Velvet Stars.

Chapter eighteen. Welcome. Emma.

I looked over at Enchantra who was staring grimly out the windows into the dark night. We had been driving for hours and the atmosphere had turned stony.
“How much longer?” Rosalind asked. Jimmy wiped his brow steadily, as nervous as the rest of us.
“Not much longer I should think. Now I have to speak to you girls. Well Enchantra, your okay in this area. At the Velvet stars every one has mysterious names because they don't count themselves as people. And they will probably laugh if you turn up with perfectly ordinary names such as Emma and Rosalind. So you need a nick name you can introduce your selves as, but your inner circle of friends can still call you by your real names, if you see what I mean.” Me and Rosalind exchanged a glance.
“But what on earth are we supposed to call our selves?” I cried. He shrugged blandly. “Whatever, just come up with it quick.”
“Rosalind you could be... Pearl, Felicity, I dunno, Ezva?” she paused deep in thought.
“We should both be a precious natural materials. That's easy.” it was so odd deciding these names and I was to nervous to think clearly so I nodded although it didn't sound easy. “Yeah.”
“Ivory,” I looked over at her.
“Well your skin is as pale and cream as Ivory. So you should call yourself Ivory. And I can be Pearl like you suggested. And we can be Ivory and Pearl.” I sighed and nodded. I could see mountains in the distance with my night vision. We were in Scotland.
“The Velvet Stars is hidden ten miles away from humans by a forest so vampires and werewolves have places to go. I nodded uneasily.
“If I'm right we should come in round this corner.” the road was dust and life scampered on either side as I suddenly saw a very odd looking building appearing in view. As we got closer I cringed.
“It hasn't got any windows!” I cried and he nodded.
“Its very private. The leader of the Witches has spells cast on it so humans can't see it.” Rosalind Pearl swallowed. We pulled up in front of it and I felt my breathing spin out of control. This was it.
I stepped out the car and looked up at it. It looked like a short, square block of flats... but with no windows and it gleamed silver. There was amazing banksy style graffiti round the edges and the door didn't look like a door, it was a piece of cream wood that had massive purple swirls erupting on it from the corners. I had no idea what to think of it. We walked forward a couple of steps when a boy landed in front of us smoothly as of he had dropped from the sky. He had black hair which he had put electric blue streaks in, a black top and some ripped jeans. His skin was shockingly pale and his eyes beautiful red. His lips pulled back over his teeth and he hissed.
Immediately me and Enchantra recoiled by crouching back and glaring at him. Rosalind rolled her eyes.
“What do you want?” he hissed harshly and smelt the air again.“Your not a member.”
Enchantra slowly straightened.


I glanced at Emma and Rosalind, but not at Jimmy. Ever since the werewolf I had fallen in love with had left me, I never trust them. I walked forward and stared into his eyes and saw affection there.
Oh this is one hot vampire chick. I herd him think, but pretending I hadn't.
“I am Enchantra, this is Pearl and Ivory. We have been invited here by Dusk.”
“And the werewolf?” He raised his eye brows at me and I flicked my hair behind my ears to sneer.
“He simply escorted us here.”
Christ, she really does hate me. I herd Jimmy think, but I didn't care.
Oh fuck, I'm so scared. Emma Ivory thought.
“Then he is not welcome in.” I sighed and shook my head.
“Okay what ever.” I tried to tune out every ones thoughts as Rosalind and Emma kissed Jimmy good by and the vampire kid in front of us went to slide the door open.
“And who are you hansom?” I cooed. He grinned just as the door clicked.
“Raven.” I smiled up at him as the door slid open as we followed in after him.
The room was large and square, every where there was dark brown, sagging leather sofas and black coffee tables. There was a bar near the back and the air was thick with smoke. There was shouting and laughing and a small opening to the left where I could see stairs that lead up some where.
In front of the bar was an open space where people were standing and talking with drinks whilst staring at a flat screen TV. The place was full of teenage ghosts, werewolves, witches, vampires and god knows what else. Raven winked at me. A group of kids near the door jumped up to stare at us and I shot them an icy glare. There was two werewolves, a blond girl with hair so white it was like snow, then a boy with much darker blond hair, two witches, a girl with shining Emerald hair and a boy with mousy hair and a ghost. Ghosts look like normal people wondering round apart from the fact everything about them is faded and tinged blue and there was like a field radiating round them a shimmering white you could actually see in the air. She looked a tiny but translucent. If you were to concentrate really hard you could just make out what was behind her.

Oh my god. The room was everything I had missed in my childhood. Laughing. Swearing, fighting, threatening. Romance and gossiping. Smoking, drinking and fun. There were groups of friends scattered over the place and people running about and screaming. No fear, was spray painted along the back wall, it was dim in the room but magical.
I saw a vampire glance over at a werewolf and throw a glass at him, the werewolf ducked and the glass smashed on the wall. And there were no adults running over to him to yell at him. I reckon the oldest person on this room must have been twenty-four. Well frozen at the age twenty-four any way. The youngest must have been about thirteen. There was a scream from up stairs I herd above the music and talking.
“I'll take you to dusk, she's on the top floor. Then you can come back down and get a drink.” Raven told us. I nodded cautiously be he only seemed to have eyes for Enchantra.
There was a sofa at the back next to the bar where a very good looking vampire stood up and strode to wards us. He looked harshly at Raven.
“I'll take it from here. Thank you.” he smiled dangerously and I looked at Emma. Her eyes had widened at the boy in admiration.
“Hello. I am Dorian. Leader of the Vampires. I've herd of your arrival. Please let me take you upstairs.” He had a very English accent and was wearing smart trousers and a waistcoat.
Emma was wearing a midnight blue silk dress, I was wearing a cream floaty thing and Enchantra a black maxie dress.
Dorian gave a dashing smile before climbing quickly up the stairs. We followed hastily, and I wished Jimmy had been here with us. As we reached the first floor he asked Emma, “sorry, your names are?”
“I'm Ivory, this is Pearl and that is Enchantra.”
“Okay Ivory, Pearl and Enchantra. This is the crash room. Where you sleep through the day if you need any. Although you will find werewolves lolling all over the sofas down stairs in the day. He opened a small white door to a huge room stuffed with white beds, the walls were painted in all sorts of colours. “Through the back there are a couple of small private rooms with double beds.” he sneered before closing the door and carrying on up the winding stairs. As we got to the second floor he stopped and turned to us.
“Ghosts don't come here, they don't eat, well they only need to every month and when they do they eat life, not solids,” and opened the door to what looked like a cafeteria. There were a couple of Vampires who couldn't be bothered to go out, fishing around for blood bags, a were wolf taking out a plate of roar meat (normal werewolves eat it all the time, not just once a month like Jimmy), and several witches gathered round on the circler tables eating chips. He closed the door and went up to the next floor.
“On this floor we have our hospital because people are getting hurt all the time. But I won't open the door for reasons you can guess.” with a small smirk he went to the last floor.
“And this is the leaders floor. Split into four different rooms. One for each leader.” he opened the door to revile a hallway which he strode into.
“The first doors mine. Very few people get to come into my private living area.” I shivered as I sensed his the usual white feathers splattered in blood I got from vampires. Living dead more like. He looked round at me and frowned.
“How very odd.” he answered my though and I blushed. He hissed a little but walked past the other doors until we got to the end. He swung it open with out knocking and threw his arm out for us to go in. There was a table in the middle with a chair at the far side. It was a semi circler room with sofas, piano and a TV to the right and a small kitchen and book cases to the left.
“You could knock Dorian.” a voice snapped from the sofas. A lady with coffee coloured skin and electrifying blue hair stood up sharply. She looked about twenty two but there was something old about her in the way she spoke and moved. She was wearing a white body con dress.
She saw us and rushed forward.
“Go away Dorian.” she hissed and he smiled slyly.
“Oh everyone does love me so.” he sighed arrogantly and spun around and walked off. She shook her head.
“Come in my dears.” she beckoned for us to come in and closed the door with a click behind her.
We sat down at the table on the thick blue rug and she placed her many ringed fingers on a small crystal ball in the middle of the table.
“If you could all please just touch it. It helps me transfuse energy so its easy to get what I need.” so we all did and I instantly felt a spasm run through my fingers and up my arm.
“So we have Rosalind nick named Pearl. Emma, nick named Ivory and Annabell nick named Enchantra.” Enchantra flinched.
“It's not a nick name.” she hissed and Dusk shook her head and chuckled.
“Vampires are so defensive.” I felt myself connecting with the ball and realised, using it, I could reach out through it into peoples finger tip and into their minds.
So I searched into Dusk's. And it was like an explosion . Images flashed through my mind so quickly I barley got a glance, information whirled through my head and screamed at me. And I couldn't pull out, it was a tornado sucking me deeper. So I tried to focus on her name and push the dizzy information aside.
connection from her mind. She smiled through those stunning purple eyes.
“You are the right one.” I felt myself blush.
“Now girls. I want you to get settled in before I talk to you further about business. Welcome to the Velvet stars.”