Status: On Haitus, I've been busy getting ready for school!

Its you and you're dying, I'm sorry

Kimi Monogatari

Gerard was nervous. He wasen't sure he would make it..
No! he thought. I can't think about it!

You know you're gonna die anyway. The voice in the back of his head said.

"Shut the fuck up, voices, or I'll poke you with the Q-tips again!" Gerard growled to himself.

"Gee?" Frank whisperd.

"F..Frankie?" Gerard replied.

"Hey baby," Frank said as he kissed Gerard's cheek.

"I have sugery tomorrow, wel actually tonight, coz its in the morning. Ya know, like at 1 in the morning. They just had to pick the time I want to sleep!"

"Aw, that sucks."

"I know it does..."

"Sir, we need to get Mr. Way ready for surgery, so you'll have to leave," A nurse quietly inerrupted.

"Bye Gee," Frank said.

"Frankie..please help me pull thru..." Gerad whisperd, tears in his eyes.

"I will."

"Promise?" Gerard whisperd inoccently.

"Of course Gee," Frank whispered kissing Gerard's yellowish pale fingers.


Gerard sat in the bed; the nurses were rushing behind him, hooking up various machines and getting the IV of anestesia ready.

Gerard cried softly and held his knees close to his body. He was trying to hold himself together, but he was terrified. Immensely terrified.

A nurse put a hand on his shoulder.

"We're going to hook up the anestiesiea," She whispered, noticing Gerard's discomfort.

"O..OK," Gerard gasped. The nurse slowly put the needle in his hand, Gerard yelped out in pain as the needle struck his skin.

"Are we done?" Gerard asked, innocence taking over him.

"Almost," She whispered as a tube was shoved down Gerard's throat suddenly. He gagged and felt like he was going to puke. The nurse grabbed a basin and Gerard promptly threw up in it. The tube was finally in his throat, much to his dislike.

"Ugh," Gerard groaned, tears were still pouring from his eyes.

"Don't worry, we're going to be ready soon. we just have to wait for the anistesia to kick in." The nurse reassured him.

And boy did it kick in! Gerard's eyelids drooped and his soft crying stopped, he was knocked out cold.

"Here we go," The nurse muttered as Gerard was wheeled in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliffhanger!! xD