Status: On Haitus, I've been busy getting ready for school!

Its you and you're dying, I'm sorry

Waking up

Gerard slowly opened his eyes.

"...Where am I?"

"The hospital, you collapsed on stage."

Suddenly Gerard's face started throbbing.

"Gee, are you ok?" Frank asked.

Frank motioned for a doctor to come in.

"Ok, whats up?"

"I really don't know, I was just sitting here then my face started throbbing."

"HMMMM.....Looks like your nose is broken, but its healing wrong so we probably will have to break it again to promote correct healing..."

"'re gonna do WHAT?" Gerard gasped.
The doctor tried to give Gerard a sedative, by a shot....
But that didn't work out too well.

CRACK!! Gerard felt his nose break again.

"GYAAAAHHGGGH!" Gerard howled out in pain.
He squeezed Frank's hand so tight that his knuckles turned white.
The taste of blood filled his mouth.

"Come on Gee, you can do this." Frank
encouraged him.
The doctor put a cold compress on to keep the swelling down, he put it down for about ten minutes. He then taped gauze under Gerard's nose so that the bleeding would stop.
Finally to keep Gerard's nose in place he put a brace on.

"Ok, here are some pointer; One: Don't overexert yourself. Two: Breathe only from your mouth, so that you can at least keep the pain down.

"Also come back in a week so you can get X-Rays. Then we will go from there. Thank you for your time."

"Your welcome." Frank said.


"Frank, I really hate how this brace feels!" Gerard complained.

"Gee, you'll get used to it. You'll be ok."

"Yeah, Frankie, you're right." Gerard said.

"Now, if you don't mind I'm going to bed."

"Night Gee."