Status: On Haitus, I've been busy getting ready for school!

Its you and you're dying, I'm sorry

Any Progress?

Gerard sat in his bed, sleep ebbing at his senses.

Why can't I fall asleep? He thought. The machienes were whirring around him. The meds made him feel sicker than he already was. He fell back on the bed, bored. He found out that he would acutally have to have a liver transplant two days ago.

Frankie was coming later so Gerard had something to look forward to. His stomach hurt from the medicine, he felt weak all the time too.

"Gerard?" Someone's voice dropped his thoughts away.

He looked up; it was Frank.


"Hey Gee," Frank smiled.

Gerard sat up too quickly and his head throbbed. He grabbed it and gasped. Frank rushed over beside him.

"Gee!" Frank gasped as he tried to calm Gerard down. Gerard stopped his spaz attack and fell back on the bed covers.

"Any progress?" Frank asked, sitting down beside him.

Gerard shook his head, "Not really."

"I'm sorry."

"Mr. Way?"

Gerard looked up.

The nurse walked over and whisperd something in his ear.

Gerard gagged on his saliva, "Wh..What?! T...That soon?!"

The nursed nodded. She left a short while later and Gerard turned to Frank.

"They, they found a donar!" Gerard gasped happilly.

"Oh, Gee, that's great!!" Frank said embracing him.

"The surgery to fix my liver by transplanting a new one is in 2 weeks!"

Frank froze. "T-Two weeks?!"

Gerard nodded.

"B..but Gerard, you've only been in here for 3 weeks, its already that bad?!"

Gerard froze and tears welled up in his eyes. "I was afraid to tell you Frankie, i didn't want to hurt you.."

"I'm happy that you have a donar, but this is serious!"

"It's not entirely my fault!"

That made Frank twitch with anger.

"Gerard! I love you! And it really is your falut you did this!"

"Frankie!!" Gerard gasped. Pain soared thru his body and he bit his lip to keep from screaming.

"Uh...Waaaaaggghhh!" He screamed as his whole body exploded in pain.

Frank held Gerard's hand and Gerard sqeezed it so hard Frank thought he broke a finger.

He called for a nurse to refill Gerard's morphine. She came and did that and Gerard fell on the covers, fast asleep.

"Oh, Gerad...."
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