Status: On Haitus, I've been busy getting ready for school!

Its you and you're dying, I'm sorry

I try not to die again- the surgery-

Gerard was knocked out cold, his eyes were closed and his face and body was a pale yellow color. The nurse wheeled him into the OR, the doctors moved him to the operating table and looked at the monitors.

Good, his heart rate is OK, The leading surgen thought.

He grabbed the scapel and made an insison on Gerard's upper abdomen, blood spurted from the leison.

"Shit," He muttered. He continued digging and about 5 hours later he had reached the liver. "This guy is going to need a transfusion."

Blood shot up as he started cutting Gerard's damaged liver from the blood vessels and bile ducts. He wrapped sutare around his blood vessels to keep the bleeding down. The chilled donar liver was heated up a little and was placed in Gerard's body. The surgen sewed the liver to the blood vessels. After that he connected the bile ducts. Blood was transfused thru an IV, and forty-five minutes later the transfusion was complete. Now the hard part came; sewing him up. The surgen started sewing up the muscle tissue, and finally the skin that had been damaged during the surgery.

"Thank God," he muttered 6 hours later, and that was just after the transfusion and sewing. Gerard was wheeled into the recovery unit, where he would wake up.





"Mikey! Calm the heck down!"

"Shut up I wanna see him!"

"Come on you two! Ray and myself are bored of hearing you two argue like brothers!"

"Shut it Bryer!"
Gerad heard thes voices that were so far away.

"Uhn, W..where am I?" Gerard gasped. He couldn't see any thing and he was cold and scared.

"Gee, you're in the hospital, the surgery went fine," Frank told him.

"Frankie...I feel sick..." He whispered.

A nurse walked in and looked at the group of five.

"Mr. Way, you're awake. Now we can take out the tube that was down your throat." Gerard nodded weakly.

She asked the group to leave so they could do that. She started pulling the tube out of Gerard's throat. He gagged several times and Frank heard a hacking sound as the tube was finally pulled out. That was followed by a horrible heaving sound. The nurse walked out of the room and went to get some towels and clean sheets.

"Gee? Are you OK?" Frank asked worriedly. He walked over and found a puke puddle on Gerard's lap and sweat dripping down his face. The puke was mixed with red dots. Also there was a bit of bile mixed in.

"Oh God, Gee! I think you just threw up some blood!" Frank gasped. He looked at Gerard's arm. "..And you're bleeding too!" He was worried, completely. The nurse arrived right at that moment.

"Move over!" She said urgently. She checked the IVs withe blood and meds, the one with blood was dripping blood down his arm. Crimson blood, almost blackened by the amount that was dripping down. She grabbed a torniquet and started trying to stop the haywire IV.

Gerard was coughing, blood dripping down his chin.

"Oh Gee! Please don't die!" Frank gasped. The nurse stopped the IV from bleeding and tears were falling down Gerard's face. Frank put a hand on his IV med hand.

"I love you..."

"Fuh..Frankie..I love you..I always have...I don't want it to end like this..." Gerard gasped, before passing out.
♠ ♠ ♠
another update!!