Status: On Haitus, I've been busy getting ready for school!

Its you and you're dying, I'm sorry


Gerard woke up in the bed and blinked as the light enveloped his room.

"Gee?" Frank asked.


"Are you ready to go?"

Gerard nodded; Frank gave him some black shorts and a MISFITS shirt. Gerard trudged to the bathroom so he could change, He emerged from the room fully clothed. Frank and Gerard walked to the desk to fill out Gerard's papers. The recepitonist smiled as she handed them the papers, along with 5 perscriptoins for medicine.

They came back to a rented apartment for when Gerard was in the hospital; a huge sign bearing the words : Welcome Home Gerard!! Mikey, Ray and Bob were standing by the signs with huge smiles.

"Oh, Gee! I'm so glad you're back!" Mikey said, hugging Gerard.

"Th..Thanks Mikey," Gerard said simply.

Bob and Ray walked over to Gee.

"Come on Gee, we've got a surprise for you." Ray said, helping Gerard up the steps.

:"Woah!!" Gerard exclaimed. In front of him was a cappichino maker and starbucks coffee.

"Guys! Thanks, but you didn't have to do this!!"

"We wanted to," Mikey said smiling.

"...but why?"

"We wanted you to feel better when you came home."

"Come on. there's cake in the kitchen," Ray said, directing Gerard to the kitchen.

There, sitting in the kitchen, was a cake with chocoalte Icing taht said: "Welcome back Gee!" in white letters, beside that was a picture of Gerard smiling wiht Frank during thier wedding.

Gerard cut himself a piece and bit into it.


"No probs Gee."

"Anybody up fo Wii bowling?" Bob asked walking in.

"Sure!!" Frank Mikey and Gerard said together.


Gerard and everyone followe Bob. Gerard was up first. He swung th Wiimote and got a gutter ball.

Frank was up next. He got a strike. Mikey and Bob did too. The next time Gerard was up he got another gutter ball. He was starting ot feel angry wiht himself.

"I suck..." He whisperd, hanging his head.

"Cheer up Gee," Frank said, kissing his cheek.

They played anoteher round; Gerard got gutter balls.

"I really suck!" Gerard groaned, tears starting to form in his eyes. Frank held his hand.

"ITs OK Gee." Frank whispered.


The y finished Wii Bowling and Gerard went up to the spare bedroom.


"Night Gee."
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