Velvet Stars.

Chapter nine. Suprises. Emma.

I woke up quite early, probably sleeping for four hours. But I felt so relaxed I lay there for hours longer. So content. So peaceful. So.... where the hell has Matt Archie Passion gone? It felt weird to say his full name. But I like saying it, it felt like chocolate on my lips. Not that chocolate appealed any more. Wait a sec. How does that work? I didn't even say it out loud. I may have whispered it.
I was confusing my self.
I opened my eyes too see the clock. Half 6. That was late. For me any way. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes. I didn't need to, my eyes never got tired or any fairy dust in them. But it was a habit I had picked up as a human and carried through to Vampire hood. Is that a word? Well it is now. I also bought along my stubbornness.
Looking around, everyone was gone. I felt panic spread through me. Every one. Not one single being was in this room.
I felt sick. What had happened? I jumped up in just my snoopy girl boxers and my David and Goliath (its a shop look it up, not the story, do I strike you as a religious person?), over sized top, I tried to rearrange my self and yanked my hair into, what must of looked like, a back combed bunch, if I was human my heart would be hammering a hundreds times a minute. Then I ran out the room. The minute I appeared in the living area lights flashed on, party poppers snapped, and every one emerged and shouted,
“SUPRISE!” there were balloons and banners. Every where there were blood red roses and cream white Lilies. The little round coffee table had a white silk cloth over it and a little stack of red presents. The sofas had crimson covers draped on them and white cushions. The place sparkled with glitter.
I gasped in present surprise and clapped my hands like a small child entering the magic of Disney store.
“What's all this for!” I laughed and they broke into an out of tune happy birthday. Wait, it was my birthday? I couldn't remember the last time I celebrated my birthday, didn't want to remember my mothers failed attempts when I was 8 or so before she gave up.
“Can I get some clothes on?” I asked Nessa. She went slightly red and said very politely.
“Well can you open mine first then?” I looked at the little stack of presents. Hers was near the bottom, it was a rectangle box, the size of a shoe box. I could see why they were making an effort, such a horribal thing had happened to me, it had destroyed my soul and a little boost like this may brighten my mood. I loved them all.
Plonking my self down on one of the cotton draped sofas I opened the lid of the box and took out the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It was dark indigo organza on a silk lining. It was strapless and floated down in one lone drape to the knees, it didn't have a shape, the stunning part was how the fabric had been gathered together, with an optional thick ribbon to tie on the waist just above the hips. The gathering was clasped by a diamond and it had a dainty silver hair band with a matching diamond on it.
I could not speak, I just stared stupidly at it with an open mouth, it was dark, mysterious, completely unique but stunning at the same time.
“Do you like it?” she said quickly when I didn't say anything. “i mean if you don't then I can take it back and get another one.” she held her breath.
“I don't like it.” I said quietly, and her face crumpled. Every one around looked incredibly shocked, disappointed maybe a hint of being pissed and I felt instantly guilty for playing the little joke, but words had become more and more bitter ever since I changed.
“i don't like it - I love it! I adore it! Its the most beautiful amazing garment I have every seen and I thank you with every bone in my body!” I cried and stood up giving her a (very), brief hug, pulling away the moment I touched her. She wiped a tear away and said,
“you had me then E.” I shook my head.
“I'll run in and slip this on.” it took me seconds. I darted into the bed room, put it on. Applied some mascara and matching indigo eye shadow. And emerged knowing I looked very, very beautiful. I also had the hair band on, pulling my hair from my face and letting it pile up on the back of my head before waving down my back. Every one gasped at my entrance and I twirled.
“Its amazing isn't it?” I asked.
“They weren't gasping at the dress.” I frowned.
“They were gasping at your amazing beauty and the influence it has on every one in the room.”
“Yeah, I think I'll grow my hair like you and copy your make up ideas if that's okay?” Jimmy mimicked looking in a mirror and doing himself up. Every one laughed. Then I noticed a very annoyed looking Sarah, all hunched up behind every one on the sofa. She gave loud sniff and stared at the floor. I raised my perfect eye brows at her but said no more.
“Presents!” Lizzie said eagerly, and every one squashed onto the sofas.
“Really guys you shouldn't of,” I started but they hushed me quite. Lizzie picked up hers and thrust it at me. It was a long thin rectangle box with another small rectangle box on top. They were both in red wrappings with a thin elegant ribbon. I slid the ribbon off and opened the first thing.
It was a little nail varnish container with a jewel for the lid, in side it had clear polish but very tiny deep blue moon sequins that looked like little jewels. I loved it to bits.
“Oh it so gorgeous and it will go with all my clothes!” I sighed in perfection. Then I tore open the next one. It was little deep green leather box that opened side ways. Inside was the same sage green, but it was a velvet bedding for an incredibly expensive looking fountain pen. It was a very deep green with grape purple swirls slicing through it, and flecks of blue. It look like the those beautiful exsplotion of galaxies ,or what every they are, you get in space. It was so beautiful. I opened the lid, it had a silver nib with vines and flowers twisting down to the end. I put the lid back on and saw a deep blue feather hanging from the top with white flecks. I breathed steadily as I place it back in and looked up at her in delight.
“I can't put into words how brilliant it is, thank you.” and I also hugged her but pulled away almost instantly. I really needed some blood. Then Zen passed me his present. I opened it, not sure if would of known the right thing to get me (not that he had to get me anything at all). It was a watch. I silver moonlight coloured watch with different shades of blue jewels dotted round the face and along the strap. It was very, very pretty. It fit my wrist perfectly and I loved it.
“Aww, Zen I loved it to bits.”
And to my surprise he gave me a quick squeeze of a hug that I tried to return but ended up grasping both his arms oddly and squeezing them . I was glad to see that Matt was just sitting there looking very chilled and bliss. Happy. He wasn't the over protective, possessive boy friend. Good.
Next was Adams. He bought me The Twilight Saga. I'd read the first one before and loved it to pieces. I wanted to read the others so bad. But then we moved, I couldn't find a library and had no money to buy one. I was kicked out of water stones for coming in and reading a bit more of the second one each day. From there I gave up my little search. I recited this story to Adam who looked very pleased with himself for the right choice. It was worrying me how expensive all the presents were. But it probably wasn't expensive to them. They each had tons of money. I never had any. Then it was Jimmy's.
It was a phone. A mobile phone. And a very, very flash one as well. An Iphone! The new one that had just come out. I swore and then went up on tip toes to kiss him on the cheek.
“Oh thank you so god dam much, this will come into so much use!” there were three presents left. I reached to the one closest to me. It was from Sarah. I had to resist a laugh with much difficulty. I'm sure it wasn't her decision to get me one. I opened the packaging to a little make up kit of dark red lip stick, black eye liner and dark blue eye shadow all from the body shop in a little bronze bag.
“Thank you very much Sarah, they are wonderful colour choice and I really needed some new make up, all of mine I left at home.” she struggled a smile and nodded. At least she was trying.
The next one was from Enchantra. I met her yesterday and here was a birthday present from me.
“You saved my life.” A mysterious, bell voice rang through the air from behind me,
“I thought I'd get you a little birthday present.” I tapped the space next to me on the sofa, and she moved gracefully to sit down. She would only look at me or in the distance behind me. She acted as if no human were in the room. As if she was trying desperately not to feel the urge to eat them. Then suddenly her little fore head crumpled and her head snapped towards Jimmy and her lips pulled back over her teeth.
“Your blood is wrong.” I sighed a little, the word blood made my throat burn but I simply said, trying not to show the need in my voice,
“Thank you, that was very thoughtful, the present I mean,” she smiled meekly and nodded towards the package before setting a grinding stare on Jimmy as if trying to work some thing out. She could also probably hear how swollen his heart was.
“Open up.” it was a pare of little earrings. It was a little cross with a deep white jewel in the middle. I loved them out of my mind and applied them straight away. I had a feeling it was only blessed crosses that vampires felt the energy form between, not dainty fashion crosses.
“I love them! Thank you so much!” she seemed to glow a little when I said this, but I was hard to get any emotion from Enchantra apart from the beautiful sadness that seemed to shine in her eyes and fill the air around her, I wondered about her past.
The last present was really two on top of each others, but wrapped in the same thick white ribbon.
“Wait!” cried Nessa. “I nearly forgot!” she ran to her cage and picked up a very annoyed looking fat Max. She carried him over to me. He had a large red bow clipped gently on his fur and and held out a little present in front of him, so it made him look like he was carrying it. It was very oddly shaped, and I took it form him, giving him a little tap on his head, before opening it to a red hair ribbon with elastic in the back and a huge red bow on top.
Max was then put on Nessa's shoulder where he instantly fell asleep. Like a little parrot, just not the sleeping bit.
“Ahhh, cute.” I couldn't help but double over in laughter even though I really did love the little hair bow. Nessa wasn't childish, she obviously did it to make me laugh. I wiped a tear off my cheek and grinned.
Matt's presents:
the first was the most beautiful ring in the world. It was thin and sliver with the largest, heart shaped jewel on it you had ever seen, the length of two fingers at least. But it was the most deepest passionate red I had ever seen, and it threw crimson red light where ever I turned it.
“Its from Chicago.” he said. I stared at him as I had done admiring it on my finger.
“No one could of chosen a gift as perfect as this for me.” I could not get over its beauty,
The second was a candle in a wine glass looking thing. The wine glass looking thing was in wined with beautiful metal vines and roses that stuck right out at places, and the candle its self was a pure white marbled with black.
“It does change colour. The candle. Its supposedly magic. It will smell and look what ever your mood was when you lit it. I got it from a little Chinese shop under ground that had magic stones, and so many weird magical things. And then I saw that.
I realised I was crying, tears thick and fast, tissues were handed to me quickly so the blood wouldn't stain my dress.
“What's wrong?” Matt asked. When I could breath again I replied,
“I've never head a birthday as special as this. Not just the presents but the thoughts behind each one and the set up and the surprise. Its so lovely. Last year I had nothing. The year before I went swimming with two friends, and one of them spoilt the whole thing and made me cry, and no one cared.
“This is pure, pure, I cant describe how much it symbolises a new and improved life for me.”
Matt pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tight.
“That makes me so happy E.” I looked up at him and smiled through the tears that were tingeing my vision red.
I looked round at my new family (avoiding Sarah's oh-my-go-you-attention-seeker glare), including Max asleep on Nessa's shoulders.
We so switched on the TV and sat as a group watching some Darren Browns we had taped. Matt soon went off to make every one break fast.
“Enchantra.” I asked quietly, she looked over at me. “Yes Emma?”
“You thirsty?” she paused for a moment.
“Kinda.” I nodded. “Same, lets go get some breakfast whilst this lot eat there's here.” she nodded and we stood up together. Jimmy's head flicked up from the screen and under standing crossed his face.
“NO WAY!” he cried shaking his head like a lunatic.
“No way are you going out after last night.”
“Well then, where are we supposed to feed from?” I cried. He wont be able to get enough donated blood for us two times a day. He went very very pale and shivered.
“Hes going to kill the people and bring them back here for us.” Enchantra chimed. no. no. so gross. So gross.
“No way!” I insisted.
“People were always there for me when I changed. And being a Vampire is so much harder. I deal with, I change once a month. You deal with yours every day, seven days of the week. I want to help make it as easy as possible for you.”
“What if you get caught?” Enchantra asked(oh I so kept wanting to call her Bell because her old name Annabell), his grin was sly.
“Trust me, I wont.”
I didn't want to know why he was so sure of it so I turned randomly to Enchantra and asked, “can I call you Bell, because of your old name.” her face hardened for a moment and I saw her screaming no at me.
“I don't want to be called a name of a stupid human.”
“Well it won't really be your old name. Did any one used to call you bell?”
“Well, no I guess not.”
“Then it will simply be another name.”
“I'll get to confused.” Enchantra wouldn't show her emotions through her beautiful voice either, like she had built walls around herself so she wouldn't let any one to deep. I wasn't sure how old Enchantra was, but she took being a vampires seriously.
“You will too some day. I'm not that old. By the time we're past the 10 years into the change we should then become truly vampires” she answered my thoughts as if I spoke them out loud.
“Can you read minds?” I asked, slightly bemused.
“Of course. And like a said. The older you get the more there will only be one thing you can think about – drinking. Blood. And the older you get the more agile and serious your become. And then you will start to acquire ancient gifts the creators gave us to help them defeat who ever there target was, so reading mind was so he could see their plans and know the right way to ambush them, or so we could know the easiest way to kill. Of course it didn't work out. It back fired on him. And he was killed.”
“Like Frankenstein.”
“No!” she snapped. “We are the most beautiful, talented creatures on earth. Frankenstein is not. And any way, the creator betray him. Not Frankenstein betraying him. I'm totally on Franks side to be honest.”
“Isn't Frankenstein the creator and Frankenstein's monster the actual thing.”
“See, that's what respect Frank got. An amazing unique creation. Having to live with such pressure to know he was one of a kind and so alone. And he gets the titled monster. Just because some ones different it doesn't mean they're a monster. People just don't like change. In fact humans are the most heartless killing machine on this planet..” I knew she wasn't talking about Frankenstein any more as her eyes full of a painful past bore into mine.
“Which is why no guilt is received when tis time to stalk thy prey.” she hissed her eyes glowing. I grinned back.
“Indeed.” she went back to her self again and smiled with a slightly bored look about her.
“I'll set off now, you girls just chill an' don't go a-worrying. Kay?” we both nodded steadily and didn't sit down till he left the door.
“You going to join?”
“Well hello, you read minds? You must of herd Lizzie thinking about the bodies, Zen about what weapons to use next, Adam contently worries about his performance in the last mission.”
“Yes I know everything. Remember you will read minds one day. And no way am I joining this, I will stay here and keep safe. But I am no way getting into this.”
I totally under stood. She didn't want any more heart break.
“How old are you?” I asked her slowly.
“I've been a vampire for five years if that's what you mean. So I'm 14.”
“You were changed at the age of 9?” I gasped. Yes I had been a lot through the year, but being changed so young with no one to turn to and no idea what's happening.
“And you turned 15 today obviously.” I nodded.
“I turned 14 two months ago.”
“Did you celebrate?” she looked up at me sadly.
“I forgot it was even my birthday. I'm a street kid in a way. But I prefer the forest apart from when I need food. I steal clothes. Obviously being fast as lightning helps. It wasn't till a couple of days ago ,when I was fishing around for newspapers to see about the Vampire out break, I saw the date and realised I was 14.”
“Where;s your family?” she went stunningly quite and pressed her lips together.
“If I tell you you shall never speak to me again.”
“Hello? We're both in the same boat here?” her eyes clearly said we weren't when you compare her situation to mine, but it looked like a girl who locked things up for way to long and needed to tell some one who would under stand.
“When I changed they tried to kill me. They loved me when I was human, but because I had changed I was some one else, they thought I had been abducted and replaced, or something inhumanly stupid like that. The only reason I didn't die was my twin sister. She saved me. I was so out raged at my family. I mean isn't it bad enough as it is turning into a vampire with out your family turning against you? I needed there support more than anything else. They angered me so much I slaughtered each one of them apart from my twin. Because of her she has no mother or farther or big brother. She must hate me so much now.”
“Have you seen her since?”
“NO!” she shook her head vigorously. “Don't you see how scared I am!”
“What if I called her?”
“I have no trace of her. She could be dead for all I know.”
“I could find one.” she looked at me with such an emotionless face it was painful.
“No.” and that's where the conversation ended, a note in her voice finalized it.
Just because of the depressing conversation it didn't mean I wasn't still the happiest girl in the world. (apart from the little tiny, minuscule vampire issue and now having to hide two vampires instead of just one), we were probably the only vamps for miles and miles around. They're so rare the poor slayers probably get no business. Shame.
I really don't want to explain the whole break fast business after Jimmy got back. Lets just say I'm nice 'n' full now.
Birthday or not. Work was work. And every one got on with it. Dissecting, weapon checking, file sorting, cleaning, cooking, shopping. And it all had to be done. So I took it as the perfect opportunity to study on my dad. I asked Bell (Enchantra), if that was okay, and she gave me hard eyes at my nick name but said it was totally fine. (okay not the totally bit).
I still hadn't decided if I wanted to keep calling her Bell because she obvious didn't want me to.
“I would go out. But looks like I'm imprisoned while the search goes on.”
“Well, they know were here now. Not here as in here. But in town. And worse off all there's two of us. So they would of at least doubled the searches at night! And people are probably analysing every person they pass with close scrutiny. So its a whopping big no.” she nodded grimly.
“Could I do some dissecting?”
“Or you could help me test some of the new weapons we got in.” Nessa grinned entering the kitchen and casually pouring out some orange juice. Her mascara from yesterday had smeared under her eyes after she forgot to take it of and her hair looked as if some one had back combed it. Enchantra snarled so quietly only I could hear it, but it was a feverish ripping sound the twanged my insides.
“You seem a toughy.” I wasn't to bothered about firing some guns at a target. Even though I knew they wouldn't be ordinary guns though. I hadn't had to use one yet. The past mission had been easy peasy. Apparently they get one a month, the missions, or so and they spend a week dissecting, a week writing a file on it and a week researching to see if there are any more around before they can have a week chill (which is often messed up by cleaning and shopping and file sorting and every day jobs). So they had been busy as bees this month.
Bell, really I'll stop the name now, turned very hard and cold as a statue.
“I am fine thank you.” I frowned at Nessa and shrugged behind her back. After Nessa left the room Bell turned back to me.
“I don't trust any one. You'll be like it soon.”
“You trust me.” she smirked and then sneered, “your not human.” she tucked her hair behind her ear and walked over to finger her way through my presents. She may not be the nicest but I really like her, she could be a bitch at times. Well she was a bitch to any one who was human, as if they didn't have thoughts and feelings and were only put on this planet as food. But she was gentle and sweet to me.
Nessa ran back in the room looking fresher than earlier and I wondered how long i'd been standing there muttering to my self like a mad man. I loved her look today. Her hair in low plaits either side of her head. A brilliantly tight tank and some seriously cool trousers.
“Just to say I would use the files when you research your farther. File A6B I think.” she bit her bottom lip. Glanced at Enchantra and ran back to the weapon room. Where the hell was she going to test them?
“I was just thinking the same thing.” Enchantra said turning to me, and holding out the fountain pen in her long slender fingers.
“Will you stop doing that?” I asked a little miffed. She handed me the pen and flashed her white teeth at me.
“No.” I breathed out slowly and made my way to the study hall, feeling some what stiff. When she followed me I turned an looked at her, raising my eye brows.
“I'll help your studying.”
“What if I don't want you to know about my farther?” she smiled evilly.
“Then that simply encourages me to read your mind all the more and find out.”
“You wait till I acquire my gifts! When will I any way?”
“Its different for every vampire. Well. Not that there are many of us.” she went silent and looked up at me.
“You know we could start a clan? You could leave all this and all your troubles and become what you truly are.” I know she was younger than me but in a way older.
Yes. Yes I did want that. Really quite bad to be honest. It would be a perfect opportunity to start a new family. Well not blood related. But for more vampires to join and us to all become very close. And I wont be scared of being what I am. It would feel normal! But don't I love the people here (excluding Sarah)? Yes that's the problem, its only a matter of time blood lust comes, and the older I get the fiercer it gets, and I kill one. How would I live with that? But I loved the work we did here as well...
But think what I have here. I couldn't do that to the people who had done so much for me. Jimmy didn't bugger off when he changed.
But it would be so amazing to have a clan!
She smiled wildly.
“Yes then?”
no. no I couldn't do that to them. But wait. I could be in a clan and come back here each day like it was a job!
“Good idea.” she encouraged.
“I. I. Can't. I might need to think about it...” the words slashed me. I can, I can! But it didn't feel right to hurt so many people.
“I'll let you think about it.” She offered and turned to start walking towards the study hall.
Aww, crap she had crammed my mind now. How the hell was I supposed to focus on what I should be doing when I thought that. And then the one thing that said absolute no was Matt. I couldn't leave him.
“Bite him.” I whispered as the strange desire swept over me.
“That way you could have him forever. And die together.” I stared at her. It seethed and wriggled inside me. I wanted to so bad. So bad. To sink my teeth into his flesh and press my DNA into him. It burning me hot and glowed my cheek.
“No.” I cracked. “No, that's not right.” I looked up at her on the verge of tears. “What am I becoming! This isn't me, I love Matt as a brother. Its true love but in a brotherly way. At first I felt as if we were boy friend and girl friend but I realise that I look up to him, its like he hold my hand through life. I need to meet some vampire who I really do love as some one I want to stick with forever. ”
she stayed unbelievably calm.
“You are becoming a Vampire. And you will not stay Emma. That is why I changed my name.”
“NO!” I cried. I was desperate at clinging onto my human name. I wanted me to stay.
“Hello? Emma. I was blond hair. Blue eyes. Heart of an angel. Always thought of others. I never wanted boyfriends. I was perfect. Every one wanted to be me. Every one loved me. Now I am a creature of the night. Cold and heartless. You shall become to. The DNA is slowly destroying us, its to strong for our bodies. But if we find other vampires it could be fun to allow our selves to be like that.”
In a way I wanted it. She was amazing. I had never met anyone so breath taking. With such a mysterious personality, I know I looked equally stunning, but my personality had only began to change, well on the out side any way. What I say is different to what I think. But with her she insisted on wearing nothing but black. At least I wore some colour.
“Like I said. You will also one day.”
“So I haven't really finished changing.” she shook her head,
“10 years until tis complete.
“Most of us are caught before we have the chance to change. Caught and killed.”
“Wait. You killed your parents. So why did you scream at the slayers that they were going to kill you like they killed your parents.”
“I was lucky enough to find two other vampires and join there clan they were slowly building. I had been in it for about 3 months when they found our clan. I killed and ripped the throat of one of the famous slayers. Making there team 5 not 6. its still the same 5. They're much like your little organisation, but you each target different things and you guys are almost like a family plus you live in the HQ, they are more business partners and only sleep at the HQ when they need to stay in late with work. I was the only one that survived, they killed what had become ,what seemed like, my foster parents, I loved them. Which is why I will never allow myself to love again.”
She pulled down the neck of the thin black jumper she was wearing, just under her collar bone, to revile a very wide, deep scare just above the top of her heart on her cleavage. Just above her heart.
“The amount of times they missed my heart by inches is amazing.” she pulled it side ways as well and I saw there was a little ring of scars around her heart. (obviously I couldn't see the ones under her bra.)
“They've been hunting me for years, but I ran from where I had been to here. The only reason I avoided them was for my pride. I gave that all up the night you found me.” she covered the ring of scares back up and let her head drop.
“And I think the same may happen again. I think my past is going to repeat itself.”
I shivered. Why did she look so perfect if she was so broken?
“It means I have blood lust a lot. Which is why I cant stay here for long and I refuse to be nice to any humans here in case I get to close and end up killing them, but then again, ever since I've killed my human family I've never cared about humans.”
“That's what I'm worried about, I nearly killed Jimmy once.” she nodded.
“Any way. Research.” she sneered crudely.
I went to the corner of the room where most of the files were dumped.
“You would of thought they would sort them out a bit more often, wouldn't you?” I asked my self.
“That's humans for you.” Enchantra muttered. I rolled my eyes and was quite surprised when I found the file Nessa had suggested and was quite surprised it was near the top, as if some one else had been reading it lately. Picking it up gingerly I carried it back to the table and opened it on the first page.

Members of The T.H.

Why the hell would my dad be in there?

In order.

Okay. Jimmy was first. A picture of him when he must have been 18. he was seriously fit. (what a classic teenage word to use!).

It had when he was born. Life story. Date of birth. His species. And so on. Something told me not to read his life story. It seemed private and there was only so many depressing stories I could handle in one day.
The next page nearly made me fall off my chair like the book had bitten me.

Cedric Marble

“Your dad was a member of all this? Did you even know?” I tried to breath steadily. Crap. I was shaking so hard, Enchantra bent down, took my elbows and pulled me up to sit down again. I fumbled around with my fingers for my pen.
“Just read first.” she hissed tapping the page in front of us. So I did.

Date of birth: 1967 (the date today was 2010).
Date of death: 1994
Family: Lisa Marble (wife), Emma C Marble (daughter).
Species: Human
Reason of death: mauled to death by Gaulin Shempards were wolf.

He was the one Jimmy was talking about, his best friend, my dad was Jimmy's best friend. It explained why my mum must of seen Jimmy before at some point. That drawer I had opened in the dissection room, of the familiar face was him. I had stood next to my dad. I jumped form my chair as the truth started to spread through my system.
I charged to the dissecting room, throwing open the door. Lizzie was working on a single eye ball. He head flicked up at me. I flitted to the draw and yanked it open to the good looking, familiar man who warmed my heart so. It was. It was the one who gave me such a good childhood, an amazing first 5 years of my life. I closed it shut quietly and put my head on the floor under him, I couldn't look at his pale face any longer. I didn't cry. The tears inside me were worse than any the would come on the outside. They filled me up so much I was surprise I didn't swell.
No. No. I rolled on my back and pulled my legs to my chin, wrapping my arms round my self. Oblivious to Enchantra crying over me, she could feel my pain because she could read minds, and Lizzie concerning deeply.
My throat had closed up so I didn't breath. I just drowned into myself in agonising pain.
“Breath Emma.” Enchantra whispered in my ear, she touched my cheek slightly but my breaths were ragged and painful.
“Lizzie get out. She may occur blood lust when she's this upset.”
“Don't but me human! Flee!” Lizzie scrambled from the room.
Blood, I thought loudly through the waves of white hot pain, “and get some blood!” she yelled over he shoulder, and I wondered what my dad would think if he knew what I had became. This made me scream, I wasn't sure whether or not it was out loud, but Enchantra flinched.
Things were distance. The pain was pressing on me so hard, it was like being under water. But it was so thick, it blocked up my throat and my lungs. I wanted him. I wanted him to be with me. I wanted him to be the farther he was supposed to be. I wanted him to support through the hell of life. To hold me like I am a child. To rock me. Kiss me. And now he was here. He was here like I had wished for so many years. But he was lying in a freezer, mauled by a were wolf. I had leaned over him. Stared into his unseeing eyes. And he would never know. He could never be proud of me. Never see me grown up. I knew he would be my only blood related family who may not care that I was a vampire. Wouldn't he? Did I even know him? Did I know my own farther?
Suddenly I was angry. Boiling angry, as if I had channelled the sad energy into anger energy. It made the thickness disappear and replaced by flames. My throat was sand paper. And I realised the flames of anger that swirled through me suddenly made me very parched.
My eyes flitted open but everything was blurred. I tried to tell her but no sound escaped my lips. I herd a beating heart enter the room.
“How is she? Oh, here's the bags.” I flew up, my lips pulled back over my fangs. She was full of the thing I needed the most before the coldness started to billow inside.
Through my blurred vision I focused on the human who had entered. Her arm was still out stretched from something she had passed to Enchantra who was curled up on the floor next to me, her clothes soaked in tears. Maybe she couldn't help reading peoples minds, like she couldn't block it out.
The human stumbled back our eyes met and I sniffed the air. It was there, the sweet delicious, warm tangy smell. I crouch back on my legs, ready to beat the coldness, the pain had started to erupt inside me, curling my nerves and cringing my mind, but Enchantra was faster than me, being an older vampire and she shoved the human out the room in one quick flash before I sprang. I turned to her and snarled as the monster with in uncurled.
“Have these.” she chucked me some bags full of the red stuff and I ripped it off with my teeth, gulping it down. Instantly I felt better. The parched was gone, the pain dimmed and the anger extinguished and I felt bad. What had I just done!?
I was on the floor with my legs crossed and the blood from the bags splattered around me, just staring at the floor. Nothing went through my head. No thoughts. Nothing. I was emotionless, a statue. Worthless.
“Emma?” Enchantra whispered through her own pain and crawled towards me through the blood I had spilt and the tears she had shed. I didn't twitch.
Even when the door burst open and I smelt Jimmy and Nessa enter.
“Holy crap! Did she find the right file that quickly? I thought it would take her all day!” Nessa must have blushed, but I didn't move. I was so drained. That's when the tears came. Thick and fast. They were rivers down my cheeks, swamping the floor, I was shaking so hard I had to put my hands on the floor in front of me. Instantly Jimmy's arm was round my back and he pulled me into a hug. I didn't care about his beating heart on my back. I was so full, and the warmth really did help.
“Nessa? Get Matt please.” He wrapped my arms round me and rocked me. It soothed the pain. Jimmy was one of the nicest people I had ever met. And suddenly it didn't feel right. I stood up and glared at him.
“Your not supposed to do that!” I hissed. He looked up at me, daised and disorientated.
“NO!” I screamed and the tears kept flowing.
“The man in that draw!” I thrusted my finger to Cedric Marbles death bed. “Is supposed to do that!” Enchantra was crouched in the corner glaring at Jimmy.
Matt entered the room looking full of panic, closely followed by Nessa. I ran into his arms and buried my face into his chest.
“You found out all ready? Whoa that didn't take long.”
“Its my fault.” all heads turned to Nessa apart from mine. I just herd the brushing of hair and clicking of neck, I pressed my self closer into Matt and he pulled me in closer too, despite the tears that were staining his blue shirt and dribbling onto his grey jeans.
“I told her what folder to look in. I should of waited to hint her off a bit after the happiness faded. I'm sorry.” happiness, that seemed years ago.
“Its not your fault Nessa. One thing I learnt in life, never give yourself a hard time on what isn't your fault.” it went quiet apart from my snivelling. I must seem like such an over reactive drama queen.
I pulled apart from Matt after a while, but he took hold of my wrists and stared deep into my eyes. That's what I love about him, every ones so sensitive about my eyes, they cant look at them. But he searched right to my soul. I looked over my shoulder to see Jimmy cleaning up the mess on the floor, and Enchantra still crouched in the corner but looking weary,
“Oh god Jimmy I'll do it.” I broke from Matt and went to Jimmy, collecting myself. The blood was gone but there were tears and several things on the floor, smashed. I knocked his hands back and took the cloth from him.
“Emma. Please. Just let me do it.” I sighed. There was no point arguing with him.
“Please go and chill.” I stood up still feeling a little shaky, and took Matt's hand to leave the room.
I rubbed my fore head and found Enchantra right behind me.
“I'm gonna go in the bed room, kay?” she asked quietly. I nodded as she disappeared into the bedroom and turned back to Matt.
“What does every one think of me?” I whispered up at him, scared of the truth. He frowned.
“About all that?” he waved his hand towards the door and slipped it back into mine. I nodded.
“We feel for you? Are you afraid that we think your over reacting?” I nodded again.
“Well, it would be if he hadn't been in a freezer door right next to you. Oh sorry!” he added hastily as my face crumpled.
“Why did they keep him?” I asked slowly, trying not to keep my disgust.
“Its what he wanted.” I stared at him.
“Jimmy will tell you in a minute.” I sat down heavily on the sofa. Jimmy entered with a damp cloth and a couple of bags. He smiled at us awkwardly, before disappearing into the kitchen and returning again. We were squashed onto the smaller sofa, I was on his lap but with my legs round his waist and my back on my sofa.
Jimmy came back carrying a little box and an envelope. He sat on the arm chair angled towards our sofa.
“You feeling okay to talk.”
“Yeah, I mean were have to sooner or later won't we.”
“Fraid so.”
“Okay, so your dad wanted me to give this to you on your first birthday at the T.H.”
“He knew I would come?”
“He said apparently so. But I never believed him. But his gift was the fact he knew peoples destinies.” I gasped. What an amazing gift.
He handed it to me. I opened the letter first.
It was brief. In fact the disappointment of it punched me in the stomach.

Follow your destiny even after times that shatter hearts,
my dearest Emma,
remember your closest enemies are not all that they are on the out side,
my dearest Emma,
trust the people that feel right, avoid those who wrong, trust,
my dearest Emma,
use it wisely.

It made no sense what so ever, so I just unwrapped the present, that was in fine gold paper.
It was a little silver locket with a deep purple jewel in the middle. It opened too a picture of him and me with little lilies engraved as borders round us. The chain was dainty and slid perfectly round my neck where it rested directly above my heart. I sighed deeply.
“Its beautiful.” he nodded.
“We'll give you space to think.” he got up and indicated for Matt to go too. But I didn't want him to leave, even though I needed the space.
“Could you get Enchantra for me? She's in the bedroom. I need to speak.” I knew I couldn't stay here, my farther and my blood lust for Lizzie had proven this. I was getting too dangerous to be around humans as I got older. Enchantra her self said she wouldn't be able to stay for long because of it. But mostly it was the fact I couldn't be in the same building my dads body lay, perfectly preserved, in. Enchantra flowed into the room and sat in front of me. He face was expressionless, but her huge eyes held pain but exultation at the same time.
“I have decided.” I cracked. She didn't say anything so I went on. “I'm going to join you with your idea to create a clan.”