Velvet Stars.

Chapter Seven. Adjustment. Emma.

Jimmy slammed his hand down on the table between all of us, making us jump and shut up. It had been a week and a busy one to. We had done one more mission much like the first one I had caught up with when I first came to meet the organisation. Just empty, tampered bodies filled with spirits. I found my new “skills” perfect for defeating them. But it was so hard to adjust and slip in. Luckily, we had caught the monsters at night, so I hadn't had to show myself in public. And now Jimmy was insisting I was to see my mum . The search party and missing posters had spiraled out of control.
“She might not even recognise me!” I yelled in desperation.
“Err, Em, you have something just there,” Nessa pointed to below her lip and I wiped away the blood from my latest meal.
“Yes thank you Nessa. Look Jimmy she doesn't even care about me!”
“EMMA, have you done your research on your farther?” OMG, I had completely forgotten about that little assessment.
“Err, not yet.” I was really starting to get annoyed now.
“Then you'll know he went missing when you were six. You are the only family your mum has left, no wonder she's making a big deal of your disappearance. I'm starting to think she relied on you a little more than you thought.” I wanted to fling the table back in his face even though I knew his words were true, and they stabbed me.
“Yes but I am now a blood sucking monster, maybe I should just break thee truth to her and she'll never want to see me again.”
“NO!” he roared above me. “You can not tell anyone. If news spreads you will be hunted and killed.” I placed my head in my hands.
“She will recognise me as a vampire!”
“Now this is what I was talking about, bit of blushers, tie your hair back, dress you in normal teenage clothes.”
I pointed my fingers at my eyes and shouted, “WHAT ABOUT THESE!?”
“Sunglasses.” he said simply.
“What if it isn't sunny?”
“Look, you are going to see your mother, no matter what!” I snarled angrily at him.
“Don't go vampire with me!” Jimmy snapped.
“Yes well some of us have to start facing facts!” I yelled, nearly pulling my perfect hair out.
Matt put an arm round me and pulled my trembling body into his side. “You have no choice.” he whispered lightly in my ear.
“Okay fine whatever, but she'll try to hug me and if her body is pressed to mine I will not be able to resist...”
“That's a point well made Jimmy.” Zen mentioned, he treated me just as he had before, I loved Zen, he was awesome.
“Well we will tell her you picked a disease up on the streets, me and Nessa will be from the hospital. You can't have contact with anyone. I know it scolds science but she probably won't think twice about it she'll be so glad to see you.” I nodded thoughtfully.
“Wowee, your brave.” Lizzie sucked in air. I realised, how she was still as nice and friendly as she was to me before, but she could never make eye contact with me. m, instantly making Probably my scary red eyes, we weren't as close as the bond I had felt when she was the first person I had opened my eyes to. But now I was reborn and different.
“I'll come with you.” Matt cooed, and I grinned wildly at him, instantly making everyone around me cringe at my fangs. I snapped my mouth shut and stood up glaring at them all.
“I need space to think.” I spat and waltz off. I was wearing a deep purple top, with long tight sleeves that flared at little at my wrists and dark denim jeans, so dark they were practically black. With a dark emerald hair band and matching emerald pumps. I felt wearing darker colours now made me feel safer.
I checked my watch on my wrist, it was after dinner and safe enough to go out.
“I'm going out!” I called to them. Mat t came bouncing up to me. “I'll come!” I so wanted to saw yes but I know it wasn't right, in the day I regain my humanity, at night I become the blood sucking monster I have turned into and I didn't want him to see that perspective of me.
“Look, its not safe for you to be out with me. Sorry.” he shook his head and said, “but you've already fed tonight.” he said the words so casually, it made me moan. “No,” I said firmly.
“Emma, I am absolutely not happy with you going out this early, people are still around” Jimmy sighed and stepped towards me, but made sure to keep distance.
Who was he, my dad? But when I looked at him I saw the fatherly love and care in his eyes, and as I was so young for all of this I kinda guess he was, so I said, “Jimmy, please don't worry about me. I under stand your concern but I promise to take care of myself.” I knew he wanted to hug me, and all that he had done for me, he deserved a hug. He even told me I didn't need to pass the missions to stay here, since I was a vampire he would look after and care for me.
So I held my breath, tried to block his blood form my mind, and took the steps that separated us, and lightly hugged him. First I smelt whisky and smoke, but also a warm homely smell of a man who had been sad for years. I had anchored my body so I wasn't touching him apart form my arms, but he pulled me in forgetting everything and kissed my head as a farther would. His whole body was pressed against mine, and I felt his heart hammering against my body. Full of thick, pulsing blood. I could smell its delicious scent and its hot flow. I opened my eyes and saw the vein throbbing in his neck, it would be so easy just to tear that skin and let the blood trickle, or pour, onto my tongue.
I threw myself away at inhumane speed as the last of my humanity for the day trickled from my body and I fled from the house without a second thought. I knew one of these days I wouldn't be able to control myself like this, one of those days would be in a couple of weeks.
The night was a freedom to me, it was my stage. I could climb over the roof top or fly into the night by the river, though there were still people around, but it was a dull and bitter night and I doubt many people would be round town.
So I just walked along, trying to calm my thoughts, I never felt the cold any more, considering I had no hot blood in my body to turn cold.
I walked along a little lane, knowing Nessa would catch me up later.
A human man was walking the opposite direction to me. I ducked my head down so he wouldn't see my eyes or teeth and tried to dodge round him. But he stepped in front of me. What stupid, pert hectic human just stepped in the path of a vampire?
“Helloooooo,” he dragged the word out, “beautiful.” his words were slurred, he was drunk? This early, I snapped my head up and when he saw my eyes his dull ones widened.
“Whoa, sexy. “ I snarled at him, almost a growl, and he took a step forward, I herd his heart beat stuttering. Poor bugger, he was probably doing the most stupid thing he had ever done in his life.
“You wanna come home with me darlin'?”
“Out. Of. My. Way.” I warned, my voice was a hiss in the air between us.
“Ahh, no need to be like that love.”
I looked behind me and went to turn, then I paused and turned back around. He grinned foolishly and gripped my arm with one hand and tried to tug my stationary body towards him, a ripple of coldness from my skin washed through his body. I coked my head to one side and sniffed the air. A frown furrowed on his face as a licked my lips at the delicious scent wafted over to me through the air.
It was almost a warning for him to run and I knew I was being stupid, but I didn't want to kill him.
“Come on you sexy chick. I've never seen no body as good as yours.” and he obviously hadn't taken it. He put his other hand on my arm and this time pretty much yanked me.
“You want to stop that.” I could feel the irritation building up in me, he hadn't done this to just me. Oh no. his grin sickened into a sly but goofy smile. He wasn't young any more so it didn't work on his unshaven face.
“oh no but I don't you see? I want so much more.” was he planning on raping me? He gave me another harsh tug and I decided to give the sod one last chance, I channelled as much threat into my voice as possibal.
“Get out of my way prick, or I'll rip your throat out.” he laughed hysterically.
“I like a girl that talks a little shit.” that turned it for me as he grabbed me so hard it would hurt a normal person, and tried to thrust me along the path.
And then before he had time to scream my hand was round his neck as I slammed him back into the wall of the ally way, so hard the concrete cracked around him. The shocked looked of agonising pain crossed his face and I could feel his heavy pull under my hand. As the blood spurted from his nose and mouth I screamed a shrill of pure joy and bought my face to his, I lifted him so he smeared blood along the wall and his chin was just where my nose was, then bared my teeth so he could get a clear view of my fangs, and hissed in his face before leaning into him towards the heavy pulse and fresh blood, I was about to tear his throat out, but I didn't want to be hideous. So I just bit into his neck lightly and drank until his fighting body and gurgled protests weakened and his body went limp in my grip . It filled me with warmth and life and strength. The most gorgeous thing in the world. He had that coming if he consistently take young girls home to rape. But it was horrible thinking at what I had done, I was a monster. Whether I like it or not and it made my insides bleed with despair.
I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand and stood up with out looking at his corpse, trying so hard not to look at what I had just done. Trying not to let the tears fall and for me to yet again claw round helplessly to find Emma. My head spiralled, where was I gone? The girl who believed she would never murder, the girl who loved puppies, the girl who who daydream about such innocent things, the girl who would do anything to make her farther proud where ever he was.
“You need to dispose of the body, or they will know a vampires in town.” Nessa voice completely shocked me, and I spun round crouched in front of my prey and snarled a warning at her. She simply rolled her eyes and came towards my threatening position.
“Snap out of it Emma, your a really messy eater you know.” I looked down at my self to see that I was drench in the blood that had gushed out his neck.
“You have it all round your mouth to.” she nagged. And I licked my fangs, savouring every moment. I picked him up easily and chucked him in the bush. The I searched through his coat for a knife I knew he would be carrying, and stabbed it into his neck.
“There, suicidal.” she shook her head as we carried on down the ally way like nothing had just happened.
“How much of that did you watch?” I whisper, embarrassed and ashamed. Oh I arrived when you slammed him on the wall, but I didn't want to disturb you, ya know? I hate it when the phone rings during my dinner.” I laughed with out humour and said coldly, “its not like that.”
“Jeeze, your temper is really serious since you went through the change. Can you please come home so we can clan you up?”
I nodded, instantly sorry I had been harsh with her.
“Don't think about it twice. Is that how you do it every time?” I found it surprisingly easy to talk to Nessa.
“No, he was trying to take me home. I don't think I was the first victim. He deserved what he got, but I was brutal and angry, which is why I got so messy.” Understanding and disgust for the man crossed her face and we did a circler route back home. The minute we entered Jimmy was up so fast, and concern crossed his face. I answered his question that lingered in the air between us.
“Drunken tried to take me home so he could rape me no doubt. I kinda got a bit angry, and well you know, he had it coming.”
I swallowed at the brutality in my words as he winced. I sighed and shook my head and running my hand through my hair I muttered,
“Sorry.” I smiled and said.
“Don't worry, the same thing happens in the wild all the time, the killing bit. Its not like a monster, its just natural. And if you need food you might as well kill a good for nothing drunk instead of an innocent person. Now go get your self cleaned up.”
I tied my hair up in a messy bunch and nodded.
“See ya.” I walked round to the bathroom feeling very full and slushy.
“Emma, towels.” Sarah bounced up to me with her springy blond curls and some white towels, her gaze fell on me and her body tensed. Her eyes became rich with fear and she thrust them at me before scampering away.
“Thank you Sarah.” I said politely, to worried to say what she deserved. I looked forward for her leaving. I found her incredibly irritating.
I switched the shower on cold, there was no point using up the warm water when I didn't need it like a human would.
I let the cold water pour over my body and loosen my muscles, the water flowed down the drain a crimson red from the dried blood on my body, I massaged my head and tried tot think how perfect everything would be if I hadn't been bitten. I probably would of made friends with Sarah and been able to see my mum looking like myself. I would be allowed out in the sun light with out worrying about being hunted and killed.
I turned the shower off and stepped out feeling deeply refreshed. I pulled on a simple dark olive green strap dress and a slouchy dusty grey cardigan. I was glad it was nearly winter, it was shorter days and longer nights.
The minute I stepped out the door Ness was in my face.
“Emma, Emma, Emma!” I rubbed my forehead and frowned, my head was killing me.
“You know how busy it has been lately?” she didn't pause for my obvious answer. HELL yes.
“Well I completely forgot my favourite time of year! Haloweeeeen! Please come partying with me!”
Yeah, I wouldn't have to dress up. Great.
“Please!” I looked at the anticipation in her eyes, and thought how her reaction would be if I said no.
“Okay, okay what ever,” she clapped her hands and did a spiral.
“Never too old to go to Halloween parties!” Lizzie came up to us. “Can I come?” Nessa hugged her and squealed.
“Yeah baby!”
“Okay, costumes?” I asked, she looked at me with a how-can-you-be-so-stupid look? Then patted her hair down, and took a deep breath.
“Have you never been to Asda's Halloween rage?” I shook my head in amusement, “okay, well that's where we going.” she swivelled to Lizzie.
“What do you want to be?”
“Oh, I'll just be a boring witch.”
“Okay, so we're going for original costumes this year in stead of bunny rabbits or scary film characters. I'll be a devil.”
“And I'll be a vampire.” she nodded thoughtfully.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Well, I'll see you guys in the morning.” Lizzie stretched to the sky. “I'm going to bed.”
“Well I thought me and Emma could pop along now, they're open 24/7. and we won't have anything to do tonight since Emma has already fed and I'm starting to get a bit bored of just roaming around all evening,”
“Why now? You have bee in your bonnet don't you?”
“Well its in like how many days?.” she exclaimed desperately.
“Okay,” Lizzie told us, staring Nessa in the eye, “i want to be a pink witch.”
“Err, hello, original ideas?”
“Fine, dark blue or purple.”
“That s better, and yes its probably a good idea to go tonight.”
“Can I come?” Jimmy asked, completely shocking us. We all froze in our little Halloween conversation.
“Trick and treating, how old are you Jimmy?”
“NO!” he chuckled. “Come and help you chose the costumes. I cant function to spend time in the library, but I'm not tied enough to go to bed.
“I don't have a problem with that... Emma?”
“What? No that's fine. Can we make me look a little less, well obviously vampire?”
He beckoned me forward back to the bathroom. He took some things form the cupboard. Because my skin was whiter than paper, I needed a lot of make up. As he leaned forward and started dabbing my face, his warm breath flowed over me, and his body heat filled the space between us. But I don't have much blood lust, due to the fact I was full to the top with that other guy, so it was all cool.
“Sorry Emma, this must be uncomfortable for you,” he said leaning away to pick up the next thing. I didn't dare open my mouth and taste his scent on my tongue. I just pursed my lips and shrugged.
“I'll only do I little bit, no where near as much as I will do for you tomorrow.” behind me Vanessa started a French plait starting form the every top of my head.
“What about my eyes? I can't really wear sunglasses at night.”
“There wont be many people in there, so just put your head down when people pass. I very doubt many people will be in the Halloween section this time of night any way.”
I was starting to get impatient now, but I didn't tap my foot or anything because what they were doing they were doing for me.
After not so long he spun me round in the chair to the mirror. I looked a bit different. I looked like a pale human. I had pale pink skin instead of bone white, with slightly flushed cheeks. Also my hair looked very odd back. It made me look less mysterious and vampire. I preferred it down even though I hated my true identity. Nessa also had her hair in a French plait like me. But her hair shimmered down dead straight to the top of her thighs. Mine just flowed incredibly thickly to just above my elbows.
“Okay, we're ready to go.” I was still in a my dark olive dress so he ordered me to pull on something a bit less, well, you know. So I put on some jeggings and a black hoody and came back.
“Nice skinny jeans.” Nessa said and I laughed. “i know, they really do look like jeans, but there really leggings.”
“NO way! They're so cool!” she rushed up to me, pulled it and let it ping back on my leg.
Jimmy rolled his eyes, “Girls, we can discuss fashion secrets later please. I know you two would normally run through the night to Asda, so I'll run to.”
I looked at him with wide eyes.
“I can turn into a wolf at will.” I couldn't cope with all this were wolf and vampire crap I never used to believe in. I hated books and films with anything to do with that stuff so I said what I knew was true,
“but surely that drains you of so much physical energy because your not used to it, cant you gain some wolf characteristics instead of changing completely.” his eyes widened,
“that's a brilliant idea, I'm sure I can. Yeah, so we're just run through the night, its not that far.”
So with that we called goodbye to the boys (who were very geekily watching star wars), and I gave Matt a quick peck before we left the house.
I loved running through the night, letting the wind whip my hair. We ran round the buildings, unseen by any humans. It seemed so right to run, I was hardly aware of the others beside me as we ran at inhumane speed. I wondered what animal characteristic Nessa had gained for this. But I was still faster than them and it was a pain to stick to their sluggish speed even though, to any human, we were going hugely fast any way, a blur.
Soon we arrived at the Asda glowing so brightly it hurt my eyes. Jimmy was panting a little and Nessa seemed quite breathless but neither seemed to care. That was bliss for me. I listened in closely to their heart beats, Jimmy's huge heart was faster than usual, but I knew that was the fact he had gained his wolf side a little and it had put strain on him like it wouldn't for other werewolf's that changed regularly because they trained their bodies to do so. But I really hadn't paid attention to it, I didn't want to.
“You know Emma, your brilliant.” he was more murmuring to him self, but all the same, it lifted some of the weight on my shoulders and loosened the knot in my stomach.
There were hardly any cars in there huge car park. Only five or ten.
We went into he brightly lit store and I impatiently ducked behind Jimmy with my head down.
When we got to the Halloween isle, no one was there, so lifted my head up and stared at the cheap products.
We chose, a dark, midnight blue witch dress for Lizzie, with a matching hat and a broom stick. For Nessa we got a slutty cropped, blood red silk devil dress, with a tale and fluffy horns, (they would look so good with her naturally black hair). And for me, a black corset with a black skirt, cape and a couple of other garments. While we did this, Jimmy went off and did the shopping for this weeks food supply. “There's a big party in town for Halloween. We'll go there.”
I cringed. “Nessa, will you be offended if I don't come.” her face crumpled for a second then it lit up again.
“No, not really. Now that I know Lizzie's coming.” I sighed and put back my stuff.
“Can we look in the pet isle?” she asked eagerly.
“You don't have any pets?” she squirmed slightly, “no but I want one so bad.”
So we did, and it just so happened that they had a little wire hamster cage on sale, from £25 to £10.
“OOO! I can get a little hamster.”
“Max.” I sighed. She looked at me.
“Max, it would be a good name, I always told myself if I was to get a pet i'd always call it Max.”
“I love the name Max!” I nodded.
Jimmy met with us at the tills.
“What the hells that for?” he asked as he dumped the shopping basket on the till, and nodded towards the cage.
“Its my new cage for my new pet.”
“What pet.”
“My, to be, pet.” he looked to the high heavens and smiled wearily,
“you guys really use that gold card to your advantage don't you?” he looked down at all our stuff as we both nodded guiltily.

Back home I tip toed into the bed room, a little tired and saw some sweat forming on Matt's brow, it must be quite stuffy in here. ii slipped in with him feeling his wonderful heat, and snuggled my head into his hair, falling into a silent sleep.
When I woke up I knew he was awake, his breathing was different and he was stroking my hair. My head was on his chest, and my arms round his waist.
“Morning.” I whispered. I felt him jolt and stiffen, them he melted back into a relaxed position.
We lay there for quite a while, until I herd everyone else getting up and going for breakfast, I must have slept a long time. I hadn't had nay sleep for days on end though, so I guess I had slept for 6 hours. We had lay there for two. Then, with a sickening twist, I remembered what everyone was preparing for today, and why Matt was being all tense, and then I put my head over the side of the bead, and was sick in the bin.
“Can vampires even throw up?” Sarah asked Jimmy in disgust as he sorted me out, and disposed of the bright red vomit. It wasn't normal vomit. It was thick and red, a mixture of stomach acids and blood. I fell back against the pillows feeling faint.
Jimmy came back, “yes.” and started to wipe round my mouth like I was a baby. I gowned and clutched my stomach.
“Its a hundred times worse than being sick as a human.” and it was, it was like some one was slowly turning your stomach inside out, then let it go so it shuddered my insides and burned my throat. He nodded looking deeply concerned.
“Don't worry, it will pass in a moment.” and it did, it slowly faded away until I was strong enough to sit up fully. Jimmy handed me a bowl and a glass of water.
“Swirl some round in your mouth and spit it out, just to clean your mouth out.” I did as I was told, and handed it back to Jimmy ,everybody but Matt left the room fro me to get changed. I put on some denim shorts and a black satin strap top. My hair was still in a perfect French plait so I left it at that.
When I came out Jimmy looked me up and down and threw me a bright pink cropped cardigan.
“Eurgh, I am NOT wearing this!” I cried despite the aching sickness raging inside me, pinching it in between my thumb and finger I held it away from me like it was dog crap in a bag.
“I knew you would chose black to wear, and your mums looking for Emma, not the new improved you. So put it on and try to be normal.” I raised my eye brows at him about his new and improved remark, but shrugged in on anyway.
I could hear everyone munching on cereal bars, so I sat heavily on the sofa feeling weaker than ever.
“Emma, you need to feed.”
“What?” I asked looking up at Matt who swallowed loudly and said,
“I got a vision earlier when I was awake before you awoke, that you very nearly killed your mother you were so overcome with thirst, but I have visions so you can stop things happening. I used to keep them to my self...” the pain filled his eyes at the last bit as I jumped to my feet absolutely terrified.
“Oh my god.”
“No problem,” Jimmy said simply, “you obviously cant go hunt this time of day because it's daylight and you cant really give your identity away. You grab some blood bags while we all finish our coffee and cereal bars. “
“Kay, cheers Jimmy.” it was quite easy to adjust now, no one winced or flinched when the blood came into mention and we always had stuff ready for me, it was like having a hundred and one allergies, people just get used to it and help you or like adjusting with some one in your household with a new disability, it all seemed normal to everyone. Just like they adjusted to Jimmy's were wolfishness (apart from the fact he is hardly like a real were wolf – but I knew by containing who he was was hard, no where near as hard as a vampire containing who they are). Suddenly a thought hit me, I had been so worried I had completely forgotten how everyone else acquired those talents. I have to find that out. God I was rambling, but i'll put it down to the nerves that were making my insides vibrate.
I tore opened the bags and gulped down about five or six, then tied them in a plastic tesco bag and threw them in the bin. Obviously I didn't need to explain about the sensation, strength and beauty it gave me.
I wiped my face on a wad of kitchen paper, and herd a heart humming in the door. So with out looking at her I said,
“Nessa, is it a conmen habit to sneak up on my whilst I'm eating?” and I spun round to see her leaning on the door frame. She ignored my comment and asked in a chilled voice,
“You thought any more about my request?” I gaped at her and made to walk past her, she moved a side for me but grabbed my shoulder.
“Please.” her whisper was so full of so much desperation I wanted to cry for her but I knew it was the request was wrong so I shook my head and said,
“sorry Nessy.” she dropped her hand and her whole body slumped, but I knew it wouldn't be the last time she would bug me about it.
I couldn't look at her face any longer, it made me sick how much she wanted to be what I struggle with each day.
“Hey Matt?” I asked walking into the living room,
“Yeah?” he answered me pulling me onto my lap.
“How come you guys all have special abilities?”
“We have been gifted by the blue spirits.” I cocked my head to one side, “no offence but why?”
“If you save a fallen spirit, that should of proceeded to the afterlife, it gifts you. And the guards you for the rest of your life in reward for protecting and finding it” he pulled it out his pocket and waved it in front of my face, “because once it had fallen there's no going back, and we protect them as they protect us, but you have to save it personally. I really doubt you need one.
“That's pretty cool.” I approved. He nodded in agreement.
“Okay, lets go.” Jimmy came in full of alertness. “Just Vanessa, Emma and Matt please, we cant turn up with all 8 of us.”
“Not a problem with me,” Zen said, completely distracted by the TV screen.
“Yeah, we have the last mission of Halo left.” Matt jeered picking up the controller then wedging himself next to Lizzie, “and I think I know who's going to win.” he flashed Zen a competitive but friendly glance. He made me laugh with his funky glasses, messy hair but his constituent clothes, Lizzie rolled her eyes,
“As I ,on the other hand, have files to write on the latest body.”
“Oh and I'm off to tennis.” Sarah came in the room in her full out fit.
“I thought we couldn't stay in touch with the outside world in case they found out about us.” I asked, a little pissed.
“Yes well I'm not a permanent member am I? And any way, its only tennis club, not social hour.” she sneered, then laughed loudly. I hissed and she threw me a dirty look out the corner of her eye,
“leech,” she muttered. I wanted to throw my self at her and rip all those golden curls form her head, but I didn't. I sat there, full of humanity (which I could feel steadily leaving me), and sneered back ready to scratch her eyes out of her head, I bared my teeth and she stumbled back a little, suddenly looking very young and frightened. And I liked it. I like the sense of fear that was washing her eyes.
“OKAY. I think its time to go.” Jimmy cried tensely, standing up so to block the view between us. I nodded and got up to join his side with out looking away form Sarah. I realised how she completely didn't like me and Jimmy and the only times she did speak to us was like we were way below her. Not a big vampire/ were wolf fan.
I snorted, and Nessa elbowed me with a WTH look. I shook my head at her and smiled, thankfully she returned it, so she wasn't mad at me.
We loaded into the back of the car and Jimmy looked over his shoulder at me in particular.
“Emma, I forgot to say, that whole stuff about garlic and vampires is true, but it wont kill you. Just stay clear of it basically. Nasty stuff. And I also forgot to tell you, you live for hundres and hundreds of years, not immortal, just old. Your stop ageing in your early twenties, maybe even late teens or so.” I gaped at him. “Oh and do you mind if we stop off at the news agent to get a paper.” I felt as if I was going to swoon. Nessa crossed her arms, slid down the seat and looked like a 6 year old who just lost a tantrum. I ignored her as Jimmy started the car and we spun off down the road.
“Is the whole silver and werewolf thing true?” I asked to break the heavy silence in the car.
“Oh yeah. Our skin is so much different to humans, it creates a reaction as acid would do on yours, and burns the flesh.” I shivered and decided to shut the hell up on the subject before I was sick again.
He parked right by the little spa store and went into get the local paper and The Times.
He retuned five minutes later with the news papers and some lunch for him and Nessa. He chucked the papers back to us and put the lunch on the front seat.
“I got you some blood bags in my rucksack Emma,” he said turning back to the wheel.
“kay thanks.”
“What you get me?” Nessa asked peering over the seat.
“Ham salad wrap, crisps and a muffin.” she made a face at me and mouthed 'ham!' but thanked Jimmy.
Unfolding the Local newspaper whilst Nessa flicked through The Times, (stopping on a case about Primark), the front page made my dead heart jump to my throat, my eyes roll and my head freeze over.

Vampire Attack on Local Lad.
Yesterday at 9 'o' clock, local Lad Jack Rush's body was found with two lacerations in the side of his neck, and blood drained from his body, dumped in a bush by the Alley way leading to the Rec.
Many people don't believe in Vampires. The rumours of cold skin, blood red eyes and fangs sharp as knifes are far more true than most of us had hoped, and not only flashing images on cretin horror movies, or the heart stopper in books.
The sky was luminous and frightful as if it set the mood for Jack (35), fait, who was reported missing only seconds before he was found.
Our cunning fanged friend tried to cover up there kill by stabbing a small knife into his neck, but examinations were done on the body proving this was not the case of the death.
We ask local citizens to keep there eyes out for the new creature that has entered out town but asks you not to panic. We place a leaflet in every news paper and shop, a poster in every window and car, explaining how to spot a vampire, and how to slay it.
We will do everything in our power to hunt the beast, and we have alerted professional help.

I closed it and swallowed, having no idea what to do, not wanting to read any more of the article. My fate washed over me, curling my nerves and crawling under my skin. I sunk down in my seat and realised silent tears were rolling down my cheeks, no doubt ruining my make up we had put on too make me look even a little human. I wanted to melt into the seat and hide. But we were out of town for the day so I need not concern till tomorrow.
“Emma? What the hells wrong?” Nessa cried and when I flopped my head down at the paper she snatched it from me and started reading it, her eyes bigger and bigger, and bigger and I herd her heart thumping so hard and uneven I thought it may break her ribs.
“Oh my god, oh my god. Do you have any idea how serious this could be?” she kinda screamed it under her breath. “once they know there's a vampire they can hunt you Emma, and then they will find out about you and they won't hesitate to KILL you!” she stared at me and I saw she was crying to.
“Jimmy pull over.” her voice was trembling but she tried to keep it strong,
“What's up girls?”
“Pull over.” she snapped blankly but assertively, we pulled in at the nearest lay by. When we stepped out he saw how hard I was crying and he nearly pulled me into one of his bear hugs, but remembered how tempting it was so he gripped my arm and squeezed, but a shiver flushed through his body.
“I've been so stupid, but I had no idea, I didn't think twice,” I sobbed,
“No, it was me to, I was there.”
“We had no idea how to dispose the body, normally I feed else where when I can just dump them in a river or burn them in a forest, but there was nowhere here and, and...” my voice trailed off “i didn't even know I was going to kill anyone.”
“Hang on, what on earth are you two on about.” reluctantly I handed him the paper, my hands shaking like mad. And I wiped my crimson tears off.
His eyes got so huge I thought they would pop out his head, and he sat on the side of the field the lay by was on and put his head between his hands.
“I'm so sorry,” I whispered over the roar of the traffic. He took out two cigarettes lit them both and handed one to Nessa. I knew he didn't give me one because me being all vampire and stuff I wouldn't feel anything when I inhaled it.
They sat there looking depressed, dragging on the cigarettes, Nessa never smoked, only when she was very, very stressed. I shuddered, never liked the things.
“Its not your fault.” he finally said.
“What yes it is, its completely my fault! You can't defend me now Jimmy!”
“NO, how were you supposed to know how to deal with the body? Just walk off with it? Making it look like a suicide attempt was an idea I never would of thought of, even though you may have not done a to good job of it. Its just they're dam good at things like this now a days. Now come on, your mums expecting us.”
“You phoned her.” it wasn't a question. He nodded and stubbed the cigarette out on the floor, standing up slowly. I wasn't shaking like I knew I would have been if I was human. In fact fear had complete opposite effect on me. It made me alert and ready for attacks, it made me still as a statue so I could use my senses to the best of my abilities.
“How long will you live for?” I asked Jimmy as we walked back to the car, half expecting it to be the same as me.
“Early,” he sighed, “being a were wolf puts such strain on the body I'll probably die 35 odd years before I should. So I think I have about 10 or 15 years left. Probably ten. I'm forty five now.”
“That's so short.” I whispered as we loaded into the car.
“I don't think I'd enjoy living past that age anyway. Its not fun being a werewolf ” I couldn't think what to say, the atmosphere in the car was so grim I wanted to drown in it.
As we rumbled along the road, the clouds covered the sky like a giant cape was shielding us from all happiness, and the it began to pour. It poured so hard the sound gave me a head ache, hammering in torrential sheets I sounded as if it would make the roof cave in on us because obviously it was a lot louder for me. I tired covering my ears as it swarmed over the windows. I wanted to scream it was so loud, it made my head feel hot and cold and clammy, as if it would burst. Over the thundering rain I herd Jimmy say to Nessa,
“She okay back there, this must be really loud for her.”
She looked at me and I gave her a weak smile and nodded even though it was killing me.
Finally, as we just entered the area I used to live in, Jimmy parked up a little away from my house, and he turned towards us with some extra concealer to dab up my tear marks. The rain lightened to an annoying sprinkle that would make any body horribly damp and cold.
After doing that he took a very deep breath and cautioned, “wait here, I'll tell her you've arrived.”
His figure disappeared into the rain, letting a cold breeze into the car as he slammed the door making Nessa shiver.
“Oh crap I'm scared.” She whimpered and I nodded in agreement, I saw she was chewing the inside of her cheek and wondered what would happen if I did that.
Jimmy arrived a minute later with a huge grin on his face. “kay, we're ready to go girls!” I looked at Nessa, and she held my hand as we walked through the drizzle to the house.
“Okay, remember, you are suffering form a condition that makes you very pale, and changes the colour of your eyes due to chemicals forming in your body. Its going to be like this for a while. Remember you had quite long hair when you arrived here? Just say you dyed it.”
I nodded solemnly at the poor excuses but knew my mum would believe whatever any one told her.
“She wont touch you Emma, don't worry.” Jimmy ensured me. We came to the house and he tapped on the door, it was flung open the second his knuckles touched its rough paint work.
I looked at my mum, she was clutching her cheek bones, her knuckles painfully white, like she was resisting flinging her arms round me. There was an awkward silence, and then my mums face hardened and she shook,
“how could you do that to me Emma?” she stepped back into the hall to let us in, and I saw Jimmy watching me cautiously out the corner of his eye.
“I was cross mum. With my life.” I said bluntly. She stared at me for a second and then lead us into her crappy front room. Yes. Her. Crappy front room, not mine. We sat down and she stared at me like I was a stranger, very rigid. “You do look different.” she commented. “Nasty things you can pick up on the streets, well at least your safe at home.” ha! Like this was home, like it had ever been home. I may have been living in a house but I was homeless from the day dad dyed.
“Emma's condition is very serious. She can't stay, she must go to a special hospital far from here.” Jimmy growled.
“And who are you to say that?”
“Me and... Betty here,” mum didn't notice the hesitation she was so busy frowning, but Nessa threw him a dirty look, I obviously knew why he didn't give our real names, but BETTY! So funny, laugh out loud.
“are from the Street Wise organisation, we help people living on the streets put there lives back on track.” she nodded and then looked at me again carefully. Hen her head flicked back to Jimmy, she reminded me of a little moues, constantly twitching. It was odd, I was slim but curvy, but she was tiny and frail. She looked so vulnerable like I could snap her in two.
“Hey, haven't I seen you some where before?” Jimmy went completely rigid, and his heart spun out of control. Hammering so loudly I was surprised no one else could hear it, I tried to stop the venom that sprung to my mouth at the thick, gorgeous sound.
“I've appeared in a couple of TV programs before, we appear on the news and so one,” he said automatically, as if it was the first thing that popped into his head. Not looking convinced, mum got up and said,
“I'll get some Brunch.” before vanishing into the kitchen. Jimmy tried to avoid my glare, but gave in with a sigh.
“Where do you know my mum.”
“Honestly, I have no idea what your talking about.”
“Don't lie, you don't think I herd your heart pounding like a football when she asked you the question? Where have you seen her before?” my mouth drawled at my words, but I tried to contain my self.
“Can we discuss this later?” he hissed as mum came back in with a couple of bowls of crisps and pretzels.
“Okay, so if your not staying that long, lets make it an enjoyable memo, before I see you again.” I nodded as Nessa reach out for a crisp and popped it in her mouth.
“I got a job Emma, you know.” I stared at her in surprise, my eyes popping out my head.
“Mum, that's brilliant, you mite get enough money to get out of this dump!” her frown creased and she shook her head stubbornly,
“No, this is my home. And anyway. Its voluntarily.” I felt my heart sink.
“Well its not really a job then. What voluntarily work?”
“Well, when you ran I knew you'd end up on the streets, so I became part of an organisation that counts people on the streets at 3 in the morning, we offer them food, water and shelter. I joined so I could find you, but now your here I'm not going to stop, I enjoy helping others, plus I can never get to sleep at night ever since your farther died, I prefer to nap in the day. I finally have something to do. I feel needed!” I thought of the relentless hour mum would just sit on the sofa, drinking nothing but coffee, eating nothing but pot noodles and biscuits. Getting thin and wasted on the booze in the evenings. She would flick through the dusty pages of albums for hours mourning and remembering. She was so desperate not to forget him, his death had changed her dramatically . A classic widow from a film. But she doesn't go round wearing her wedding dress – thank god.
Now she wont have time to drink in the evenings doing that, and in the day she probably busy helping out at the shelter. I felt a huge grin spread over my face. She was finally getting her life back on tracks.
“Brilliant mum!” she mirrored my smile and nodded.
“I know.” she replied, she cradled coffee in-between her paper creased fingers. Jimmy, looking a little more relaxed now, took his bag off his shoulder and slumped it on the floor, one of the news papers fell out with the ghastly head line that had made all so worried. He bent down and pushed them back in his bag, but my mum took it as perfect opportunity to gossip.
“oo, that vampire case is all over our news papers, due to the fact the 'vampire slayers' are located here and that case was very close to London. They'll get the monster soon though.” I felt my stomach twist. She took the look of horror on my face as a persuasion to go on.
“Yes, I know, dreadful. So many people never believed in stuff like that. But now its all out in the open and every body knows, those pale skinned, red eyed monsters,” she shivered and looked down at her hands.
“Nasty, nasty.” she muttered under her breath and I was so glad I was looking pink today with all the foundation and had my dark hair back.
The rest of the morning was spent just chatting happily. It went very smoothly really. Jimmy seemed to look less and less out of place as it went along. Mum even told us about the new friends she made at this new voluntarily group thing, I know I sound like a mother talking about her child's first day of school, but this really is the equivalent to that – a massive break through, a fresh start.
When we finally left I was over joyed, and Mum hadn't touched me once. All was good. I told her I would be seeing her again, becuas3 for once I had actually enjoyed speaking with her. I don't think I would want to go back and live with her again, things would just sink down to what it was before, but she was okay in small doses. If I see her occasionally she will cherish the moments of her little girl knowing she wont see her for a while, there for she will actually try and be nice to me. She was scared of me running off again I guess.
My mother had never been horrible. In fact thinking about it she could be sweet at times. But she had always seemed in her own world and that had come across to me as not caring, when this really wasn't the case. It was as if all this had matured me. I was just a silly teenager before who never trusted any one.
Nessa danced from the house, blowing kisses to my mum. I was struggling to stay my self as we got back to the car, i was close to what I had experienced with Jimmy on the first day I woke up. Blood lust. I looked at him in desperation and he sighed.
“Lets go to a park or something and have lunch.” we clambered into the car. And I sat with my arms tight around myself to stop me from thinking about how close Vanessa's warm blood flowing body was to me. I would use the weakening control whilst I could.
Every where was deserted round this tiny ghost town part of London. So it was easy enough to find a cute little, over grown park with slanting benches. We moved from the car quickly, with me in mind, and walked into the little park. All sitting on the bench. Jimmy got Nessa her lunch and his, as he quietly hummed to him self, happiness radiated in the air around us.
I wiped all my make up off with the back of my hand, and realised my hair so it waved around me.
“I hate being fake, no matter what I am.” I asked his questioning stare, and he passed me a wipe for the rest of the make up, which I chucked in the bin after. I felt the air rush into my pores, and felt a lot cleaner and less bunged up. I just felt drained of energy.
Jimmy handed my 6 bags of blood.
“I'll have them out of sight.” I insisted and stood up at their unison shrug. I walked round the collection of trees in the middle and drunk them down eagerly, one after another. Letting it pour down my throat like larva and explode in my stomach.
Feeling completely over powered, I flitted back to Jimmy at inhumane speed, who took a large bite from his sandwich, popped it down on his lap, and opened a tesco bag for me. I dropped them in as he swallowed and said, “that was quick.” I shrugged.
“I was hungry.”
“Fair enough.” he tied the bag tight and set it aside going back to his sandwich. Nessa had eaten a little of the bread excluding crusts and the ham. And was now nibbling on lettuce.
“Your such a fussy eater!” I cried unbelievably. She nodded, and flashed me a warning look.
“Another reason you should consider my request, I wont loose anything from that side of it. And any way, I never eat much.” she hissed, and I wished I hadn't said anything.
“What are yo two whispering 'bout?” he asked, but I knew he must know about Nessa's strange desire.
After lunch everyone was full and in a very pleasant mood.
“Can I get my hamster today?” Nessa asked like a little girl as we climbed back into the car. Jimmy straightened his mirror so he could look at her as he started up the car. Then considered for a moment and chewed his lip.
“Only because I'm in a good mood, any way, there's a little pet shop near here anyway.” we drove for five, ten minutes to a slightly busier part of London, and little shops started appearing. As I looked I realised the Vampire Hunters number was posted everywhere, and I had never been so glad for tinted windows in all my life.
Jimmy parked up in a crappy little car park and slipped out with Nessa,
“Wait here, we wont be long.” he said warmly and smiled before closing the door and leaving me with some serious thinking space. But before I could unravel the web that had been forming in my head, I saw some people enter the car park. They saw the car and started walking towards it.
They were young, obviously not the vampire slayers (as they like to call them self), but had things similar to paper round bags on their scrawny shoulders. They stopped by a car, took something out there bag, and tucked it under the windscreen wiper.
The front glass wasn't tinted. If they, when they, do that to this car, they will look directly into me, and unfortunately its pretty obvious I'm a vampire. There was one thing for it. I lay out with my arms above my head on the floor, in front of the back seat in the same position I was taught to jump in the swimming pool when I was five. I herd there hearts moving towards the car, a slight ruffling and then one of them pulled the window screen wiper back and slid something under it, it clipped back onto the screen. They hadn't seen me...yet. There was a pause, and I herd one of their belts clinking with the metal of the car as he leaned onto it. I was breathing heavily and tried to remain where I was.
“This job sucks.” I herd one say he had a Scottish accent that was fast descending.
“yeah but we get a paid a little.” the others was a whining teenage boys voice, the type that belongs to some one who's bottom in school, has zits mangling his face and has no chance of a girl friend.
“You reckon they'll catch it?” the whining boy gasped with disbelieving laughter.
“you believe in this shit? Its a stunt, so we think they are all so great and all. Get it?”
“Who told you that?”
“I don't need to be told what's obvious.”
“So you think its all a wee fib then?”
“I know its all I wee fib then. Init? Got to start using your noggins a bit more!” I heard him rap on his head painfully and the boy duck round him.
“what ever. You confuse me. Lets just get one with our job.”
“Oh my god, you believe in it don't you?” I herd him shrug,
“every ones taking it so seriously.”
“Peer pressure. I thought you were bigger than that Toby.” Toby gave a little sniff as the two of them walked from the car park.
I stayed there, breathing heavily and trying to rearrange my thoughts, for much longer than I thought I did. Next thing I knew the car doors were being opened and Nessa let out a very hysterical laugh.
“What it gods name are you doing there!” she chuckled, holding a little box to her chest and throwing some saw dust, hamster food and other bits and pieces in the middle of the seat. I sat up and brushed myself off scowling at her.
“Just having a lie down.” I said sarcastically.
“Or hiding from the people who put this on the window screen.” Jimmy said chucking a leaflet thing in the back and starting the car.
I read the leaflet, Nessa reading it over my shoulder, but wasn't surprised and didn't let it dampen our mood.
It was a leaflet about Vampires. On the front it said, “Vampires in Town.” even though strictly speaking, I was living out side London at the minute.
It had a picture sketched underneath of a shorter vampire, with long hair so black it had streaks of purple and blue, huge red bambi eyes and bone white skin. All the same I knew it didn't look like me if you looked past these obvious features, she had a smaller nose, bigger eyes, darker hair and she was shorter, and her cheek bones weren't as high and pronounced as mine. But would people notice this? No. they would look at this, then look at me then think,
'CRAP ITS A LEECH.' oh great. Inside was, how to spot a vampire; how to protect your self from a vampire; how to slay a vampire and so on. Under, how to protect your self it said hold a cross up to it and it will terror and flee.
“Err, isn't the cross thing a myth?” I asked him, but thinking about it now, as the car took us home, I hadn't looked at a cross since I had changed.
“I would of thought you'd pick it up in your research. And no, it creates a type of energy between the vampire and the cross which is most unpleasant.” I was shocked, but tried to push it to one for now, I'm in a good mood, let it stay that way.
I closed the leaflet and chucked it on the floor in disgust. I remember once getting swine flu leaflets through the post warning all about it. So it wasn't unusual for people to make big things about everything. Okay maybe killing people and draining there blood is big. And its hard saying that when I'm the killer. But being normal is a lot easier when your killing monsters that are bigger than you and working in a secret organisation.
“What are you going to call it,” I nodded towards the little box, and I could hear a tiny fluttering heart beat beating so fast it was nearly a note in the air.
“His, name is going to be Max, just like you suggested.” she corrected me. I smirked and nodded.
“Cute name.”
As we pulled up to the were house, I saw Zen and Adam in the front yard playing cricket.
“God dam it, I told them not to play cricket there, last time they broke something!” Jimmy growled. And I hopped out the car before it had finished moving. I flitted round so quickly they couldn't see me, and stopped just as the ball came in front of my face, my hand snapped up catching it inches before it smacked me.
Zen and Adams hearts stuttered, to them I had just appeared out of no where, and caught the whizzing ball better than a professional cricketer would.
“Your not supposed to be playing here.” I jeered as their hearts picked up again. Adam straightened,
“says who?” he joked, I nodded over to the car as Jimmy stepped out. They swore and gathered the stuff together quickly, stuffing it into a cricket bag. The guilty looks on there faces as Jimmy passed made me laugh. The amount of respect held for him in this place was lovely. I gave the boys a friendly grin.
Nessa was already on the little table in the middle, with her hamster cage. She was frowning at a care book.
“How much saw dust am I supposed to put in?” she asked sheepishly. I smiled, and took the book away from her kindly, flicking to the glossary.
I used my finger and traced at number 06 by the word Bedding. Flicking to the front I found it.
Sawdust, fill it up, nearly to the top, with enough saw dust for our furry friend to burrow in.
“Oh thanks.” she grinned at me as we arranged the cage together. With water, food, toys and a little litter tray I doubt he'll use.
She then opened the box to revile the fattest, fluffiest hamster I had ever seen. It looked like the end of a bog brush. It was was a creamy brown, but I couldn't see what colour its feet was,it was so overcome in fluff and fat. I couldn't help roaring with laughter when she put him in and he shuffled about, it just looked like a pom-pom shuffling around.
“What?” she frowned. I wiped a red tear from under my eye sighed. “Nothing. I'm gonna go get changed, I got make up all down my top.”
And I did. So I quickly slipped into a deep blue velvet body con dress from Topshop.
We spent the rest of the evening playing with Max, but Nessa wouldn't let me plait his fluff.
After a couple of hours or so the door opened and closed and I looked round to see Matt. He put shopping bags down and ran up to me, putting his hands on my shoulders and looking at me up and down. He breathed out a sigh of relief and pulled me into a hug.
“I saw the newspapers and the leaflets.” I nodded and smiled reassuringly. Then he looked at the thing that was now walking round on the table and howled with laughter. Nessa frowned again.
“That is a pathetic excuse for a hamster!”
I went over an picked up the tesco bags, and carried them to the kitchen whilst Matt prodded the fluff ball. I emptied the bags quickly, putting away there contents because I knew Matt would get to work cooking soon.
I felt his warm, soft hands round his waist as I finished off and he leaned forward and kissed my ear. I turned my body round and clutched him closer to me so I could rest my head on my chest. Th worries of the vampire slayers evaporated with him there. He was my guilty pleasure. My big brother.
“I better get cooking Em.” he sighed after a while of just standing there wrapped round each other. I nodded.
“That's fine, I'll go play with bog brush, sorry I mean Max.” I fooled and he chuckled a soft and sweet sound.
“You do that.”
“I probably wont sit down with ya'll for tea. I need to get out and about tonight.” I apologized. He nodded understandingly.
“Kay, but don't be seen.” he warned.
“Well duh.” he chuckled again and turned back to cooking as I left the kitchen.

It turned out I wasn't allowed out till ten, other wise Jimmy would be on the edge of his seat worrying his but off. Wow, talk about 10 years younger. Anyway. So I sat with them at dinner, and everyone was very light headed. It turned out Adam and Lizzie left without saying good bye to me, on a little camping trip together, but it was only for one or two nights so I wasn't offended.
I left the house at ten. Nessa stayed with her bog brush in stead of coming out with me.
Once I was out side, I climbed the tree by the old wall and started springing over roof tops when I smelt something. I followed scent letting it get stronger and stronger until I realised it was a human with out blood. This completely shocked my system.
I followed it like a hound, down behind all the graffiti walls and hight apartments. At last I found him, well her really.
A cold, drained corpse lying in a little clearing surrounded by dustbins and bag, there was an opening in between the two flats that looked like a drive way . I knelt down and checked its neck, the place where the blood flows thickest, and saw bite marks on it. I froze. I did not kill this human. But only a vampire could of. This means I wasn't the only vampire. I tried to process this. I wasn't the only vampire. I found my self repeating it inside me head.
I had no idea what to think. I was completely stunned. Completely bewildered, I hadn't realised how alone I had been, until now. The sudden daunting thought of being able to meet some one in the same situation as me. Is this good? Is this bad? Is it a type 2 or is it like me? Been bitten by a type 2.
I was so deep in thought I didn't hear the foot steps pounding up to me, it was the flood lights that suddenly swamped where I was crouching over the body, inspecting it, that made my head snap up.
“Its the Vampire! Call them on the walky-talkys quick!” I stood up quickly and hissed lowly at them. They backed away looking terrified, a large group who looked like they had been doing night patrol for me, or for the other one. It was odd. Some were in boiler suits, the others just in jeans and wrapped up in coats and scarf's. They all had torches and walky-talkys strapped to their belts and facial hair. Okay I don't know why I picked up the facial hair bit up, they just did.
“I order you to stay here!” One of them yelled. I felt the monster purr with anticipation and thirst inside me when I realised I could kill every single one of these 8 or 10 men, in a blink of an eye. Then I thought how much worse that would make the situation.
“Not likely foolish humans.” I whispered loud enough for them to hear, then licked my fangs so they could see perfectly and took off into the night before I did anything else. I ran and ran and ran. I ran to the very corners of towns where no one goes, my hair whipping my face, where no one even knows about. And slid down the cold stone wall.
My skin was drenched with cold sweat from the fear and the realisation I had to find the other vampire. She was reckless leaving that body. But I got the feeling she was a little messed up. Suddenly my phone ran, making me jump out of my skin.
I looked at the screen. Matt?
“Matt?” I asked.
“Yeah its me, Emma. I just had a vision. She's in the local east park. Be quick. If you don't catch up with her, she's going to be ... I don't want to say what I saw.”
“Ohmygosh, Matt thank you!” so Matt now knew about the mystery vampire. I sprinted my way over to the park, which was a good distance from where I was. For once I was glad I was a vampire and I was able to reach it in time.
She was sitting on the swing, her head in her hands, crying her eyes out. Watery blood tears trickled through her fingers and dripped onto her lap. I looked around. They were going to appear any minute if I did not get her out of here. But I wasn't sure how to approach her. She was in a deep black silk dress that was ripped down the thighs so she could run, her arms and chest were splattered in blood.
“Vampires of darkness can rejoice!” I cried. The words bit me. That wasn't Emma who said them. That was the vampire with in, but something told me that was what the girl would respond to. The girls head flicked up. Her hair was so dark it looked like it had streaks of blue and purple in it. Her blood red eyes were huge, and her skin, the same as mine, radiated light under the moon. It was the same mystical vampire sketched on the front of the leaflet, I knew it. So they Slayers thought they had one vampire on my hands because they sighted her before and assumed she was the one who had dumped Jack Rush's body. Her eyes widened.
“Another Vampire?” she cried. Hope swept her eyes and she pulled her self up timidly. I nodded.
“I'm waiting.” she whispered in to much pain it was hard to look in her eyes.
“Waiting for what?” she was vibrating in fear and agony. And then she shouted into the night at me.
“I've had enough of what you people call life! Vampires are dead, we have no heart beat. We do not belong here. Do you under stand how hard it is for us without having people hunt our families and slash out hearts?!” her other wise strong voice broke at the last sentence into tears. I knew she wasn't saying it to me, but all humans.
“So your waiting for the Slayers.” I asked slowly. When looked back at me as if she'd forgotten I was there. Hatred filled her eyes.
“I wait only for the sweet relief of death, for no hell is worse than here.” She had blood painting her face and drying in her hair. This was going to be harder than I thought. I felt like an outsider compared to her.
“Let me help, please.” I had to pick my words carefully. To persuade her within seconds to give up her death wish.
“I can take you some where safe. I'll stay with you.” her eyes folded into slits.
“Yes, and we will become like sisters, and I will just start to cope with life, then they will come and shatter it by killing one of us. NO. I will not go through that again. I can't have my soul ripped any more!”
“ONE MORE CHANCE. Please. I live with experts on this type of stuff. They'll keep us safe. They'll set the slayers down the wrong road.” she seemed tempted but then whispered.
“I am so wounded by the past, no future can spin webs to cover them up.” I tried to ignore how vampire her speech was an decided to yell at her.
“ I don't care.” she snarled.
Then quieter I said, “I can help you.” She moved from her seat towards me, still with guarded eyes and she said in a flat voice,
Then, before I could answer, there were voices, and noises and foot steps and shouting. An army of people surrounded us and flood lights filled the whole place. I knew they were the slayers this time. Five of them surrounded by people doing night patrol.
The leader was serious man at the front with a controlling murderess look about him. Cameras flashed off at the two of us and the new vampire put her hands over her eyes as the tears ran down her face,
“this is it!” she yelled at me. “They got us, just like they got my family!”
“That's what they want us to think!” I cried. Couldn't she see our main threat hadn't started yet? These people we just here to contain us while the slayers in the front decided there actions. It was a square of houses with an opening at the bottom and the top and a useless park in the middle with a swing a slide and a broken see-saw. I took her hand firmly in mine and spun her round so I could whisper to her.
“Up that tree.” I nodded up at a tree at the edge of the park, in the little time we had before the humans could do their thing, “and then jump onto the roof tops. After me.” I let go of her and easily fled up the tree. At the top checked behind me to see if she was there and she was. She had trusted me. A wave if relief gave me that little more bit of courage.
Balancing on the thinnest branches, I flung my self elegantly onto the closest roof top, making some of the tiles slide and crash to the floor. The jeering of the crowd changed to yells of anger. And I didn't move on till I herd her soft thud beside me, but a little stumble. I was so glad it wasn't that far to the HQ.
We landed out side the door where she collapsed on the floor.
“Oh my god! What's wrong?” I twisted her over urgently to see an arrow where the side of her heart would be.
“They're using bow and arrows!” I yelled in out rage.
“Cross bows.” she gasped. I lifted her up in my arms and crashed into the room, where the whole scene inside froze, and every one rushed to me. Immanently I went to the dissection room, there were things on the table, and I shifted her to balance her in my arm, so I could sweep along it to get everything off. I didn't care how many things smashed.
Lying her on the table I screamed, “we need Lizzie! And I don't bloody care if she's on a camping trip or not!”
“She's on the speaker phone right now.” Matt called, scrambling in and lying it on the little table next to me.
“Okay, Lizzie, I think I know what I'm doing, but if I need help I'll ask.”
“Stay strong Emma.”
“Will do.” I rammed the draw open Lizzie used to dissect bodies and found what looked like a small saw. Rolling her onto her side (easily with my new strength ability) I could see the arrow had torn right through, so I used the saw to take the back off right down to her skin. Then I pushed her gently back on her back and cautioned her for the pain, I counted to three in my head and yanked it out. She screamed a piecing scream that haunted my soul then was limp . It would have been a lot harder if it had been a human, she would have been pouring with blood. It was just a case of whether or not the heart had been destroyed. I managed to yank the bow out so there was just a gaping hole in the middle of her body. The edges were rugged and flapping and tore around the damaged area, I glanced toward her face. Her eyes had rolled back into her head and her mouth was gaping open as if she was screaming silently, exposing her fangs.
“It hasn't gone through.” Jimmy said expertly right behind me.
“The heart is here.” he said tapping right next to where the hole was. “It probably grazed it.”
I nearly collapsed on the table in relief, and I thanked the high heavens.
“I'll do up the edges, can you get her some clothes?” I nodded thankfully and left the room with a huge deep breath in.
I found a deep purple, knee length dress for her with floaty sleeves, and perfect figure hugging curves on the top part.
She soon woke up, gasping relentlessly, and we managed to convince her to have a bath. Closing the door to the bath room I turned to smile up at Jimmy, just as my legs gave way and I collapsed. He caught me in his soft arms.
Matt came rushing up, and lifted me. Pressing me to his body. I felt more cold than ever, and his body was like a blessing.
“I'll get some blood before blood lust occurs, all of that would of weakened her.” bless him. I took advantage of being in his arms as he sat down, and let all my muscles relax into him. He didn't say anything, but hummed lightly some of my favourite songs. I guess to help me keep Emma, and not to release the monster side to me. I wanted to join in, but I couldn't.
Jimmy returned soon, with the donated blood and I managed to sit my self up just enough in Matt's arms to take them a drink them down. Neither of them seem bothered. Matt rested his head on the top of mine, and the vibration of his humming from his throat helped clear my mind.
Sarah walked in just at that moment and saw the scene of me drinking the blood.
“Urgh, that so sick.” she said rudely.
“Enough!” Jimmy held his hand up. “She could say slaying cows, sheep pig and chickens then eating their flesh and using fur for coats is just as bad.”
“Yeah, you would know with your raw flesh. I ,on the other hand, am a veggy. 100% freak free!”
“I finished the last bag, putting it in the usual carrier bag and stared at Sarah over the top of the sofa, but made no move to get up.
“Excuse me?”
“Just saying.” she spat.
“If you don't like me and Jimmy just don't speak to us, don't be rude about something we cant help.”
“Here, here.” Matt said, sounding impressed I hadn't shredded her, and screamed and yelled. Especially after all that blood. But I was feeling too weak today. Even with the blood in my system.
“Bite me.” she jeered then realised what she said and turned a bright cranberry red.
“Gladly.” I hissed back and smacked my lips. She took a couple of steps back and then took back to her normal pose (like something was stuck up her bum),
“What ever, freak.” she put extras emphasis on the last word and stalked from the room.
The bath room door opened, to a very clean beautiful vampire in the dress I gave her. She smiled glumly at me and came over to the awaiting blood bags which she unbelievably pushed aside.
“Please could I have them later? I've fed recently.” Jimmy nodded. She then turned to me with those huge eyes.
“Thank you.” her voice was unlike anything. It was soft sweet but dangerous bells in the air, but at the same time it was the stars in the sky, the blackness of the night and mysteries of secrets.
She looked around bleakly.
“Can I stay for a bit? I mean, you said I would be protected here.” she looked away hastily, obviously not pleased with the fact humans would be helping her. I nodded.
“Until we've sorted this slayer thing out.”
She frowned but agreed.
“I'm Emma. But you can call me Em.”
“I used to be Annabell with blond hair so pale it was white and huge sapphire blue eyes. Now I changed I didn't think Annabell would suit me. So I changed it. I changed it to Enchantra.”
It seemed to fit with her, so I didn't question it.
“Do you have any books here?” she asked randomly. “If I don't read I don't have anything to do. Especially now I cant go out at night.” She avoided eye contact with the other humans in the room as if suppressing her self from biting them, and directed everything at me. I grinned and took her hand, through the kitchen, to the little door you have to duck under. But Enchantra was quite short, but still stunning and very beautiful with a round face and those huge eyes.
“After you.” I smiled as we stood in front the small door.
“Thanks.” she took the door handle and pushed it open. As she clocked the room her face slowly lit up.
“Wow.” she breathed but then her face fell into its normal sad but beautiful state and gave me a half hearted smile.
“I'll leave you in here, but I need a couple of hours sleep. Me and my boyfriend often share a bed, so they're will be a free bed in there. I think Sarah's camping out on the sofas to avoid being in the same room as me.”
“You don't feel blood lust for this boys?” she asked silkily.
“True love.” I dinged hoping my voice was as magical as hers. Her eye brows lifted.
“You lucky thing.”
“ I know. But its not all fairy tales. Its like a life sentence, there will come a time when its going to be hard, I can't be with any one else and that's only the basics. There will be indescribable pain and so many restrictions. Its a teenage fantasy at the moment. If we decide we're not to be, which is very likely since we met for one day or two before it was supposedly fell into true love. He will die and that will destroy me. That's if I don't destroy him first, any blood shed and I wont help my self.”
“Tell me about it.” she replied. I was glad she was sounding stronger and less depressed.
I went slowly back to Matt who looked completely zonked out on the sofa.
“Long night.” he sighed when he saw me and I sat down beside him, lifting his head up so it rested on my lap. I crossed my legs and started stroking his head.
“I'm so glad I have you. Enchantra doesn't have any one, and I think that is why she's in this state now. I'm glad I have Jimmy and Nessa and Lizzie and Zen and Adam.” he closed his eyes lightly and smiled.
“I'm glad you have me to.”
“Why aren't you scared?”
“With the blood thing? Well I eat slaughtered animals and you drink slaughtered animals. They're both equally gross.”
“Just I do the killing bit as well.”
“You have to.”
“Yes but if you see meat you can control your self.” he opened his eyes and grinned.
“Can I?” I laughed a little and said firmly,
“yes you can. If you see meat you don't turn into a monster and pounce on it. If you shred blood, Matt can you Imagine?” I thought for a moment, I wanted to change the subject.
“What's you middle and second name.” I asked casually as if we hadn't been talking about how much of a monster I am and aren't.
“Okay, well my middle name is Archie and my last name... well don't laugh.”
“I will now you said that. Even if it isn't funny.”
“Passion.” I gasped. I loved it. I LOVED it. Matthew Archie Passion. It seemed perfect.
“You?” he asked?
“Your last name is so pretty!” I sounded like a little girl. Maybe I was a little girl. Oh god. Is that how he saw me?
I was four years younger than him. It didn't seem that much but I guess it was.
“My middle name is C. Its the initials of Cedric. He was my dad. And my last name is-”
“Marble.” Matt said quietly.
“How did you know that?”
“You really haven't done that research on your dad have you?”
“No, I keep meaning to, but some how I've been a little distracted lately.”
“Shall we climb into bed and chat?” he suggested.
“Yeah, for once since I changed, I am shattered. I guess fear makes me tied.”
“Yes. When vampires feel fear there body gives them a burst of energy to fight, and unless you get loads of blood from a 'fresh' human, you weaken. That's how they kill vampires – the slayers. They catch you and drag you off and lock you up, by the time your locked up the energy's gone and your stricken of blood, no idea how they get you there in the first place. Your so scared you don't have the strength to escape. Its the only material vampires can't break, unless, of course, you have blood in you. And then they give you no blood for three days and once your dead they burn your body so you have no chance of coming back.
He twisted him self round and touched my cheek.
“Don't worry about it.” then with a sudden urgency he kissed me and stood up. I didn't respond at all so he just grabbed my hand and yanked me up, it irritated me but he was being sweet.
“Okay, bed.” it was very weird being tired and being a vampire. It wasn't like a human. I stood there telling my body what to do, screaming, and it would not do the right things. My eye lids weren't droopy and my body still felt strong. But nothing functioned.
I was being swept off my feet as Matt picked me up and carried me to bed. Then, grabbing himself an extra blanket (I was a very cold person to sleep next to). He wriggled in too.
We lay there for a moment blinking into the darkness when I turned on my side and put an arm over his chest.
“How does it feel.” I whispered. “To have a monster in your bed?”
He groaned and shifted round so the blankets tangled between us. “Your not a monster, now stop beating your self up about it.”
“That doesn't answer my question.”
“In a very weird way, comforting. Safe. Magical. lucky. And then cold at the same time.” I laughed, but pulled my arm off him all the same. “Yeah, sorry about that.”
He found my hand under the covers and put it back in its original place. Then he put his hand on the small of my back and pulled me closer.
“I have enough warmth for both of us, remember?” we kissed silently for a little, it felt so right and perfect.
It wasn't as good as drinking blood. But it was the next best thing.
When we stopped I fell asleep in his arm almost immediately. I let the blackness swoop down on me, this time gratefully.