Status: On Haitus, I've been busy getting ready for school!

Its you and you're dying, I'm sorry

You idiot!

After Gerard got up the next day, he had a horrible headache.

"Oh, damn, ouch!" He gasped. He put a hand on his head and the room spun; then he put his head between his knees, hoping the room would stop spinning in circles. A figure appeared in the doorway.

"Gerard?" Frank asked. "Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I just have a bad headache."

"Well, I hope it gets better, we're all going to Wal Mart for some reason, if you don't wanna come, that's fine."

"I think I'll stay here, thanks though."

Frank walked away, and Gerard heard the roar of an engine.

"Well, I better do something about this," Gerard murmured.

He made his way to the bathroom and grabbed some asprin, and dry swallowed it. His stomach turned. The room became very blurry, and he fell on his knees, panting. He felt like he had run a mile, but he had only walked over to get some asprin. He sqeezed his hazel eyes shut, as a horrible throbbing sensation took over his head. He leaned over the bathtub, feeling nauseous. He rested his clammy head on the cold bathtub.

No, Gerard! Not now! Wait, someone will come and you'll feel better.. A voice in his head said.

Gerard opened his mouth and croaked out one word, "Sick." He finally gave up and let himself be taken over by his illness. His body convulsed with heaving, which turned into gagging, which in turn made him cough weakly, and finally he slid off of the bathtub and fell into a deep sleep.


Frank walked in and called for Gerard. No awnser.

"He's probably still sleeping," Mikey commented.

"He said he had a headache, I hope he's OK," Frank said.

Mikey left and went upstairs. Suddenly Frank heard a scream.

"G-Gerard!?" Mikey gasped.

Frank skidded into the bathroom and looked at the sight before him.

"God fucking dammit! I thought he was finally OK!" Frank snapped. He looked at the asprin lying on the floor.

"That fucker, he overdosed..." Mikey muttered.

"Mikey, go tell Ray and Bob, they need to know," Frank ordered.

Mikey walked out and Frank heard him scream.

"T..that fucker overdosed!!"


"My fucking brother, Ray! He fucking overdosed!" Mikey snarled, completely torn.

"Gerard? He overdosed?!" Bob said, shocked.

"Yes! How many fucking times do I have to tell you!?" Mikey snapped.

Frank walked over and put an arm around Mikey's shoulders.

"I don't think he meant to," He whisperd.

"You mean like he fucking overdosed, at the FUCKING hotel!?"

"We just have to hope that he'll be OK, we should tell Brian." Frank said.

He pulled out his cell.

"Hey, Brian, it's Frank, Gerard...he well, he overdosed..

"I know, I thought he was sober too, I'm gunna go back to him, Mikey's pretty torn about this."

He hung up then dialed for an ambluance.

Jesus fucking christ Gee, why?! Frank thought as he made his way upstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love you all! <^-^> <-- vampire bat