Status: On Haitus, I've been busy getting ready for school!

Its you and you're dying, I'm sorry

Life or Death?!

Gerard was wheeled into a room and was hooked up to various machines. The doctors were speaking in hsushed tones.

"Poor guy, I wonder whats wrong wiht him?"

"He's a total druggie! Thats whats wrong with him!"

Gerard curled into the covers, not wanting to let go of their warm embrace.

"Mr. Way?"


"We need to look over the results..."

He sat up, but instatntly regretted it.

"Ah, ouch!"

"I'm not going to candy coat this, so I'll get to the point. You're dying. Your liver is slowly turning to dust, In your medical records we found out that you did have a drug problem, and you were an alcoholic."

Gerard's heart stopped.

The phone on the line started to talk.

"Gerard? Gee? Baby?"

Gerard's senses went numb, his whole body felt weak.

" are we going ot reverse this?" He choked out.

"A liver transplant."

"how long do I have?"

"About 4 to 5 months."


"Curing you could take months and we need to slow the degenerntion of your liver."

"We need to buy time."

Gerard looked at his hands, they had a yellow tint to the skin. I...I really AM dying..! He thought.

Silent tears poured from his hazel eyes.

"Frankie...I don;t want to die, I am too young, and too scared.." He whisperd to himself.

He curled up, shakig wiht fear and shock.

The nurse wheeled him into a ICU unit, so they could moniter his vitals and check his liver.

"Is it like a Black Pareade?" He wondered. He cried silently as the nurse shut the door.

"F...Frankie, where are you?"

He closed his eyes and drifted off.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK im really dead and tired so ill correct the spelling mistakes soon.