Velvet Stars.

Chapter fifteen. Savour, Rosalind.

My dad had gone out that night to hunt the vampire down. Said going to the place we caught her was to dang obvious, there was no way she'd go back there straight away but they we gonna search it later on in the week I do believe. I'd never seen farther full of so much rage since mother changed. It was a little scary but oddly hysterical at the same time. But I dare not laugh.
Me and Lilli had stayed here to wait and see if she was stupid enough to come back. But Lilli knew there was no way this was going happen, and full of disbelief, had gone off to get some milk from Tesco Express so she could have some hot chocolate (we ran out), and I could have coffee to keep me going the night.
And I was now sitting by the window I had last seen her, tracing the grains in the table so irritated with myself. I started to pace, running things over in my mind. I walked up and down, up and down, more fast, more furious as I went. I should of just killed her! But I was not a killer... unlike her. On my 13th pace I turned and very nearly fainted again, and I swear to god I had a small heart attack.
Standing there silently were not one, but two vampires. The still flawless angle I had seen before with the thick beautiful hair and pulsing crimson eyes looked a little distracted but her face was soft and not the statue I had seen before.
The other was was just as beautiful but so frightening it made my heart jump around so madly it shook my body.
It was the same one who nearly killed Tara, the one with long beautiful hair spilling round her shoulders which seemed to throw blue and purple streaks in different lights. Her head was cocked slightly to the side, and even though her skin was equally pale to the one beside her, her hair made it look almost tinged with blue like she was dead. But she wasn't, she was un dead. Her eyes were huge and round and beautiful in her head and her body had such an over whelming grace about it.
She looked more serious than the other – who was the first out of the dark daughters, to address me.
“Hello.” her voice was flat but had obvious effort of kindness in there. She still seemed afar though, like she was thinking of something else. I hate it when my thoughts clogged. This vampire looked like a girl with way to much going on in her life.
“You came back?” I only looked at her for she wasn't as beautifully scary as the other one. Also she was wearing a silvery grey and the other a deep black that her hair disappeared on top of.
“Yes we did. Are you coming?” I just stared at her trying to arrange the sentence in my head.
“Quickly!” the other hissed impatiently flicking her hair behind her ear. She irritated me.
“Look we can discuss how much I irritate you later, now come on, before I...” I knew she was going to use a common term for vampires such as, rip your throat out. Trying to ignore the fact she just read my mind I shivered. And then I realised. Yes I didn't like my life. But vampires? I couldn't go with them. Nothing had scared me to death so much even though I knew I was probably a threat to them. I realised I was vibrating and my knees felt like buckling but I stood strong and stared them flat in the face.
“Why have you come back.” Th one with the beautiful deep, velvet chestnut hair looked away hastily and ran a hand through her hair. The other was absent mindedly licking her teeth (or rather fangs),
“Can't we explain after we've saved you.” The one with the black hair snapped. She was really coming across as a bitch.
“Sorry?” I gave a huge amount of attitude back, she snarled at me with her long, curved surreal looking fangs and it mad me step back and my heart pound so hard I thought it would burst out my body.
The vampire I had first met plastered on an obvious fake smile, it looked so wrong on her face. And she stepped forward a little. Her eyes flashed.
“Please would you come with us?” she tried to sound normal but nothing with a voice of an angle and the devil mixed together could sound normal. It was a beautiful flowing voice that was silk ribbons travelling through the air, but the end of her sentences were round off with a small sharp rasp that turned the saliva bitter in my mouth and my skin crawl.
I tightened my eyes stubbornly and was over come with shock when the next second I was pinned to the wall with a hand round my throat. It was the one with the chestnut hair. She had tears running down her cheeks, but they were a watery, glossy red. Like water colour pain. Her voice was knifes being dragged through my stiff body as she spoke.
“Please! We come to save you! TWO PEOPLE I LOVED VERY MUCH ARE ILL AND I WANT TO GET BACK TO THEM! Your so glad I've recently fed.” the desperation in her voice evaporated at the last sentence where she sounded like, like, like a vampire.
I was breathing very heavily but the vampire wasn't breathing at all.
“Emma. Emma let go.” The other said softly. I laughed at the name despite my position. Emma? EMMA? A name for an evil blood sucking monster like her. No. I realised I hated myself. I wish I could be a nicer person, but being in that house away from people my age had really limited my knowledge.
“Why don't I just kill her now? I can feel the life surging through her veins and I'm the very edge of ripping her throat out.” she clutched the back of my hair and pulled my head back so I gave a little gasp of pain, then leaned forward into my throat and let her tongue trace a smooth line down it. The venom seared my skin and I felt my eyes stinging. Before I had a chance to breath, for it felt like I was drowning in pain, Emma was thrown off me and the scary looking one clutch the sides of my face with an expressionless face but her teeth bare.
So she could force me to stare into those huge, deep seething eyes. They made my insides quiver and I though I was going to be sick. But then something else happened that reminded me oddly of hippies. As I stared a connection built of overwhelming peace and drowsiness, I felt my body sag beneath me and I slowly drifted. I fought it, by golly I did. But it was like trying to catch a fly and in the end I gave up and felt her help me to the floor as I lay back into the singing. And then everything was black.