Velvet Stars.

Chapter seventeen. News. Brier.

I looked over to Althaia who was perched on the edge of the leather sofa, opposite me, with her usual sulky face on.
“Have you herd the news?” I giggled.
“What newssss Brier? Your newsssss normally doessssn't interesssst me believe it or not.” I ran my hand through my thick blond hair and stared directly at her.
“Yeah well, your going to change your mind.”
“Who's going to changer their mind?” I looked up as Cody padded towards us and pretty much threw him self onto the sofa next to me, swinging his legs up on the coffee table and taking the cigarette out his mouth.
“Hey baby.” I sighed.
“Cody, I am not your baby.”
“What every you say, baby.” I gave up.
“Are you guys going to let me tell you the news or am I going to have to stand up and yell it to the whole of the Velvet Stars?” Cody rolled his eyes but Althaia leaned forward.
“I'm waiting.” she hissed. It must really suck being a ghost.
“Okay, okay. Did you hear there are three, yes three newbies arriving in the Velvet stars, and amongst them is the witches new leader so Dusk can die now and two vampires!”
“Who's the new leader?” I nearly cried, I might as well stand up and shout it out if everyone was gonna keep butting in. Theo and Lisa came towards us and squeezed next to Althaia.
“Oh god, I can't wait for us to have new leader.” Lisa breathed as the table on the candle between us flickered out. Theo waved his hand over the top quickly and willed it to spring back to life, instead turning to candle to liquid. She sighed.
Cody grinned, “ yeah, Dusk is a bit past it if you ask me.”
“Okay you guys save the gossip for me, I'm going to tell Dorian the news.” They all laughed.
“Good luck with that.” Cody saluted me.
“Yeah, try not to get you throat ripped out.” Althaia grinned.
“Piss off.” I stood up and picked my way through the crammed, smoky room, pausing to scowl at two werewolves ,I knew, trying throw paper balls through a wailing ghost, to the little two sofas next to the bar.
Dorian was sat lazily on one, his pulsing red eyes staring at three people squashed on the sofa opposite.
“If you don't get my money back, do I even need to describe for you what your fate will be? Or would you like reminding? Now go!” they scampered with heads down. Dorian was leader of the vampire group here. Her saw me and he shot me a cocky smile.
“Brier, what a pleasant surprise.” I scowled and sat down. His face hardened.
“You here for business?”
“No, I'm here to tell you something I just over herd Dusk talking about on the phone.” He snorted and looked round the windowless room that was filling up as night dawned.
“Something that's going to interest me?”
“Is it because I'm blond that everyone thinks I'm full of so much shit?” He smiled wearily.
“Always judge a book by its cover Brier.” I shrugged.
“Okay, what ever. Look Dorian I simply came to tell you-”
“Dorian, would you like a drink.” I squared my shoulders in annoyance as some one I recognised as Estelle who was being tagged by Echo, a quite ghost who can never decide who to be friends with, butted in my sentence. Dorian smirked at my face and turned to Estelle.
“Yes please Estelle darling. Just the usual.” she nodded and turned to leave.
“Echo go wait over there for me.” she snarled as Dorian turned back to me. He was so dangerously handsome I tried to control my heart beat when I looked at him. Estelle had dark red hair with pale skin and matching red lips. But Dorian... god I was glad he was an ass other wise I might actually fancy him.
“If I'm an ass, why do you bother to speak to me?” he asked slyly, crap I forgot he could read thoughts. Or the stronger ones any way.
“Oh stop messing with my head will ya? I simply came to say two new vampires are joining us.” Estelle came back to the sofa and sat down next to Dorian who turned rigid at her presence. Estelle was out there to get him but she couldn't read minds yet so she had no idea he simply wasn't interested. She handed him the blood spiked wine which his eyes blazed at when he saw.
“Two new girl vampires?” I nodded.
“Yeah, ones fourteen the other fifteen.” he smiled slowly, he was frozen 17, but really he must have been a hundred or so, which ,to humans, would count as one year of their life. Bloody vampires getting so long to live when I will die early.
“Look, we're all going out tonight, if you want to ask any more questions be quick.” Estelle slid a hand on his back and pulled her self in.
“Isn't it tiring transforming each night?” I gritted my teeth. That wasn't what I meant by questions.
“Not when you got the whole day to sleep.” his eyes flashed over to Indigo who was in the corner terrorising a werewolf.
“Indigo.” he whispered and instantly the boys head snapped towards him. “What are you doing?” he took one last looked at the werewolf then let him go where he slid to the floor, before he appeared by Dorian's side.
“You know I don't allow our type to get angry when inside the Velvet stars, take anything you have against people outside.” Indigo flipped his dark indigo hair out his eyes and smiled.
“Don't worry, we were just settling some business.” he turned to go when Dorian called behind,
“remember the rules Indigo.” Then he turned back to me.
“Thank you for delivering this news to me Brier, I will have some one bring you a little reward for spying later.” I wanted to tell him I wasn't spying, I just over herd it and I would never spy for him. But Dorian could steal some amazing gifts from jewellers shops and I couldn't turn it down.
I stood up and gave him a nod as he cradled the wine glass in his hand and Estelle started to wrap her legs round him. I hated that girl.
“Oh and Brier. Your doing your usual tonight, but it sounds to me they're arriving today. Don't you want to welcome them?” oh yeah, crap.
“Yeah I will.” I walked away just in time to hear Dorian threaten Estelle not to show affection for him in public and it made me giggle lightly. That girl has got no chance. Dorian simply uses her.
Theo looked over at me as I approached and Lisa waved, her green hair shimmering in the dim light,
“you didn't die then.” she laughed.
“Vampires aren't that bad, and any way. You know the rules, they can't kill any member of the Velvet Stars. Well. Apart from Dorian has the power to do that, but still.”
“We know Brier, we're just joking.” Cody caught my arm and pulled me down.
“I'll get us some drinks until we await the arrival of them. Something tells me we won't be going out tonight.”