Velvet Stars.

Chapter four. Stories. Emma.

I walked into the bitter air next to Vanessa wearing my thick purple hoody and a pearl white scarf wrapped tightly round my neck. Lizzie had already “proceeded” as she would say, down to the field too help the boys with the bonfire, she needed to burn some stuff too. I could smell the calming scent of smoking wood already.
“Do they do this often?” I asked Nessa as we crunched through the crisp grass that glistened from frost under our feet . “Mmm, normally when some one new joins the group, but they also do it on special occasions like maybe birthdays or Christmas.” I raised my eyes brows
“Any way, Lizzie always has things to burn.” she shrugged, “It just seems logical.”
“What's she burning today?”
“Those creatures we came across the other day. She will keep one of course.” the space behind the house was huge, there was a small woodland area and many fields shrouded by bushes. The mood had started to light the world below in the graceful sky and a slight shiver ran down my back.
I shuddered, our breaths making white clouds in the air. As we trekked across the dewy field I started to smell something more than smoking wood. Okay, a lot more. In fact, as we got closer it stank. Putrid. It filled my lungs and burned them like acid, my throat was constricted. It made me want to gag and retch.
“What. on. Earth. Is. That.” I muffled slowly through my hands.
“Oh it will go in the minute, its just the remains of what Liz is burning.” I nodded thoughtfully. Well I can't say I expected them to smell of roses or something. Lizzie was surprisingly close to Adam, they were entwining their hands into each others as she leaned into him. Zen was busy throwing more stuff on the blazing golden bonfire. Lizzie head flicked round and I saw she had let her hair down again, but being out side it swept at her shoulder looking a little back combed and very sexy, it sparkled, diamond bright, as the frost in the air settled on it. She spotted us and broke away from Adam straight away, bouncing up to me. “Emma! Nes! I have BRILLIANT news!” she twirled around looking up at the sky.” I smiled warmly, the smell had started to waft away now.
“Do you remember Sarah?” She asked Vanessa who nodded her head, trembling with excitement “She's that one who left us to go and research in south Africa isn't she. The one who wouldn't ever come back.” Lizzie clapped her hands happily as if congratulating her for the right answer.
“Well she managed to destroy ever last one of the creatures there that was wiping out the village. She thought it would take her a life time, but she found some things on the way to speed up the process, I'm sure she will explain the story to us when she gets back.”
“Back!?” Vanessa practically squealed.
“She's coming back to us!” they linked hands and jumped round in a circle like little girls and collapsed onto each others shoulders laughing and brushing there tears back. I couldn't help grinning and I felt a knot in my stomach tighten with a warm buzz feeling, because I, for some reason, was excited to!
“So there will be four boys and four girls in T.H”
“T.H” I asked, frowning realising I had forgotten what it stood for.
“The Hunt. The name of our organisation.” I puffed out my lips and nodded, not to impressed by the name. As if reading my mind she gave a light laugh, “its old. It would have been a good name once.”
I noticed that all of them had guns in there belts. Lizzie answered my questioning glare, “we have to be protected at all time, so many things are after us. You cant have one just yet 'coz you don't know how to use one.” she shot me and apologetic smile.
“Emma!” A deep, husky voice from behind made me spin round to Jimmy. “I have your first mission after you research about your farther, but that's gonna take longer that you think so i'll give it to you now. Your have to do a lot of research on how to kill the beast but its not that hard, quite easy really unless you have a really clever one. You can chose one person to take with you.” I frowned, what an earth was he on about?
“Should we sit down and you can explain?” I asked. Then I realised that if me and Vanessa went I knew Zen and Matt and Jimmy would probably go and do something, or go on the Xbox together, leaving Adam and Liz.
“Sure.” he growled and took a cigarette from his pocket lighting it quickly. We sat on one of the colourful mats that had been lay out.
“The little place in London has just started to have people going missing, people put it down to knife crime, or running away, but recently they found abody drained of blood. Vampires. Or Vampire.” he waited for me to say something but then carried on when I didn't.
“We need to find him until the slayers do. We only kill type 2, they kill type 3 as well, your find out what that is later, we try to save type three. All you need to do is kill him, if he's a 2. warn him if he's a 3.” I pressed my lips together from screaming. Vampire? I swallowed.
“OK.” I struggled, it was all I could say.
“We rarely get vampires. In fact were wolves,” I saw it pained him to say the word, “are more common. But mostly we deal with type one, and it is impossible for a were wolf of vampire to be a type 1.”
“It really shouldn't be that hard ya know, but I'm not sure how clever this one is. Most just act upon orders of there masters, some are uncontrollable.”
I shivered in the frosty air. “Wells lets hope its a softy.” my voice sounded stronger than it felt. He chuckled in a yeah-right type of way. Good luck on that one. It made my insides squirm.
“Look, just call if you need back up.”
“When am I going?”
“When ever really, I suggest you do research tomorrow whilst Lizzie and I pick up Sarah, if we're picking her up tomorrow, then the day after, go and kill it. Now I tell you something. Vamps are rare, only amazing people can create them. In fact only a couple have been created, but he bit others, the creator had put venom in his fangs to kill but in the end it just pressed into the DNA and changed the victim so they became monsters but still themselves if you see what I mean? So they gain the characteristics, but still keep a small part of the humanity the original doesn't have. Unless of course they haven't killed them before giving time for the change. Not just an experimented body filled with a spirit, no, type 3 is a world away from type one. If your over thirty and you have been bitten most likely you dye during the change, you okay with all that so far?”
I nodded slowly. No. “Yes.”
He saw past me and laughed. “Don't be taken back by their beauty, just get one with it, k? That's my little tip, but i'll let you look up the rest.”
“Mr helpful.” Nessa sighed making me jump, she was closer than I thought.
The smell was completely gone now, just the bonfires musty smells that pleases my senses but gave me to need to cough as well. It was dark now, the sky a perfect velvet navy. The flames threw flickering colour and shadows on the grass, it was misty and very magical. We all huddled round the little bonfire, holding our hands out to it for warmth and occasionally rubbing them together. Nessa looked at me with a wide smile planted firmly on her face which had sooty splodges on after helping with the bonfire. She had fingerless gloves on that had little buttons on each knuckle. “cute gloves,” I whispered, she looked down as if she had forgotten she was wearing them. “Oh, thanks.”
Before I could settle into the mystic atmosphere, Jimmy launched into his well rehearsed story.
“Many years ago.” he boomed into the night,
“Err, 25 years ago.” Nessa corrected. He rolled his eyes.
“25 years ago, a man named Cedric, with his best friend Jimmy, started to track down the things and creatures that had bought horror to our town. Soon, we found this old place, our new head quarters.”
“The end.” Matt called and started to get up, but Zen put his firm grip on his arm and pulled him down.
“Will you lot shut up, please.” Jimmy's voice was barley a whisper but held so much power and threat in in he might as well shouted his lungs out.
“Yeah matt.” Nessa cooed like some one in reception. It was funny how they all acted like kids, but when they were on a mission they were way older than who they really are. Jimmy shot her an irritated glance but carried on regardless.
“So, what mission shall I tell you first?” he scratched his chin as a sudden gust of wind blew ash into my eyes, I closed them as they stung painfully. For a moment I actually wanted to scream, it was that bad. When I opened them it looked like I had been crying, or peeling onions. Vanessa's eyes had gone red and puffy too.
“Ahh, do you guys remember that werewolf pack? Type two?”
“Type two?” I repeated.
Lizzie explained for me, “type 1 = an experimented body filled with a spirit, type 2 = a body that has regained there independence and can start to think again but is still under orders from there master.”
“Ah Emma, looks like Jimmy forgot.” Zen interrupted, “to introduce us probably, so before Jimmy launches into his little were wolf tale...” “really, it does make more sense to explain the were wolf story first.” Lizzie said logicically.
“As I was saying,” growled Jim, “there was this mission, just the three of us, me, Lizzie- the third member to join our group, and Cedric. We went but under estimated the size of the pack. There were 11 of them and they had been under ground for so long they had lost all humanity they had ever really had. Actually, I take it back, I think it was a mix of type 2 and 3. They mauled and killed Cedric.” Lizzie had a sharp intake of breath and flicked her head away quickly so I couldn't look into her agony filled eyes. “But I managed to clean off the lot with Lizzie help, it wasn't either of our fault what happened that night,” he said harshly to Lizzie as their gazes met. “ the leader bit me.” I put the jigsaw together in my head and that time my stomach was so close to turning itself inside out.
“Wait a sec, doesn't that mean..?” I couldn't finish, couldn't put it in words, my voice just broke.
“A were wolf, yes. Type 3.” When I looked at him in detail I noticed dark shadows under his eyes, his messy chestnut hair. Good looking? Yes. In a good way? No. dangerously good looking.
“But i'm different to all other type 3 were wolves. They sleep through day and transform every night, I just transform on the new moon. There is no choice whether or not I want to, or don't want to change on the moon, as there is no choice for them. But we can change at will and I chose not to do that. Because I don't I manage to keep my humanity. Unfortunately its not the same for vampires.”
Lizzie cleared her throat to fill the dead air “errm, but he's no danger, and he's not the only one who's different.”
“What! How many of you are freakin' were wolfs.” I stumbled over the words, I was too numb to feel the shock. It seemed so unbelievable, so unreal. It's a dream honestly. Things like this don't exist, all book work right?
“Noooo!” She laughed with humour that didn't touch her face or those deep soul eyes.
“We are all a bit different, your an oddy at the moment.” she teased.
“Wait, so let me guess. Matt is a wizard, err Lizzie is a witch, Nessa is a vampire, um Zen has super human strength and um, Adam turns into a guinea pig at free will?” every one roared with laughter at my stunned face.
“No little lady,” Zen spoke directly to me, “ nu uh, Lizzie has the ability to listen to the whispers of the dead, I'm kinda physic, I can't read minds but I get the general twist of emotions and feelings. Matt has visions of the future, Adam can implant fake memories and just basically mess with peoples minds, and Nessa can can gain any other animals characteristics she pleases, but only one at a time. We have no idea how its possible in the world if science. Your find out how we're gifted later on.” Whoa, I took a long deep breath that hurt my lungs.
“GREAT!” I yelled suddenly, making everyone jump as the explosion of pain and shock had been building up in me, “is there no where I can turn? Will I NEVER fit it any where!” and despite everyone's protests, the flickering bonfire, and the magical night that was ready to listen to Jimmy's most famous missions, I jumped up, looked at every one trying to project my feelings as much as possible and turned as the tears brimmed down my cheeks. I stalked away, I know it wasn't their fault, but I felt as if the world was betraying me. My tears filled my chest as I swallowed them, making me feel crap and even more depressed, I spluttered and fell to my knees. Putting my head between my knees in the middle of the wispy field.
The warm hands that caressed my forehead made me jump. “Come on you,” another pare of hands gripped under my elbows and pulled me up. I didn't realise I was still crying till she handed me a snowy white hanky.
“Sorry I ruined story time.” I sniffed feeling instantly guilty. “Don't worry about it, most of the time its just Jimmy ranting on and on while we tease him and wind him up.” She smiled at me.
“What's the time?” I asked. “Only 'bout ten.” Nessa voice came softly. “Can I sleep?” I smiled. “Its been a long day.”
“'Course.” I hadn't realised we were already inside, as Lizzie gently pushed me onto the bed and wrapped the sheets round me.
“See you in the morning Em, oh and you do belong here!” she said softly and kissed my cheek like a mum I never had. “Night Lizzie.” I sighed. I herd lots of other, “good nights,” and “see you in the morning”, but I was drifting away , I would of thought it would have been impossible to fall asleep with so many thoughts crammed into my head.
I woke up early due to a deep and (surprisingly), dreamless sleep. I looked round the dark, cramped room still in a dreamy state, to the soft snores that were echoing each other. Only Nessa wasn't snoring, she was curled up in a ball next to a black, silky cat, with emerald glowing eyes that seemed to light up the room. The cat was watching me with those huge eyes, and I looked away feeling rather uncomfortable. Some how I knew Nessa wasn't asleep, just relaxing. And also, that wasn't her cat. It was obvious the animals came to her. I pushed my feet into some slippers that some one had put next to the bed for me, and threw my heavy cover off to revile how chilly the morning was. Jeeze, don't they have heating here? I guess not, I thought, they have old fire places everywhere so I guess they use those. Also I must of pulled my clothes off last night because I was only wearing an over-sized t-shirt (with bat man logo on the front), and some black cute girl boxers I had never seen before. So I pulled on a lilac dressing gown that was also hung by my bed. There was a little candy pink alarm clock on my bed side table, it was only half six.
I shuffled out the room, making sure not to make a nose, straight through the lounge room and into the library, I had a lot of research to do. I tried to clear my head as I looked round at the towering shelves and endless rows of books. I inhaled the soft scent of the room and it helped me arrange my thoughts.
Oh no way, no WAY. OK, this is going to sound so immature, but you know in all those old films they have the special ladders on the rail things that slide along the book shelf because they're so high!? Well guess what! I ran over and climbed the ladder full of adrenalin, when I reached the top I pushed my self along using the shelves of the bookshelves, until I reached a good speed I scooted along to the very depths of the books. Where on earth did I expect to look?
And should I start on my Dad or the vampire facts (my dads facts will be in the huge white files, scattered every where in this cosy library)? But I decided my dad could wait, if I had my first big (well big to me anyway), mission, I kinda wanted to be prepared for it! So I went to the section with a huge golden V's nailed on the top of the section of the long bookshelves,, and found several old and new books, labelled Vampires, and Vampire slayers, and other titles. I got several types and clutched them to my chest as I made my way back to the huge, dark oak, polished table. I chose a huge red velvet chair that seemed to shimmer in the dim, lazy light of the oil lanterns and candle chandeliers. I took my gown off and hung it on the back of the chair, then curled up. As I flicked through the yellow pages of the book (the classic, old book smell, wafted up at me through the small swarms of dust erupting from the pages), I noticed how the older books say how say that vampires (well they spelt it Vampyers back in the day), are nothing but blood sucking monsters, and the more modern books say how they can be tamed, and they are nothing but a beautiful creature, stronger, faster and prettier that the human, that the only way of survival is human blood. But there was one thing the books agree on:
vampires are changed from human to monster if a vampire bites the human and exchanges blood,
and the way to kill them is to destroy the heart. That is where the whole stake through the heart myth comes in.
I noticed on the table some paper and one of those ink pens you have to dip in ink to make them work. Anyway, I picked up one of the gorgeous, smooth pens, unscrewed the lid off the ink pot, and started to make notes. Naturally, I made a mess of the first words I kept on, splatting ink everywhere, but its just the case of getting the knack. Soon I was writing in okay hand writing, after i filled two pages with research, I herd the door swing open quietly . It was Matt, standing there looking unbelievably gorgeous in white boxers, and bed head hair. Her ruffled his fingers through his hair and clocked the room. When his eyes landed on me he jumped.
“Oh gosh sorry,” he turned bright red at the sight of me seeing him half naked, and like a male modal. “i had no idea any one would be down here, I was just getting a book to read in bed before everyone wakes up, you see.” he babbled. I sighed and closed my book. “Its fine honestly, I think we're even.” I stood up and he tipped his head back and laughed.
“Oh, good, that's OK then.” He came and sat in the chair next to me and leaned over to see what I was reading. “Oh yeah the mission.” he turned and looked back into my eyes. “You know its a big thing, your first mission.” He smiled kindly, it made my heart squeeze. I nodded slowly.
“Well to mark the occasion, I thought me and you could go to the moves or something, as, well, friends?” he sounded unsure about the last minute. HOLD ON. Did a boy just ask me out, err hello? How long had I known him. But go he was so dam fineeee.
No I can't possibly, he's nice and kind but I don't know him well enough. “Sure. Its a date.” Dam it. Knew I'd do that, any way – he said just as friends. Oh yeah, then i'd said, its a date. I mimicked my voice inside my head, wanting to kick myself.
“Brilliant.” his smile was exultant. “Now its half 8, I'm sure you found out how to kill a vampire by now, lets go get some clothes on.” He held his hand out to me, no joke. I took it and he lead me from the room like a puppet. He pulled me to the bed and took a case I didn't recognise from under my bed, “I strongly suggest you wear, this,” he bit his lip, “and this.” He had pulled out a cute black mini skirt and a hot pink, tight sleeved, slim fitting scoop neck top. Whatever, “no problem with me.” I whispered. He made his way back to his bead and started searching through his clothes as I slipped on his sexy request. He hadn't been pushy, I knew I could of easily had said, nah, but he knew what we were doing to day and what would be appropriate to wear. It was not my style though.
After he had pulled on a white top and some seriously dark blue designer jeans he looked at me and gave me a nervous smile.
“Do you ever have gut feelings?” he asked me suddenly, the question was so unexpected it felt a bit like a blow to the head, “what? Oh, I guess so, sometimes.”
“Do you freak out often?” I grinned stupidly. “No and yes.” He grinned back. “Okay, don't freak.” my eyes widened.
“I really feel something between you and me.” I just stared at him dumbly. Oh come on. Come ON. He was so darn good looking and he could cook. And guess what was whizzing through my mind at the moment? Love can NOT happen that fast. With his cocky grin that flushed my cheeks with passionate heat, and sparkling, deep eyes. noooo! Only in books (fiction), is there love at first sight. So I blurted out. “How to you know that.” he raised an eyebrow, and put his finger to his lips, nodding to the beds around us. His voice dropped to a whisper again. “I dunno, I just really like you.”
I looked to the other side of the room, Lizzie and Adam had their beds pushed together. “Lizzie and Adam have something don't they?” it wasn't really a question but he glanced over and answered anyway. “Yeah, but there relation ship took ages to build.”
“Yes, that's why you wait for relationships till your a bit older, then you can be sure its secure.” I snapped, regretting my word right away, but thankfully he just laughed.
“I'm 18, I've waited long enough. And any way, if it doesn't go to plan we can just be friends. Now lets get out of here before we wake someone up.” Jimmy stirred as if to prove his point. We both froze, but then he gave a rather huge snore, and rolled over creaking the springs of his bed. I looked at he bunk bed Matt and Zen shared, Zen seemed fine, and Adam and Lizzie were too wrapped round each other to hear anything else than each others heart beats. We tip toed out the room together and as his arm brushed mine I felt a surge of heat deep in my heart and realised what he meant. We snuggled down on one of the odd sofas, extra squishy with time. I realised how tired I was so I didn't realised I was leaning on his side until he started to play with my hair. I jumped a little, and moved slowly up, so not to offend him. I wasn't all for jumping into relationships so quickly.
We were still pretty close, I could smell his sweet breath wash over my face. “can I tell you something?” he asked sweetly. “Yeah.” I replied. “You know Zen, with the big muscles and the black skin? You would not believe how many girls want him.”
“That's no news, I'm really not surprised.” I said leaning into him. “He's gay.” he said simply. I went ridged, away from his face. Do not think for one second I have anything about gays. But Zen? Nah.
“Yup. But he doesn't want a partner see. Hes not the lovey type at all. He loves it here where he don't have to be anything. Ya know? Hes more of the type of person who would have a flat mate or something. But anyway. What about you Em. What about your life.” suddenly I felt like I could tell him everything. I sucked in breath for my eruption.
“My dad died when I was six. SIX. Well he disappeared, but we knew he was dead. We lived in a huge house, and he'd bring me gifts every day. My mum was full of life. The day those police men came to our door we lost everything, including dads huge income. The house went to a smaller house, then a bungalow, then a flat, than a council house. My mum grew depressed. I got in trouble at school. That includes a person with pitch black eyes arriving at our school and me knocking down walls to find the creatures I knew they were hiding. In fact I should write a file on that for the library. Then I got in trouble at my next school and ran away from home. That's when I ran away and bumped into our scaly friends who changed my life.” when I told some one my life I actually realised how sucky it had been, of course I knew, but saying it out loud finalized it for me. I was stood up, arms raised in anger. It wasn't until he pulled me into his chest, my head over his heart, I realised I was crying.
“ You know your have to face your mum sooner or later don't you.” I twisted myself so I could look up at him and unattractively wipe away the tears and snot on the back of my hands. WHAT! “no.”
Jimmy's rules. He'll give you a time limit, so say like you have to see them once a month. Vanessa has no family to go to 'part from her brother who she sees every Christmas and Easter because he lives over sea. I see my Mum and Dad every two weeks. Zen every month. Lizzie every week to her Dad who has a long term illness that her mum has to be a full time carer for. Jimmy's Dads still hanging on it a care home, but he doesn't visit as much as he'd like to, always busy here. Adam has to see his two sisters, a cousin, an auntie, his mum and grandparents, he spaces it out over the months. And you will probably be forced to see your mum every month.”
“Ahh hell,” I sighed.
“Ya want me to cook everyone up something yummy for breakfast?” I nodded perking up at the idea and followed his heels to the kitchen when I watched his expertise whiz into place. His hands were waves of the ocean as he found his comfort. He was so natural at it. He set up four things at once, hastily grabbing things of various shelves and pulling down the pans that were hanging from the low ceiling.
The butter sizzled on the gas cooker as he set to work, with pancakes, bacon, beans, scrambled eggs and most things you'd expect to find at a good breakfast buffet.
“Would you pop a couple of bits of bread in the toaster for me?” He nodded over to the bread bins while his hands flashed round. I slipped some home made bread into a big aqua blue toaster. I also saw some shelves on the walls with several plates. I took them down. They were simple cream china with different coloured rims.
“Ahh cheers.” he said as he spooned things onto them.
He had already started sausages after the scrambled eggs and beans were ready. In the end he gave me and him a three course breakfast. (okay not just us, he made enough for everyone else to but he left that in the oven so it wouldn't go cold). Toast with home made jam (he made a couple of weeks ago apparently). Then a full English breakfast with the lot. And to finish off, pancakes draped in blue berry maple syrup. “Your going to make me fat.” I said as I leaned back, putting my empty plate on the table, and groaning – feeling slightly woozy.
“But I had never had a breakfast as good as that,” whilst I had been here I had food so delicious it was like I hadn't eaten before. An amazing range of flavours. And the cooked breakfast wasn't the fatty horrible type from hotels. It was like all made from scratch. Again, absolutely amazing.
He grinned smugly at me. “I don't think you had that existing food before you came here, right?”
“OH wow. How did you guess.” I sneered sarcastically.
“Mmmm, cold pot noodles is on the special today.” he laughed at me, but it turned into a groan. “Poor you.” he shook his head making his gorgeous hair shimmer in the light.
“Aren't good chefs supposed to be fat, or at least a little chubby?” I blurted, snapping my mouth right shut. He just flashed me his perfect dimpled smile.
“Nah.” he was fit, not body builder fit, but very good looking and well. Sweet? He was also a nice guy. AND he can cook.
We sat chatting for awhile before Nessy came in without looking at us, plunked her self down and said, “sorry to disturb your little love scene but this is a room for all of us.” then she started to nibble on her toast. “I cooked a full English breakfast from scratch 'ya know, in the oven.” She flicked her long black hair over her shoulder and glance in the direction of the kitchen. “Oh. Never mind, I never eat much anyway.” She was already dressed in a silk red strap top that framed her boobs perfectly, and very tight black jeans.
“Do you guys wear different things depending on whether or not you have a mission?” I asked remembering her army trousers and hoody.
“Good spot bat man, today's a chill day, so we wear our own clothes. Cute out fit by the way.” she said. Personally I didn't like it much. It was a little sluty but Matt and Nessa seemed to like it. If it had been my way I would of worn a denim skirt and a polo shirt. But like a nice designer hot pink one or something. Not one from a place like Joules who just do baby pink and pale blue ones with number 3's on the back.
“You feeling any better today Em?” she asked, still focused on the crusts of her toast.
“Oh yeah, sorry about that.” I felt the blood flow to my cheeks, Matt touched them softly with his finger tips.
“Nothing to be sorry about.” she said simply and surprised my by giving me a soft hug, I squeezed her back. “Thank you.” I smiled warmly at her.
“You done your research?”
“what? Oh right on the vampires? Err yeah, I know how to kill them and everything. I did two hours research.”
“Really? You managed to find the right book on your first time in the library?”
“Well I have always been good at things like that at school, I generally know Vampire books are under V,” Matt punched me in the arm. “Good one.”
“No, I meant how did you find the V shelf in that library.” she looked a little pissed with Matt.
i shrugged. “I'm not really in the mood to spend hours on research today anyway.” Matt held his hands up innocently. “Sorry Nessa, just playing.” her face sobered and she grinned back.
“Any time Matt.” she fluttered her eye brows.
“Don't flirt with me!” Matt joked and Nessa gave a little harmless giggle. “I'm sorry – what?”
“I said i'm not really in the mood to much more research today.”
“Same, it feels like a cool day today.” matt winked at me and I did a mental eye roll.
“Well, I have to, um, well its a full moon tonight, and well I have to control Jimmy today because he gets quite ill before. He'll be his normal state tomorrow though, then he'll be normal for three and a half weeks. Zen's going to the gym, and then doing the shopping.” Matt smirked but instantly looked disgusted with himself. I could tell he beat him self up a lot.
“Food shopping. Lizzie has to write all the files on the latest body. Oh and Adams getting his hair cut and he needs some new trainers.
“ Jimmy said his condition will be okay to go pick Lizzie up but he underestimates it every month. So Lizzie will get a cab down. She won't be here till late. So basically what i'm trying to get across...” she rubbed her thumbs together so the crumbs of her toast sprinkled over the floor. “Is you guys should go out some where and enjoy your selves, just as friends you know?” just as friends. “ but that means you have to extra help with the cleaning tomorrow. Oh Emma, we have a Cleaning Day each week. You probably noticed how untidy this place gets.” I looked around, untidy? Yes. Dirty? no.
“And yes just as friends.” I said firmly staring at him directly in the eye. I was so not for launching myself into a relationship after I had only met him yesterday.
“i can see why you should clean each week, but being messy is homely.” I sighed.
“Its a tripping hazard.” she replied.
Matt turned back to me. “I agree with Nessa. We should go out some where.”
“I thought we were going to the Movies?”
“I looked up the list. Nothing good on. But of course you can look to and see if there's anything you fancy. Err, I could make us a pick nick. We could go shopping first, because we need to get you some clothes due to the fact you left all your stuff at your house to no fault of your own. And we can't get that until we see your mum next, that may be a while. What you have at the moment is All Vanessa's (“NESSA,” she corrected him), old clothes. Then we can go walk by the river and have a picnic.”
He was full of bright ideas (and he can cook), but it sounded to romantic for me. He saw the look in my eyes. “Just as friends.” he added and it loosened the knot in my stomach. Just as friends.
“Sounds good to me.” just the close, lets-have-sex type of friends. He was four years older than me for Christ sake! But something told me he wasn't that type of guy.
“Can I come?” Nessa chirped. We both gawked at her.
“Um i'm joking guys. Jeez.”
She shook her long locks and then stood up. “Well I better go, Jimmy will be waking up up soon.” she shuddered a little but smiled down at us.
“If you don't like it, how come you have to be the one to look after him?” I asked, and she turned her grimacing face on me which soon softened,
“Well I guess he looks after us lot for 3 weeks and a half. Yes he gets grouchy by the end of the month. But he's there when we need him. So we should be there he he needs us.”
And with that she disappeared, not literally. She walked from the room more like. Returning seconds later with a plate of raw meat from the Kitchen.
I threw her a WTF look and she said through her teeth,
“Breakfast.” for Jimmy of course.
I looked back to Matt.
“Yeah everything is pretty unbelievable here.” I nodded slowly in agreement.
“Normal were wolves eat raw meat all the time, but Jimmy just before changing.”
We dropped silent for a moment before he said.
“If we're going out it might be a bit chilly, especially if we're going for a little picnic.” I nodded dumbly again.
“So I guess you won't be able to go in that. Sorry.” I looked down at the thin top and short skirt.
“Oh don't worry about it.” I shrugged, I had started to like the out fit. I think at first I didn't like it because I had never worn nice clothes before, with the whole money thing. “No its fine.” I got up and stretched my bones.
“See you in a moment.” I walked back to the room to see Lizzie sitting on her bead frowning over a book. She didn't notice my presence so I went back to leafing through the littler duffel bag Nessa had put under my bed. I found a pare of royal-blue jeans (not denim but dyed royal blue), and a Red New Look fashion hoody. It may sound like it would clash but it doesn't, it goes really well. I just had a little white cammy on under that. My hair was still a little long. So I gave it a bit of a back comb, not madely, just enough to give it a cute rock look.
I slipped some red flats on and applied a bit of mascara and eye liner before running back out, ignoring Lizzie's questioning eyes and Vanessa waiting by Jimmy's snoring bed side looking grim.
Matt was waiting already wearing his dark denim jeans the same as earlier but had put on a lighter blue and brown cardigan and white shutter shades.
“Sun glasses? In October?”
“It may be chilly, but the sun is out there to shine all the frost up!” he glittered, I seriously loved his attitude although it may annoy some people.
“I'll make the lunch while you, err, well chilax I guess.” I laughed.
“Chilax isn't a word!” he raised an eye brow.
“Well it is now.”
“Good with me. Anything I can do to help?”
“ Nah, i'll be fine. Shall we leave in say an hour?” I nodded eagerly. Zen came out the bed room with a draw string bag slung over his shoulder and geared up for the Jim.
“Hey Emma, little lady. How you getting on today with them emotions?” I smiled.
“I'm fine thank you.” he grinned then looked over at Matt.
“All right mate?” he asked Matt who smiled and replied, “no so bad, you?” I suddenly felt very young but tried to push it aside. They said something else, and then with a little grin at me, departed to what ever they were doing.
In the half an hour I mooched round the HQ, chatted to Lizzie and relaxed into the smell of freshly baked chocolate cake. But I didn't go in and disturb him in his work.
I had gone into the library and come back after a couple of minutes or so to see Adam and Lizzie pecking each other and sharing cooked breakfast off the same plate. I turned with a massive ewwww, in my head and spent the rest of my time in the library, scared of running into an embarrassing love scene. It was Lizzie who found me in the liability after fifteen minutes or so.
“Err, Em, I don't want to disturb Matt right now but could you tell him that me and Adam won't be joining you for dinner with Sarah tonight, because Adams taking me to that huge fancy restaurant.” I could hear the excitement bubbling over in her voice, but she kept her voice solemn.
I nodded. “Kay.”
“thanks.” She ran back out the room and I followed her so she wouldn't have time to melt into Adams arms.
I walked past there love seat to the Kitchen. I opened the door to see Matt squeezing the last of the things into a medium size back pack.
“Ready?” his head flicked towards me.
“Ready.” he slung it on his back and naturally I held his hand. In a friend way.
“See you guys later.” I said to Lizzie just as I herd a very loud wakening growl from the bedroom.
It was good to be out side the building and as I thought about it I realised i had no idea where it was.
“Err, where are we located?” I asked him as we walked down a little pebbled road. I looked behind my shoulder at the HQ, it looked like an old were house.
“Well most of the going ons often happen in London because there are so many people to target and terrorise there. But its not a very nice place to live, so now er are in Ashford. Its about 0.8 hours away because we often speed and can make it in less. I smiled up at him as he put his arm round my waist and pulled me in tight. We had some kind of connection. Ashford, I remember it as a place with Castles and a big town. I think. From school.
“Oh Lizzie and Adam can't join us for Sarah's welcome home dinner tonight, if she is home tonight – must be something important though.”
“Oh,” he face mingled in disappointment and sadness and then lit up as if some one had switched a light bulb on deep inside him.
“Oh?” he looked back at me.
“Adam and Lizzie have been together a long time now, and they're a really good couple. If he's taking her to a very fancy restaurant, well-”
“Your see later, I may be wrong.” I sighed, I hated guessing games. But as we walked under a bridge we came up to the first shop of the high street.
“My friends come here a lot by train from London.” I said peering up at him, and his face hardened.
“You can't keep in contact with your friends here.”
“I guess in case you tell them about the HQ and what we do.”
“It's a secret?”
“Yeah, otherwise those monster things will target us. Or there creators anyway. Not that they haven't already. But if everyone knows we're here it will be shit loads easier for them.”
“Oh righty, I get it.” then I shrugged, “i never let any one be my friend any way, but I wasn't a bitchy loner. I had one best friend before when I was 8 – 13, she was popular and I hung out with her friends too. But then I was expelled and I never saw her again.”
“What was her name.”
“Rochelle Barbry.”
“Ahh, okay, I don't know her. Shall we go into New look for your Clothes?” he pointed to the store. We made our way in the direction as I said, “i don't trust any one.” he looked down at me with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“That's going to change with the T.H.”
“Oh yeah, and what makes you so sure about that?” he ruffled his hair. “Because the T.H is like family and you have to trust family.” We went in, being hit by the air conditioning right away. Err hello? Its October.
“ I never trusted my family.”
“Look, Em, don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think you've ever really had a true family since your dad went. “ for a split second I wanted to slap him. Then I realised something. For the first time in my life some one understood me. I wanted to kiss him put if fact I put up with giving him a little hug.
“You couldn't be more right!” he looked away over to the clothes.
“Yup, that's me.”
“Err, I kinda need underwear first.” I mentioned, making my way through the crowd. I only saw one other boy in here and he was looking incredibly uncomfortable. Matt seemed quite relaxed and cool.
I searched through the hangers of some Betty Boop bras before I found my size, and then decided I didn't really like it. So I just got some plain colourful ones, like metallic pink and ocean blue. Then I got some cute girl boxers and chucked them in the basket Matt had picked up.
I felt a bit better now, because although Matt had glanced at the sex under wear he wasn't pressuring me about it and this meant he wasn't planning on it. I was under age after all, and not ready and it felt like he appreciated this. Then I got the essentials such as strap tops, shorts, jeans, loose trousers. Then I bought things I liked. Including a prom dress ,that was on sell, for special occasions.
The last thing I got were shoes. I bought fake converse, a par of cute flats, one pare of heels (for those special occasions), cowboy boots and flip flops. I also got a couple of accessories (jewellery, beanie and trilby hats, and bags), oh and socks. I recreated my old wardrobe making it ten times better. Then I spun round to Matt who had been holding a white scarf up to me and raised an eye brow.
“What? It suits you?” he said innocently, chucking it in. “How on earth are we going to pay for this.”
His smile brightened.
“Jimmy's parents were filthy rich. They inherited there parents fortune then went onto make there own fortune. His mum died quite young, and now his Dads on the verge of death in a care room he gave Jimmy all two fortunes. It may feel wrong to use a dying man's money on clothes but you may as well take advantage of it. We use all the money towards our organisation.” he slipped a gold card out his back pocket. “And its all packed onto a gold card.” he held it up to the light so it sparkled as brightly as his eyes. I laughed at him.
“You have permission to use it?”
“Yeah, course, wouldn't of taken it if I didn't. He won't even notice the moneys gone anyway he has so much.” he ruffled his mousy brown hair again.
He's toss his head every now and again to flick the hair out of his eyes. He wasn't overly tall. I was average size, and my head came to his shoulders. Suddenly I realised how strong our connection was. I flung myself at him and hugged him hard. I loved him? Could I decide that after a day?
“Whoa, what's that all about.” he asked, but put his arms round my and pulled me tighter. We didn't stand there for ages, considering we were in a shop and people started to stare. When we pulled away I realised there were tears in my eyes, the over whelming feeling was such a jolt, a shock. But it felt as if.. no just friends.
“What's wrong?” I could hear the concern in his voice. “I'm so confused, is it possible to fall in love when you've only just met some one?”
I saw the victory glint in his eyes. “It's called true love.” he grinned his beautiful smile.
“But I never believe it stuff like that.” he shrugged. “Maybe its time you start believing. Did you ever believe in were wolves?”
“Okay what ever, but in the queue for the till in new look is not a good place to discuss this.” he just smiled and smiled and smiled. The clothes came up to over £200 in the end.
We came back out the shop just as a car whizzed past, kicking up dust in our faces. As I was coughing so hard I thought my side would split, Matt put a firm hand on my arm and dragged me from the side of the road down a little ally way either side of the shops. We came to a style and I swung my legs over, holding his shoulder to balance. Luckily the grass was dry, normally, in October its wet with frost and dew.
We walked over the pretty meadows for a while in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable silence though because it was clear that both of us were deep in thought about the hole love thing. But it wasn't as if it was making-out-any where love. I loved to dress like a rock chick and he dressed pretty cool to and we weren't the type of people who would do that. Well hats was I was thinking about any way. I wasn't completely sure how long we walked for until we got to a meadow full of cows. Matt looked at me unsteadily.
“Dam it,” he complained quietly, as if he didn't want the cows to hear. “ I thought they would of moved on to the next meadow. Okay, try not to eye contact, and if they start to come towards you, run. Kay?” he said eyeing the cows. “Err, matt? They're just cows.” he snorted and beckoned me to the gate. When we walked into the meadow, every single one of the cows heads snapped up to stare at us, how rude. We walked slowly through the middle. Everything was fine until we were just in front of passing a cow incredibly close to us, when I tripped and put my arms out to steady my fall. In the cows point of view, I was trying to catch it. They went berserk and started to run at us.
“Crap!” matt shouted, took my hand and we sprinted out the field, dodging every angry cow. When we were passed the fence we collapsed on the ground laughing and trying to get our breath back. We lay there for a second by some little evergreen bushes breathing deeply and staring up at the sapphire sky. Eventually he heaved himself up on his elbows and yanked me up too.
“Lets just go to that tree over there,” he pointed across tot he middle of the field, “i don't like the cows staring at us.” I looked back at the cows and found myself face to face with them. The whole lot had come tot he gate to watch us.
“Yeah.” as we walked we chatted calmly.
“How come the cows are so feisty in there?” he looked at me amused.
“Its just the type of cow really. Different breeds have different reactions to different things.”
“Bullies.” I muttered. We sat down by the thick trunk of an oak tree and he unzipped the bag.
“You hungry?” at the motion of it I realised I was. Very. Despite the huge breakfast.
“Brilliant, me too.” He took the plates out and dished up two different types of quiche (caramelized onion and goats cheese, and butter nut squash and all these spices and leaves and stuff), some home made wholemeal apple and cinnamon scones along with some salad.
“Wowee.” I tucked in straight away. IT was soooo delicious! The flavours tingled my mouth with pleasure. They melted into sensation. Ahhhh. It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. When we had finished I clapped my hands, spraying crumbs everywhere.
“Your brilliant.” I smiled. He then, just as I thought things couldn't get even more yummy, pulled out pudding. He gave me orange and poppy seed baked cake with boiled orange peel on top and next to it on the plate he put 3 strawberries. One dipped in dark choc. One milk. And one white. A dollop of sweet cream and placed an icing sugar powdered brandy snaps on top. All home-made. Oh and a small slice of seriously devil chocolate cake, three layered.
“I grew the strawberries.” he told me as I let them sizzle in my mouth. After we had fished our magical pick nick tea, we packed it away and put it to the side. Suddenly I felt very tired from my lack of sleep, and very heavy, but also princess like from my amazing lunch. I lay my head unthinkingly on his soft shoulder and breathed in his cosy scent.
“So, do you, or did you ever believe in the stuff your dealing with now.”
“I didn't even know that people could take bodies, change them to adapt what ever the creator wants them to do, and fill them with a lost spirit. I hate vampire and were wolf books, they're all way to samey. I never believed in all that either.” he slipped out one of the white round things Lizzie had earlier with the spirit pulsing in the middle.
“Your hopefully get one of these soon.” and then he slipped it back in. The wind suddenly blew hard, shaking the branches above us and making a ton of leaves float down over us, I shivered and pushed myself closer to him. He turned his head to me and we just sat there staring into each others souls, our noses barley touching. Before leaning forward and very softly started to kiss me. His lips were soft and warm and tangy. He didn't kiss with possession or need. He kissed with care and love, his fingers caressed my cheeks and the other hand pressed into the small of my back. I didn't want it to stop, our bodies slipped together like jigsaw pieces. Perfect. In the distance there was a ringing. It irritated me completely, it had started to shatter our little dream. It was louder and louder until Matt pulled away with a massive sigh and winked at me before answering his phone.
Both eye brows disappeared into his fringe.
“Jimmy, we wont be long... yes I know its just... okay okay what ever, see you in a bit.” he flipped his phone shut and I stared at him, all for more kissing. He shook his head.
“Jimmy's annoyed we went out today.” I snapped back into reality and felt my shoulders sag.
“Well. Big mission tomorrow I guess. It takes a lot of preparation.”
Well there was no messing with Jimmy, the big daddy.
“Fine, yeah, what ever.” I rambled as we picked our stuff up and made our way back across the field.
“Does this feel right to you?” I asked as we linked fingers.
“Well I haven't know you for that long and here we are kissing, I didn't think I was that type of girl.”
Oh please say yes. Please.
“Of course.” he said kindly. “Why, does it make you uncomfortable?”
“NO!” I shouted making myself jump. “No, not really. In fact it feels right for some reason.” We carried on chatting on the walk back home. Apart from dashing across the cow field.
Back home Vanessa opened the door straight away.
“Can you not go into the bedroom please? Jimmy's a bit ill.”
“Is he gonna be okay?” she nodded vigorously, making her hair fall in waves, almost like she need to ensure herself.
The rest of the day I spent in the library and dissection room helping Lizzie write the file and also doing extra research on this whole stupid Vampire business that I still didn't really believe in.
When the evening drew I went into the living room to chat with Zen and Adam for a bit whilst in Matt's arms until he had to go and start making dinner. It was then the bedroom door opened and Jimmy came out looking 100 years older than before and very ill and tired. His hair was out of place, the circles under his eyes huge were sunken and a bruised purple, his skin was chalky white, tinged with blue, and his hands and feet were trembling. He saw us and smiled wearily. “See you all tomorrow, kay?” we nodded silently as Nessa lead him out the house like he was an old man, probably to the middle of the woods.
She came back an hour later and plunked her self down by me.
“Has he transformed yet?”
“Oh what, god no. I have to be well away when he transforms because he forgets who is is when he in 'wolf mode' if you like.” suddenly the door bell rang and Vanessa screamed in glee.
“Sarahhhhhhhh.” she charged to the door and I peered shyly over to the back of the sofa. Turned out no one needed to go get her, she had the money to get a cab now. But as she opened the door her face fell and she suddenly looked very, very young. It was two police men (okay a police man and lady but I still say police men), they held out a poster to us and said,
“This girl has been reported missing, we ask all people who may know where she is to please come forward to the police. Details are on the sheet, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.” she stood straight and silent. Vernessa rose her nose, squared her shoulders and took one look at the picture, then said simple. “I am afraid I have seen no such person Ma'am but I will keep my eyes out and I wish you luck on finding her.” I got up to see the police men but Nessa flashed me a warning look so I ducked back down. The Police didn't seem to notice me.
“Thank you very much young lady. Good day to you.” and with that they swivelled around and marched off, waggling her very large bum. She ran back to me, threw me the piece of paper, and sat down looking very pissed with her arms crossed and a crumpled face.

Have you seen this girl?
Emma Lighten went missing at.... I screwed it up and chucked it across the room as hard as I could and scream, “WHO THE HELL WOULD CARE IF I WAS MISSING ANYWAY. THEY NEVER PAID ME ANY ATTENTION WHEN I WAS THERE.” and then I sat down panting and trying to clear my mind as Zen, Adam and Nessa all stared at me. Matt came running into the room at my racket and squeezed me tight. “Hey, what's all that about.”
I looked up into his gorgeous face and felt my worries and fears melt. “Don't worry, me being silly.” I smiled and he touched my cheek briefly before the timer went in the kitchen. He kissed my forehead and ran off making me laugh. Who cares when I have this place as a home, where I love everyone. Okay I hardly new Zen and Adam but hey were a good laugh and I'm sure I'd know them soon enough. And Jimmy. Well I haven't really got to know him in his normal state yet.
“You and Matty huh? After, what? Two days?” Adam asked me cheerfully, clearly impressed. I must seem like a man eater to him. The door bell rang again and I stupidly got up to answer it to dodge his question. I swung it open to revile a sporty looking blond, with alert blue eyes and a cheeky smile. She was quite short but also quite cute. Her hair was in a bunch and she hugged my straight away.
“Oh hi! You must be Emma! Herd sooooo much about you. Good to see you.” she jumped into the room filling it with her energy and enthusiasm. As Nessa hugged her hard I ran out the room to get Lizzie. I burst into the dissection room, she had her back to me but as she herd me enter she slammed the draw she was looking in, so hard that the body inside shook, and spun round, her face was icy. I felt my face falter, but the excitement was still there, I breathed in forgetting what I had charged into say, then remembered.
“Sarah is here.”
Her face went completely happy and with a little , “Oh!” she sent scalpels and fluids fly every where as she bolted out the room.
I turned to leave the room myself when I remembered Lizzie always looked at the certain draw sadly before she left the room. And just now I caught her looking in it, I had felt the anger vibes coming off her when I had found her looking at it. I went to the draw, held my breath and pulled it open.
Very slowly I pulled the white sheet down, it was just a normal man, with thick, rich, dark auburn hair. His face was peaceful, but his body ripped and mauled by teeth marks. It must be the person who used to work close with Jimmy. What's his name? I looked again and realised the strong cheekbones and creased forehead looked familiar, but form where? I dug round my memory. But nothing, I had tried so desperately to push my past from my memory in the past, so now it was thick with fog.
Why had they kept his body, I mean major ewww? I closed it, no wanting look at his dismantled body and familiar face, that made my heart skip a beat, a second longer
I spun around and ran back to the room. Everyone, even Matt in his apron an oven gloves, were huddling on the mismatching sofas staring up at the tiny, but a little chubby, Sarah who was bouncing from ball to ball. I snuggled in with matt.
“Now its so good to see you lot an all, but before we get all cosy I need to tell ya something, kay?” she had a strong and beautiful Australian accent.
“I have to break it to you so I don't make ma self at home and disappoint y'all later. I can't stay for all that long.” the looks of disappointment and gut wrenching shock were so strong it made my insides twist.
“Australia have quite a lot of similar things going on there, there's been another outbreak, same as what happens here, you see? They don't have experienced people on the job and they struggle so hard to keep it all under control. I have the honour of being asked if I could be there organisation head, and I said yes, because that's where my mama and papa live. I'm so sorry to disappoint you all.” and I could see she truly was.
“How long will you be here?” Lizzie whispered, her eyes full of tears.
“I'm not sure, but I shouldn't bother you for too long, so I'll camp out on the sofa.”
I couldn't sit with this depressing scene, so when Matt said, “i'll dish dinner up,” I stood up to and said, “i'll help.” and we nearly ran out there together. Once we were in there he put his hands on my bum and leaned back to look at me, before leaning down and kissing me lightly. Then he turned back to his work and carried on doing what he does best.
“I'm glad she's not staying long.” his voice cracked the air.
“What- why?”
“You keep an eye on how she reacts around Jimmy. Her organisation kills type 3 because to them they're the same as type 2. To her Jimmy is vermin.” I scowled.
“She seems so nice!”
“She is. Its just what she was has to believe because that's how it rolls where she's from.” It had been such a lovely, but I was so tied. I got some plate out and lined them up so he could dish out his south African dish (which looked so delicious with ingredients I had never seen before), and wiped his brow with the tea towel.
Dinner was very awkward, Lizzie and Adam had left, with grim faces and Sarah looked very guilty. Just to add to the mood, it had started to drizzle out side. Matt cleared his throat, and looked sheepishly up from the delicious dinner.
“I have to apologize. I knew this was going to happen, I had a vision of them offering you the job, I should of warned every one you wouldn't be down for long, then it wouldn't be quite as moody.” Sarah looked a bit stunned and shook her head.
“Not your fault. Amazing dinner by the way.” and it was. I can't describe the beauty and culture of the dish.
After dinner I went and slipped on the PJ's I had bought at New Look today. Once I said good night to everyone and explained that I was tied, Matt climbed into bed with me and let me rest my head on his chest. His heart beat, and gentle breathing soon let me drift of into heart warming dreams of earlier today, it seemed like I had known him for years, and slowly, I went to my happy place.