Velvet Stars.

Chapter six. Blood lust. Emma.

I was woken up in the morning by Jimmy. He was leaning over my bed, fully dress, looking a lot younger than the first three days, and colour flushed his cheeks. All the same , he was scowling. I squinted in the light and peered up at him.
“We can not have lie ins with our boyfriends when we have a mission.” and then his face softened and he laughed.
“Come on you, up, dressed and showers in half an hour.”
“See ya Jimmy.” I sighed, glad he looked young and fresh. And as he walked off chuckling I realised I was entwined with Matt, who was gently snoring oblivious to the little conversation. I slipped my self out of the bed (jeez, it seemed so much smaller with two of you), and kissed him on the cheek before getting changed in some Denim shorts and a white strap top. I shrugged on a lilac crop cardigan then realised I should have had a shower. Meh, I'll have on after the Mission. I was lucky I didn't smell or have overly greasy hair. I clipped some hair out my eyes and put some ankle boots on.
Nessa was waiting, and she threw me a cereal bar.
“Ready to rock and roll?” I felt my stomach flutter and realised how bloody frightened I was.
“What if I mess up?”
“You wont, don't worry. And if you do, Jimmy is going to wait in the car outside so he can see how you deal on your own. He'll be close if we need help. The worst thing that can happen when your dealing with a vampire is to get bitten, and that rarely happens.” we went to the weapon room and she gave me a pointed metal instrument, it was a cone shaped, but so sharp the point glinted in the light. She took one for her self as well and we left the room.
“Jimmy looks much better today.” I said as I checked my watch. 8 in the morning. The smile split across her face and she nodded. “yup, he's his old self again.”
There was big Land rover waiting, and Jimmy was in the front, munch on a coco pops cereal bar, with some seriously cool sun glasses on.
“That was quick, well done.” we opened the car doors and sat ourself in the back.
He set off down the road without a moment to spare. “we want to catch him before people start waking up.”
“Just as you went of to bed, before he came into bed with you, Matt had a short vision of us finding him in the picnic area which isn't surprising due to the fact its out of sight of pedestrians. He's hungry though, so be careful and don't shed any blood other wise he wont beadle to help himself.”
“Got it.” Nessa said bravely.
“ No pressure than.” I squealed not wanting to confess how terrified I was.
“Don't be scared, when your dealing with one creature, the missions over surprisingly quickly.” I nodded.
“Kay.” we drove for just under an hour, giving me plenty of time to dwell on what we were just about to do, and I how I had a really bad feeling about it, whilst winding my self up. Jimmy stopped at the bottom of a road. I thought I was going to be sick and was already feeling rather dizzy when Jimmy said, “Up there and on the left, just push that into his heart and job done,” he nodded his head towards the modernised stakes we were holding.
When we got out the car ,I thought my legs were going to collapse underneath me, I was trembling so hard.
We walked up the path and into a little picnic area. A very tall hansom man with dark chestnut hair and blood red eyes was standing there. His beauty knock me back, he was so much better than human. His skin was bone white and his strong cheek bones. His bright eyes were framed by dark lashes and his build was perfection. Suddenly it didn't feel right to kill him. But Jimmy said he was type 2, he had been created like this. Not a normal person changed by a type 2, there for he had no humanity. He was cold hearted.
We launched into technique right away, I edged round the park but his flaring nostrils told me he knew we were here. It looked like Nessa was to distract him, whilst I dragged the stake through his heart.
Vanessa walked vulnerably into the clearing flicking her long hair back and giving him her usual kind-hearted smile.
“Good morning sir. Could you possible give me directions for the centre of London.” she asked, waltzing closer as if her heart was pounding in her chest.
His face didn't change expression, “I'm sure if you looked you would find directions on signs,” his cold voice sliced through the air, making her cringe.
“Oh I have,” then it was his turn to step forward.
“What are you?” this shook her and she slipped off her acting for a fraction.
“I'm sorry. What?” he smirked.
“Well you know what I am. But your blood is a little different. It would still be nice as a snack or course. But your not 100% human.” as she did this is sneaked up behind him, slowly I trod my way over the grass,making sure not to make a single noise, my heart was hammering like it would burst out my body.
“No sorry. 100% juicy human. And I am asking for directions.” I was right behind his back and raised the steak when he hissed,
“i know your plan. Its quite convenient you come at a time when I am so very thirsty.” with that he whirled round, I froze in dazed shock as his eyes full of so much horror and blood, scraped into mine, with no warning and knocked me back with his hand, I fell to the floor, and the metal stake ripped through my arm, I froze and Nessa screamed as his eyes brightened crimson at the thick rivers of blood pulsed out my arm and spilling on the grass. Suddenly he was in a crouch with a ravenous snarl on his lisp.
I could hear the slamming of Jimmy's car and his feet as he ran towards the scene that had gone horribly wrong. He was a very independent type 2, as if he had lost his master. But all the same, a type 2 with, like all other type 2, no humanity left. Nessa ran up to him, and went to push the stake through his back but he sprang on me before she could, I felt his cold his teeth slice and seep in my arm that had the blood rushing thick and fast flowing from it, and he bit down hard, drinking form me. I felt the coldness of the stake in my other hand as my head started to go woozy as I felt the energy drain with the blood from my body, and with every last bit of strength I had in my dyeing body, smashed it through his heart. I felt his mouth and body slip from me and I remember Jimmy's musky smell and rushed words, and Vanessa sobbing quietly, before i gave in to the darkness that pressed down on me and slipped away.

I was in a black space. But some how I could see through the endless space. I could not feel ground under my feet, as if I was walking on air. But I was so peaceful and what had just happened seemed like a dream that hadn't happened. My body was filled with feathers but when I walked it was like trying to walk in water and the pressure pressing on my chest felt like a was drowning. But some how I was still calm relaxed. Suddenly, as my eyes adjusted to the space, I saw a body floating, as I was, in the distance. She had wild mahogany hair sprawling around her pale, light pink flushed face. Her eyes were wide open as if she was dead, her body limp.
There was still no panic and fear for her as I went to wards her though the smoky blackness. She was lying in the air at my shoulders and I pressed my hand on her chest so she came down to my waist. As she stared up at me she blinked several times.
“Hello.” I frowned. But still, my body was blissful. I realised she had blood on her face and sick down her front, I looked down at me. I had blood clinging to my arm and a stake in my other. I dropped it and watched it fall until it was gone, we never herd the sound of it hitting a floor. She closed her eyes and breathed out slowly.
“Where are we?” I knew something was wrong. Her eyes were a shining purple. Yes, purple. But she was simply a figure of my imagination.
“I think this is where you go if you give into the blackness.” I smiled.
“The blackness is peaceful.”
“Yes, but I can sense it. This is the verge of death, where life chooses whether to send us left or right.” still, the calm made me drunk and my brain wouldn't function. She breathed out heavily again then looked over at me.
“What happened to you?”
“i'm not sure. There was a vampire.” her body stiffened and then she put her arms above her head and shifted her body to look at me.
“My mother was a vampire.” I didn't believe her. She wasn't real.
“You?” I asked. She looked at me with thoughtful eyes and sighed,
“I don't know why i'm here, sadness, stress, I killed a lot of life.” I ran my fingers through her hair that was still swimming round her as if we we're under water.
“Oh.” and suddenly there was pain that ripped through my body but was gone as soon as it came.
“you are changing.” she smiled with her pouted lips. “its bound to hurt.” and then she looked around.
“the blackness is fading.” and as she said that she was fading. And as she did so I screamed, “no, NO don't go!” and clutched at the empty space before me where she had been and felt the anger and pain wash over me and I dropped back into reality from the odd dream.

Next thing I new I was on a bed in the dissection room. Was I dead? I shivered. As I opened my eyes a bit more I saw Matt holding my hand, Jimmy at the end of my bead, and Lizzie.
“Nessa?” I whispered then gagged up a little blood.
“She's been up with you all night, its the next day, we told her to get some sleep.
I felt different, and weak. And everything hurt, like i was having a major growth spurt, but it was a stabbing numb pain.
“What happening to me?” I realised I was crying, soaking my pillow. Matt leaned forward and kissed me on my bloody lips.
“Your going through the change.” his voice was full of pain and a cocktail of emotion.
“Vampire Venom. Presses into your DNA and...” OMG. I was turning into a blood sucking monster. no. no. no no. not happening.
“We gave you something for the pain.” Jimmy said wearily and the concern in his voice broke my heart.
“Looks like your finally fit in.” Lizzie tried to sound confident, but I herd the thickness of tears in her voice. And before I could do anything, I drowned in the blackness again. This time I was alone.
Things happen so quickly in this world. One minute everything you want can be there, then next, its swallowed away from you again. It was the words rushing through my mind as I started to come back to the world.
The pain and tiredness was gone. In fact in its place was power rattling the cage and desperate to be set free. So much of it building up.
I started to be able to feel parts of my body, regain certain things. My breath was coming heavy and my heart should have been beating my rip cage so hard it would be on the verge of cracking, but it wasn't. It was silent and peaceful in my chest. I lifted one of my hands in front of my eyes but was not ready to see yet so I touched my face instead. My face was hard as marble, it was like touching a statue, but it was perfect. My strong cheekbones, the same as my fathers, had come forward. I could not feel a pulse in my neck but it didn't panic me because I knew I was alive. But I felt empty. So thirsty, it made my body cold, as if I was a corpse. The hunger made my mouth burn. Maybe Matt would cook me up something nice? But that didn't seem right.
I opened my eyes, everything was so clear. The outlines of everything was so sharp. It was as if they weren't 3D. I felt a tingle of anticipation run through my body, making certain part of me flinch and regain their power. But I still felt heavy, like there was weights lying on my body. Then my ears started to work. Things were so loud it hurt at first, I could hear the cars on a road many miles away, and child crying, a baby kicking inside a mother stomach. But the thing I could hear the most, over the gentle breathing and the gentle murmur, was the thick, loud sloshes of peoples heart pumping what I craved round there body. Suddenly something curled inside me, making me want to fight it and tune the sound out, but I couldn't.
“Okay she's awake, every one out.” I herd a scramble under the thick, hot delicious sound. Who was awake? Why was everyone so scared? I wanted to tell them it was all okay, but then I remembered. I sucked in breath in horror, but then in the air I smelt it. Rich, passionate, thick and everything. It pulled me in, made my throat swell and my mouth drool in venom. It was the sweetest sense ever. But it wasn't the smell that dragged me, it was the need. My body was itching for it like a human that had gone without food for a month and then they we put in front of a table of their favourite foods. Instincts made me react to it. And with my new strength I sat up in a blink of an eye and hissed. Some one, I recognised as Jimmy, was standing there with a cup full of that odd smell. I walked to him and downed it.
“More,” I pretty much snarled. He obeyed and handed me bags this time. The flavours were a larva explosion in my mouth. They gave my body strength and warmth and life. It tingled my fingertips and toes, and gave me some sense back. It was strength and mind and warmth in a cup. After downing several bags my stomach was full and I blinked as I tried to ignore the vein I saw jumping in Jimmy's neck.
“Thanks.” I said. And jumped off the bed. He took a step back, which deeply hurt me, but I pushed it out my mind. I was still ME! I still loved Matt – whether or not he still loved me was a different matter.
“i feel great!” I still remember my friends and my love for clothes. How much I loved home made food. I still hate my past. Yes I'm here.
“You will gain your vampire characteristics as you get older. Right now you've just gone through the physical change, the scientific bit. Not the mental bit.” But no, why did this have to happen? I wanted to tear everything up, and scream that why, when my life finally looked good – brilliant- did it have to turn me into a monster?
“Would you like to see the others Emma?” he asked softly. My head snapped up and I had a strong urge to snarl at him and tell him to go the hell away. I need my space. But I took a deep breath in, the mention of my own name had given me courage, and I was still who I was for now, without looking at him, walked to the door and opened it. Every froze and looked at me, obviously been talking about me. I tried to smile but couldn't. Nessa came up to me first.
“Hey, glad you woke up. How to you feel?” her hot breath swept over me, I took a step back as a warning to myself not to hurt her, it was so hard to control at first
“Scared.” I spoke nothing but the truth. “I'm not surprised. Have you, err looked in the mirror?”
“I don't want to.” I started to cry again. I didn't want to face the monster I had become. I wanted to remember me with my emerald eyes and messy auburn hair and cute dimples. I didn't want to see what I knew I would. She put an arm around me and I felt her pulse pounding through, the monster inside told me to drain her of the delicious energy drink inside. I, on the other hand, didn't care and was in horror of what just swept through my mind.
She smiled sadly. I turned back to Jimmy.
“I'm sorry I failed the mission.”
He looked shocked. “Emma, you killed him!? You didn't fail. Remember, I did the same thing!” he rolled his sleeve up to show me an old bit mark scar. Then he walked to the centre of the room.
“We all forget this now. We adjust to Emma's new needs like you did to mine, you will treat her like you did before, just with a little more caution. We will carry on with our work. Do you under stand?” everyone looked unsure and a little dumb shocked but they nodded. Wait, the biggest, most horrible thing in my life has just happened, and everyone's going to ignore it. Hey look, I've just turned into a blood sucking creature, never mind! But part of me liked it, maybe if they pretended I wasn't what I was, then I could pretend I was still me until I got older and it really took over.
Wait, am I safe to be around people? My stomach quivered with nausea at the thought and it shattered my head as the images of me killing those I love spun through my head. I can't risk that! No I have to get away. Run away. I tried to work out some sort of method in my head when Matt collapsed onto one of the sofas. His body was stiff and tense and his eyes blank as if he has left his body.
I panicked and started shaking his shoulders and trying to bring him back when Jimmy put a warm hand on my shoulder.
“he's having a vision.” I froze. Suddenly he regained his body and his eyes found mine. I stared at his sweet face, he was the only one who was gawking at me like I was a completely different person. Then he had an out burst that made Jimmy jump a little beside me, but I stayed stationary. The worry had me like a statue. “EMMA NO!”
“No what?” I expected my voice to tremble as my insides were doing, but it remained strong and calm.
“I just had a vision of you running away? Do you under stand how dangerous that is? We hunt spirits but we keep the spirits so we're not technically killing them. We know type 3 can mostly control themselves, well unless blood spills, but your not as dangerous as a first creation. There are vampire hunters out there that will recognise you as a vampire straight away and they will not hesitate to capture and kill you.” I shivered, suddenly it didn't seem like an all that good idea. I let the tears run down my cheeks as I looked down at him, “let them.” his eyes widened in shock.
“Emma, your worried your hurt us. But you dyeing would hurt us just as much.” I looked up from him, over to Lizzie who was in the corner of the sofa biting her nails stressfully, she nodded and went back to staring at the floor. I took in a deep breath and stood straight. Trying to know what to say. Jimmy changed the subject hastily, “Em, just to warn you: you will find yourself, strong, faster everything you will see is clearer and you will be able to here things a lot louder. All of these gifts to you come with the vampire package as hunting tools, because you have to have human blood once a day or you can get very ill. There are only two ways to kill a vampire. Destroy the heart, then burn it. Because vampire body can mend itself as fast as a werewolf's can. Or , the other option, keep them from drinking blood for three days. Without the blood your body is starved of oxygen because that's what human blood carries, as well as other essential things.”
I slowly walked towards them and sat down putting my head in my hands.
“We understand this is hard for you.” Zen said in his deep star trek voice.
“Thank you,” I whispered.
“Okay, doom and gloom over.” Jimmy said pulling a whisky flask from inside his jacket and taking a quick swig.
“I got recent reports of odd creatures terrorising citizens in north London. We need to get down there tomorrow. I have no information so we'll take a lot of weapons. Lizzie and Adam, I need you to do some more home calls from around the area, we need to get as clear ideas as possible about what we're dealing with. The rest of you. I guess its a chill day. Now excuses me while I venture outside to clear my head.” he nodded to us and walked out the room.
“Scuse, meh, I gotta go work out.” Zen sighed. On the way passed he squeezed my shoulder, “Stay strong Em.” I nodded and swallowed at his near pulsing body, before he walked off to his little gym session.
“We're getting a Gym built in here you know.” Matt said to Lizzie, “we're going to use the little back room no one ever uses.”
“Cool,” she turned to me clearly not interested, and pulled a pair of nail clippers out her bag, “You may need to use these,”
I looked down at my nails. Crap! They had gotten so long. Like seriously long. “What?” I cried.
“When you went through the change your hair and nails grew five, ten times faster, whatever. They'll grow normal now.” I clipped them of into the bin next to the sofa and then felt my hair, it was past my shoulders, just above my elbow, and it had turned such a dark glossy chocolate brown it looked nearly black. Where had my bright Auburn hair gone?
“Who dyed my hair?” I snapped. She sighed exasperatedly.
“No one dyed your hair Emma, during the change it darkened naturally. Look up why, its bound to be in the library some where.” Clinging to my hair, I ran to the bathroom to look at the mirror and gasped. The person I was looking at was not me. She radiated in extreme, breath taking beauty, she had thick dark hair, bright, pulsing crimson eyes and snow white skin. Her lips were petals off a flower, and her nose was perfect along side her strong cheekbones.
Some one had dressed my in a simple black body con dress. I looked like a fallen angle. The last thing I need to check was my teeth, I could feel two, cold sharp things pressing inside my lip. I bared them to see I had elongated canines. They weren't stereo typical long ones, they were only a little bit obviously longer than my other teeth, but sharp as knifes, sharper, to tear through the flesh I would be feeding from, and slightly curved. I placed my hand over my heart and realised there was no beat. Panicking I put my thumb and finger on my wrist. Nothing. I was literally dead. No I was alive, I just didn't have a heart beat that's all. I ran back out and asked Matt to touch my skin. Puzzled, he did so and shivered.
“Emma, your stone cold!” I have no blood in my body. Apart form my stomach of course, and the thrill of energy it gave me.
“But you are so dam hot!” I gaped at him.
“You still love me?”
“AS much as I did before.” I threw myself into his arms and realised I couldn't feel his pulse or hear his heart beat. He didn't appeal to me at all? The others I wanted to sink my teeth into and drink every last drop of blood. All I felt from him is love, and enough warmth in his body for my dead one to.
I pulled away quickly.
“Why don't I want to eat you?” I blurted. He frowned. “you don't have any blood lust for me?”
“No, that's so weird, I wanted Jimmy's blood so bad I hissed at him. I had to run backwards from Nessa after she hugged me with one arm, and when Zen put his hand on my shoulder I felt his pulse and I wanted to sink my teeth into him. I just threw myself onto you, pressed my body against all the places where your blood pumps the thickest and heaviest, and I couldn't smell, hear or feel it. All I felt was a beautiful warmth.” His smile was full of so much happiness I wanted to cry.
“So you being a kick ass vampire wont get in the way of our relationship.” I was bouncing up and down as the excitement bubbled over.
“I don't think so! But your be the only human I can be close to.” I frowned and then said, “wait a sec, I'll ask Jimmy what the hells going on.” I went out side into the air to see Jimmy leaning on the wall with his legs crossed, his cigarette down by his legs.
“Jimmy?” he spun round but made no move to walk up next like he would of done if was still human. The only comfortably way for me was to speak to him. His loud sloshy heart thumped annoyingly loudly, making my mouth water. I swallowed and said, “i find everyone so tempting, all I think about is their blood, but with Matt I can't even hear his heart or fell his pulse, all I feel is a beautiful warmth that fills me.”
His eyes widened and he dropped his cigarette, “No blood lust what so ever?” I shook my head. “And how long have you known him?” “Since I've been here.”
“What?” I asked in frustration. “I need to speak to you and Matt.” he seemed over joyed as he stubbed the smouldering cigarette with the toe of his shoe.
“Shall we?” he singled for me to go first so we wouldn't have to be close. We went in and I sat down next to Matt. Jimmy sat himself down on the sofa furthest from us, I couldn't believe how unbelievably under standing but casual he was.
“This only happens when the vampire is in true love with another person. If true love hasn't happened between the two people after the first couple of days of knowing each, then it probably won't happen. Yes you can fall in love, but true love is different, its a bit like an imprint. I know it sounds all lovey dovey, but trust me, it isn't.
“Matt and Emma, you are in for a very hard relationship. If you break the true love the human dies, and the only way to save him or her is to turn them into a vampire. And no offence Em, but being a vampire is pretty grim.” I wasn't sure to be happy or sad. We had only known each other for a couple of days, it would be too easy to break up and I didn't want to put Matt in any risk at being the monster I had become.
Matt looked the same. “Your have to spend a lot of time together, and Matt is going to have to adjust to your new way of life, and Emma, that will be all revolved around blood.”
I sighed when I realised I had started to get slightly thirsty again, I had hardly any blood when I woke up. I tried to focus on what Jimmy was saying but now I had mentioned it to my self I couldn't get my mind off of it. My throat ripped into hunger and the feeling came so quickly I gave a harsh snarl, Jimmy snapped his head towards me and swore.
“Crap, she low on blood, if we don't get her some now it will be instinctual to kill the closest human.” he explained to Matt as he did certain things, as if teaching some students whilst doing practical work.
I couldn't be bothered to listen to his dribble, it was so weird. My soul in side was asking what the hell I was doing, the other could feel my body loosing the power, it felt like my insides were drying crisp in the sun, but it was painful. It was like my body had been filled with acid. And so it was only instinct that I was now in a defensive crouch on the floor. And the only thing I knew was I would have anything to stop the pain that was slowly getting worse on my inside.
But then it was gone. The pain vanished as quickly as it had come, as if warning me for what was coming next.
Empty coldness.
It was a haunting coldness. With the lack of blood it was a cold that numbed the end of my fingers and my brain. It made me feel sick. And depressed and I only strived for the warmth. Not the smell, the taste, but the warmth. I wanted to cry in agony and fear, I was so scared of it, it made me feel alone, lost and so much more. It was filling me and I was terrified. So I forgot who he was. All I knew was I was envy of the life he had in his body and it reminded my of the warm, I wanted to suck it from his body, cling to it. Snatch it, take the life that will save him for years to come and save me for one day.
But without it he won't have to feel the indescribable, monstrous coldness that was layering my throat in venom. He ran back out the room as I tried to shudder off the coldness and work out how to use my new hunting abilities, and was back almost insistently clutching bags of blood, but my mind was like staring at a dusty photo graph faded with time. I couldn't think clearly and I wanted to act instead of watching him with feverish eyes, the control I had now would be gone in a couple of weeks.
The final straw was when the coldness gave me what felt like a punch of adrenalin, it encouraged me to loose the war that was raging in my mind and have what I needed. I pounced on him, in one fluid graceful but animal characteristic spiked movement, knocking him to the floor and spun to the corner of the room, where I crouched and ripped the bags open with my teeth and downed them, the passionate flavour exploded with power and energy and the life I didn't have any more. It filled my body with - with, everything, and it filled the coldness, it chased it away as if it was pushing it from my body. I rose from my spot and breathed deeply. It was horrible. That wasn't me. It was some ravenous creature that should have been excluded from nature a while ago. I put my hands to my face and tried to shake that side of me away, tried to gain some sanity.
“Whoa, that was close.” Jimmy muttered as he grabbed the side of the sofa to pull himself up, he seemed fine and only a little shaken. His blood had smelt wrong, if he hadn't had the bags of blood I would of happily drunken it any way, but it was different. And his heat thumped to heavy for his body, like it was swollen in his chest, struggling. And it was without a doubt he could feel each thump ring out through his body, he could probably hear it thrumming in his ears. Which was why it was so mouth watering to be around him. I realised I was trembling from my sudden blood lust to rip Jimmy's throat out.
“Matt, you need to carry a couple of bags of blood with you all the time, if she gets blood lust again, because she wont be able to control herself and whether or not you guys are in love, she will kill you, got it?” Matt nodded and was obviously trying to fumble his thoughts and know what to think.
“What's the time?” he asked.
“Ten past ten.”
“How did you know that?” he asked me, stunned.
“I dunno, I just do.” I shrugged, it seemed perfectly natural.
“Oh and Emma.” I looked round at Jimmy who was glancing at his watch.
“You only need two to four hours of sleep a night, you can go with out sleep for weeks if you want too, it just means if you do stay awake at night your sleep longer the next time you go to bed.” I didn't feel tied at all, but slightly freaked, I smoothed the front of my top down to give my hands something to do, I didn't wish to ex spell my feelings right now. I took a deep breath in and smiled. “Thanks.”
We went back to the room and climbed into bed with each other, I loved Matt, I truly did, but despite our resent connections it was a brotherly love mixed with girl friend, boy friend love, not true love. But he wasn't the type of perfect boyfriends you read in books and see in films, I wasn't ready for true love, and although when he looked at me I felt a little pang I wasn't sure if I truly loved him. Suddenly, in the mystic darkness, he turned and kissed me, at first it was soft but some what lazy, then he was dragging me in with the pleasure of it, it was almost ravenous and I felt his hands grasp my thighs, I liked it, it made me feel wanted. And then the guilt washed over me so hard I wanted to pull away, but he was loving the true love (which wasn't all what it said in the name), and I realised he would accept me for what I had become, and with this final thought I decided to let myself melt into his arms, it may help me forget who I am .
as I relaxed I was barley aware of his hard breath between the kisses, which weren't frantic but passionate, but his body. I was to young for sex, but it was so warm I wanted to cling to him and let him fill me with it. I wrapped my arms around his waist and let myself right into his cradle, no one else was in the room. I herd my own breath sucking in his compelling scent and felt my hands closing round the tops of his arms as I wanted the warmth do bad. It wasn't like before, pain and coldness that mingled together, that was a need for the warmth, this was nothing but a want. A harsh, gripping stubborn want, We pressed into each other as he kissed until he gasped in pain. I lifted my head in surprise, utterly forgetting how strong I was now and saw a rip on him bottom lip that was starting to dribble blood, the top of his arms where I had been gripping were springing up with deep purple bruises. I only had blood lust for him when I needed blood, and that wasn't now, not after I had fed less than half an hour ago, the thought of it being any longer made me shiver. But it was still blood, both our bodies stiffened at the realisation, and I lent forwards, the aroma was unbearable. I licked the blood with the tip of my tongue letting it sizzle my taste buds, and melted back into him, being more gentle this time, his body softened in relief and we continued our freeze frame drama.
He flung him self back breathless and exhilarated. “Wow.” I nodded silently. “I'm so tied, mind if I go to sleep?” I sighed and shook my head.
“No I don't.” I forgot my sight was like ten times better than his when it was dark. I slipped out of bed. “You not coming in with me?” I nearly threw him a disgusted look but couldn't think why.
“No, I got stuff to do, and anyway, I'll make you cold.” I pointed out.
“But the shiver is sexy.” he joked and I rolled my eyes as his skin had come up in goose bumps the whole time.
“What ever Matt, my heads so jumbled at the moment. I'm sorry.”
“Can't think why, what with turning into something you never believed in and all.” I noticed how he dodged saying the V word.
“Kay, see ya tomorrow.” I smiled.
“See ya,” out side the room I took in a deep breath, only to inhale the scent of Jimmy, I looked over to the sofas where he sat, completely flagged on the sofa.
“Er, Jimmy?” he looked round suddenly at me, and tried to smile, “Yeah?”
“Sarah, can have my bed, I don't think I'll need any sleep tonight. Where is she anyway?”
he looked slightly disheartened, “she's terrified of you.” he was right not to lie just so I wouldn't feel bad.
“What?” I couldn't believe it, she hugged me like how many days ago? And now I'm a, I'm a. I shivered, I couldn't say it. She thinks I'm going to rip her throat out? Well maybe I should.
“DOES SHE HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD IT IS FOR ME WITHOUT HER MAKING ME FEEL WORSE?” my flow of anger totally shocked myself. Jimmy stood up like a bullet.
“Emma, vampires are very dangerous when they are angry, I'd get out and come back when you've cooled down.” I could see the terror in his eyes.
“Oh so what? Your scared of me now to? And I don't need to cool down. I'm a fucking vampire!” it was barley a whisper, but the power behind it must of crawled under his skin.
“No not at all...”
“DON'T LIE TO ME,” and the I realised I was about to rip up everything in the room, and then Jimmy himself, and something deep inside me told me to take it else where. I looked at him and tried to project the pain and agony in my eyes before I shot from the room into he cod night air.
It was a beautiful night, it calmed me down instantly. The huge velvet sky was a deep navy and the stars twinkled like diamonds. I hastily walked along the side of the wall with a strong desire to climb up the side of the building and jump over the roof tops, but I knew that would only remind me of what I had become. Very unexpectedly I herd a human heart thumping up in a tree, it wasn't like Jimmy's – swollen, it didn't smell wrong. It was just a plain human heart, and something told me it was watching me. Instantly I curled against the wall and hissed. Were they spying on me?
“Hey chill Emma, I'm just admiring the night.” I blinked several time before straightening and realising Vanessa was up in the tree. I climbed up quickly and joined her side on one of the thicker branched near the top.
“Its so pretty.” she sighed.
“You climb trees?” I asked slightly stunned, and my anger evaporated, replaced by my curiosity.
“Emma, your forgetting my animal characteristics. I don't even need any sleep because having human and animal in me, I have enough energy all the time not to need to rest.”
“You must get so lonely sometimes. I'll need a bit of sleep at night, but most of the time I won't feel tired at all, I thought I was going to be lost at night with out things to do.”
She laughed, and the sound rang in the air like a peel of bells.
“Nah, not when you have a whole town to explore, this place has so many places to discover. She grinned again.
“I wish I could do that with you tonight, but, I um.” she looked at me and how I was trying to sit as far back as possible from her.
“Emma, when you first wake up from the change you need a lot more blood when you would need normally, take off into the night and free some hobo of his miserable life.” I realised I had started to shake a little making the leafs rustles.
“But, but I don't want to be a monster.” I whimpered painstakingly, she rolled her eyes dramatically and stood up, steadying her self on a branch to her side. “Oh by the way I'll take all those clothes back you bought the other day from new look, you wont want to wear all those bright colours and draw attention to your self when your out side, I'll get you some darker colours and no one will notice, any way, I really don't think all those clothes you chose will go with your look any more. They're tacky and cheap, your now glamorous and truly amazing, I'll get you some stuff from Miss Selfridge and Top Shop etc.”
“Thanks, do I need to come?” she shook her head steadily. “No, don't worry, this is where my expertises come in. I stood up with her when both out heads twitched towards coming up foot steps (and in my case, warm moist hearts beating noisily), approaching. When they came in they turned the corner and froze at the sight of us in the tree. Lizzie, with a thick white scarf round her neck, and Adam both shivered at the same time and I saw their hands tighten around each others, then Lizzie called up to us, “it's the two demons of the night.” it wasn't a nasty comment, Nessa clearly thought it was funny, but it did hurt me. Demons.
“Hey Lizzie, hey Adam.” Adam shivered again, this I chose to ignore, but Lizzie waved, “you girls have a nice night.” and they turned and went in.
“You know they're engaged.”
“What?” I nearly fell out the tree in surprise. “Your kidding!” she shook her head.
“You were kind changing when it happened.”
“How long did it take me to change.”
“Five days, a lot of that you were whimpering in pain, every one of us were worried, apparently the change was like drowning in endless black clouds, but nothing that dreadful can be explained. They got engaged when they went to that fancy restaurant at the welcome home meal.” she fidgeted then took a deep breath in, “Emma- please, bite me.” I didn't understand it so all I could think to say was, “pardon.”
“Let me be a vampire like you, please? Bite me.” I jumped away from her.
“You want to be a monster, no I wont you are a beautiful girl with a strong gift right now, I'm not, I'm, not turning you into a, HOW COULD YOU EVEN, no way. NO! Why would you even want that.” I spat at her.
“Because no one gets me.” she cried in desperation, her hands forming fists, “there is no one else out there like me! And if I was like you it would be better than being some psycho, at least I could be classed as something, I would have others like me to go to!” it came out in a rushed blur of emotions and words and still stunned she asked me that, I took off into the night to hunt and and dwell over the horrifying incident that had just happened. I have one word for her: