“Yeah, kinda. I think I'm improving mum. I'm not stuck in the hospital all the time.”
“So can you come visit?” I looked at Jimmy who was now pouring him self some whisky.
“Well I'm not sure....”
“I would visit you but I don't have money for any transport.” she worried.
“Don't worry!” I breathed an turned to Jimmy.
I put my thumb over the speaker bit of the phone so much wouldn't here me. “Its not going to be possible to see her is it? I have to stay with Enchantra and this girl when she gets here.”
He looked at me steadily, obviously regretting the truth of it.
“I'm afraid not.” he looked distressed. I couldn't see how I was supposed to slot it in right now.
“Look, not this week or next week, but we could arrange something a bit later, after I have everything sorted out here. I need to straighten my life.”
“Oh, okay. I want you to meet ma man at some my point. Kay?”
“Kay.” I looked up and Jimmy's serious face.
“Oh well good. See you then.”
“See you.” I flipped the phone closed and breathed deeply.
“Was that the right thing to do?” I asked Jimmy who was now sipping his drink. He looked at me through kind, wise but guarded eyes. Before he could open his mouth there was a loud moan from the dissection room and I was in there before anyone could speak.
Matt's eyes were open and lolled into the back of his head, and his mouth was hanging open unattractively to. He kept jolting like a little electric shocks were being pumped into his body. I put my hand under his head and gently moved his body up at the back a little bit before sitting on the table with my legs crossed, so I could rest his head in my lap.
Very soon his eye lashes fluttered and he caught site of me. He gave me a crooked smile.
“I had a vision.” Jimmy entered and came onto the other side of him, his heart rate was a little higher than normal.
“Okay, tell us all about it?” he asked urgently taking out a note pad and flipping it open.
“They came here, the slayers, and raided this place. But Emma was out of town. She was going some where with Enchantra, you and this other girl. I saw it like it was a CTTV camera in the corner. Not like we have any of those. So no one was hurt, but it makes them angry that Emma or Enchantra isn't there. And that's it I think.”he smiled meekly up into my face and I felt our eyes connect.
“Well, I guess we look at that as a good thing.” Jimmy rubbed his brow and sat down obviously very stressed, instantly making me feel guilty.
“Jimmy?” he looked up at me, we were opposite side of the room but we could have been standing right in front of each other for how it felt.
“I'm sorry.” he frowned. “Since I joined this place has just been messed up and ridiculous, so many things have been happening, we've had less time to spend on work and more on the slayers that shouldn't be.” his eyes bulged.
“Emma? Don't say that. Please! I am here for your protection when you need me. I messed everything up when I changed but things figure them selves out! I am doing this on pure decision and I owe your farther this great duty of looking after his daughter as much as I can.” I felt a singled tear drop brimming on my eyes and welling at my cheek at the love in his words and the hatred of knowing the following words are true.
“But I'm not his daughter any more. I'm not Emma. I'm turning into a monster and nothing you can say can change that. The past is gone and this is the present where I have to do what's right for the protection of those around me. Look what its done to Matt. How long until some one dies because of my blood lust or the people after me? I have come to a decision I wish to discuss with you later which will hopefully keep all the people I love safe.” I trembled on the last words but kept it strong. Me and Enchantra shared a gaze and I saw triumph but encouraging understanding swim in her huge projecting eyes.
His mouth twitched a little in frustration.
“What if we said we were prepared to take the risk?”
“Then I wouldn't be prepared to.”
“But when they come to find you I think I know where we are going.” I frowned.
“I'm not saying anything yet just in case I'm wrong, I have to see the girl first, prove to myself....”
“I really don't want to 'save' this girl. Can't I just kill her? After all, she'll get deeply in the way of my plans for my future.”
“I'll ignore that last bit because THIS is your future, but you need to get her close enough to your heart so she can trust you. You have only met her once, you can't put a judgement on that.” I gulped but nodded tucking some of my messy hair behind my ear and looking back down at my Matt, whose eyes had now slid back closed. The back of his eye lids were a light lavender, like a babies. Then a thought struck me.
“When I'm older, will I be able to have kids, with another vampire, or even a human.” he looked up at my question and frowned.
“That's not a good idea, in fact – don't even go there.” I decided not to question him any further.

Its weird. One second most people don't believe in vampires. It is simply an enchanting character from a book which Bram Stoker wrote after spell binding thoughts. Not many people knew that he saw a vampire before, feeding off somebody, before running off. In those days if you said something like that people consider you a mad man. So she had night mares about his sighting and decided to write a book about it.
Now the whole of London have it plastered over there news papers. I don't think it has spread yet, but still, its like being followed by the paparazzi just the paparazzi happen to hate you. In fact they're an angry mob with flames and forks, or in my case garlic and blessed crosses. I can feel energy vibrating off of the dreaded sign. Hateful vibes, just think about it.
Silly really if you ask me.

That evening I sat there, perfectly still, with my legs delicately crossed and my hands on my knees, deep in thought. Blissfully oblivious to the things happening around me.
I was a little sad now because I realised Jimmy had started to flash me glances earlier on today that signified deep fatherly love, but also fear. The older I got the more likely I was to rip his throat out and god, I did not want to do that.
It always makes a single tear trickle down my cheek at the thought of hurting those I love. But one day some one will get a paper cut, or bite there lip and one tiny drop of blood will come. And that will be it. I hated it. It was like I was speaking about a different person.
I look at my self in the mirror and I can't see myself. I see a dark angel and it makes feel empty. At the end of the day I know I'm trying to hide what I've become, but its so hard. I have to embrace myself with open arms and start accepting who I am! It gives me all the more reason to leave and join a clan, come back here in the day between feeding hours, just to work. Like a job. I let my tongue trace my teeth. Then I looked up at Jimmy snapping out my thought bubble briefly.
He was lying back on the sofa with his eyes closed and I sensed something wrong. He had his glass in one hand and his hand over his stomach. He moved a tiny bit and gasped.
It was obvious he was trying to hide it – but it really didn't fool me. I stood up slowly.
I had fed very recently so I should be okay near him. Sitting down on the sofa by him his eyes flickered open and I rested a hand on his shoulder, trying to be discreet about it with the people buzzing around us. I saw Lizzie lower her more magazine and her eyes narrowed but before any thing happened the door flung open and a very red Nessa streaming in tears ran in screaming at the top of her lungs,
“I can't find their HQ any where, I'll never see her again. They'll kill her, they will! Wont think twice about it.” her voice wobbled and I stood up. We had tried but found no way to contact her that afternoon due to the fact her phone must of ran out of batteries.
She looked at me in the face and her eyes widened. She seemed in so much shock at first her feet were glued to the ground. And then a huge ear to ear grin spread rapidly over her face and she ran to me flinging her self into my arms. I leaned back a little at her pulsing body but squeezed her gently all the same.
“Oh Emma. Oh Emma I've been so dam worried Emma. Oh Emma.” she repeated and repeated but then glanced at Jimmy over my shoulder. She ran from me to the calender on the wall and I joined her side. She tapped on the date with the full moon sign then whispered,
“He shouldn't start getting weak and grumpy until two days yet. Very rare for him to be like that early on. But then again I can't say it hasn't happened before.”
“I don't think its just tired,” I replied, “he's going through serious pain as well,” her face was blank terror but soon fell expressionless, her eyes had enough emotion for a room full of faces. She skipped lightly over to Jimmy who didn't look up and then she looked back at me with worry.
I cleared my throat and the to boys turned there heads towards me but not their eyes so I walked forward and flicked the switch off.
They didn't react apart from the fact I gained full attention.
“I'm really sorry to kick you out but would you go into the bed room or study hall or something, Jimmy's just a little tiered that's all.”
Adam looked petrified but kindly at me, but Zen smiled cheerfully although I saw it flash in his eyes, the same fear. I gritted my teeth and smiled.
“Thanks.” they nodded and rushed out like two little boys. Lizzie had been leaning in on the conversation. I knew she wouldn't leave all so easily because she was the doctor of this place. But my gut feeling said it would be better with just me and Nessa so I stared at her in the face and with humongous effort (the older I got the easier it would be), threw signals out through my eyes into hers and then I felt it. The electric shock of connection where I could see into her soul. I saw she was vibrating a little and the magazine slid from her from her grasp.
'GO, you must leave, go.” I thought so hard I felt the energy drain effortlessly from my rigid body. And then it broke, it was like trying to catch smoke in my bare hands, like the invisible string had been snipped my scissors. But I think it worked. She stood slowly up, dazed and then completely back to normal. So eye contact helped with the whole influencing thing?
“Emma? I'll go now for you if you find that needed. I'm worried he's ill. Not critical though, of course.” I nodded as she left the room and then noticed Enchantra was standing awkwardly in the corner.
You've been reading my thoughts again haven't you!? I screamed at her in my mind, although I felt so drained from slightly hypnotising Lizzie. She nodded sheepishly and drifted forward, her high, beautiful voice rang out like a dove had been released.
“Your so worried.”
“Who's worried?” Jimmy sat up at us and smiled but it turned into a grimace.
“What's up?” I sat my self down next to him, Nessa sat on the floor and Enchantra kept her distance. Her eye brows slowly rose up her forehead until they disappeared.
“Hes experiencing server pain in the stomach.” she sighed when he didn't reply.
“Its fine.” he grinned and sat up a little.
“has it happened before?” he shrugged trying to look casual and then nodded.
“yeah.” his voice was a gasp. He stood up and looked down on me.
“Don't you go worrying about...” but at this point he doubled over sending his whisky glass flying and his hands clutched to his stomach.
“Emma?” he rasped.
“I'm here!” I cried putting a useless hand on the small of his back and leading him back to the sofa.
“Go. I think maybe blood.”
“Oh Jesus Emma lets go.” Enchantra cried grabbing my hand and wheeling me round.
“But-” I started but I knew it was no use. He might puke blood. Or fall and cut him self, or... not it was just a bad place to be.
Outside Enchantra turned to me, her face flawless but nerved, the bitter winds sent her hair flying out behind her.
“Okay. You and I, and yes I, I want to help, need to go save this pathetic girl. I think we need to do some serious thinking and it may seem odd to bring it in at this moment but I really think you need to be distracted right now! Now this girl. I think there something more about her than just some death and living. I can't remember the stories but you need to spy. Before you save her. She may be... dangerous.” she shivered in concern then gazed at me through those huge dangerous eyes.
I thought of the very innocent sweet looking girl, impish. With wild tumble flame mahogany hair and bright, never ending dancing eyes. Cute pink-pale skin and freckles. She even had rose red lips. Not pretty, more pixie. Not the type of girl boys will be falling over for. Mysterious and mystical. When I met her she had black pumps and a little purple dress with buttons down the front. It was quite pretty really.
“Now? After that just happened?” my insides gnawed with worry.
“He'll be okay for now. Trust me. I've seen it before,” with this she gave a crafty little smile that made my blood (okay I know the only blood I have is in my belly right now), turn to ice.
“There's nothing you can do right now.” I nodded.
“What do you mean... seen it before.”
“Emma please, I've met were wolfs before. And I can say they are not like Jimmy. Jimmy is more... human when he's not in form. I love 'em though. Werewolf's. Great fun.”
“What?” she shook her head impatiently. “Just go Emma.” she sounded weary. I gave her a quick hug and still unsure, set off into the night to spy. Blind with worry.