Status: On Haitus, I've been busy getting ready for school!

Its you and you're dying, I'm sorry

He did WHAT?!

Gerard woke up the next morning and saw Frank sleeping beside him.

"Hello Frankie," He whispered, pushing hair out of Frank's eyes oh-so softly. He looked at his watch, it was the anniversiry of Elena's death. Tears formed in his hazel eyes.

Frank woke up and smiled, "Hey Gee."

Gerard grimaced.

"What's up?" Frank asked looking worried.

"My shirt smells like someone puked, ate thier own puke, then puked again."

"What a lovely image, Gee," Frank said sarcasticly.

"Really ya think?" Gerard smiled.

"No, you dolt," Frank said bluntly.

The smell of his puke covered shirt engulfed Gerard and he closed his eyes, starting to feel nausaus becuase of the smell. He was hungry, but not sure if he should eat, just in case his sickness came back from yesterday. Gerard changed his shirt and pulled on a MISFITS hoodie over a skeleton T-shirt. Frank got ready as well and he and Gerard headed to the lobby for breakfast.

"Hey Gee, feeling any better?" Ray asked while he poured a bowl of fruit loops.

"I, I think I'll be OK," Gerard reassured him.

"Are you sure?" Mikey asked, concern lacing his voice. "You were pretty sick yesterday."

"It's OK Mikes, I'll be fine."

The group left thier hotel and Frank wanted to go to a mall, so he could be in Hot Topic. Everyone agreed that they would shop a little bit and then eat something, because it was close to noon when they all left.

"I feel like a girl," Gerard murmured.

"Why?" Frank asked.

"I'm shopping."

Frank ran into Hot Topic as soon as he saw it. He ran straight for the CDs.

"Hey Gee! Come here!" He called.

"What?" Gerard asked as he ran over.

There was a poster that was advetising the Used. Gerard scrunched his face up in disgust at the memory that crossed his mind. Frank looked over at him and knew why. Bert was Gerard's old boyfriend, who turned him on to drugs and alcohol, he didn't want Gee to go into another downward spiral.

Frank pulled out a CD that had a squirll giving you the finger. It said: "Foamy: Neuroticlly yours" Gerard giggled. Frank smiled at him and Gerad pulled out a Misfits CD. They scanned the CDs looking for something to listen to. Frank's eyes fell on thier old CD, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. It brought back so many memories...
Signing to Reprise, Gerard getting wasted halfway thru shows, Pansy dying, Ray trying to straighten his hair, but most of all, Elena dying, that sent Gerard into a deep depression, and made him drink even more.

Frank looked at his watch, 3:00 PM. Sound check was at five.

"Hey Gee, we gotta go now!" Frank called, looking for his husband.

"I'm coming Frankie-baby!" Gerard called back.

They left and Ray thought it would be a good idea if they ate at a resturant, TGI Fridays. The band walked to the other side of the mall and got to Fridays. They waited for about 20 minutes then there was a table ready. they orderd thier meals and ate them, and then went back to the hotel. Frank and everyone went to the game room to play DDR. Gerard stayed in his room, feeling dizzy and light-headed.

God, its times like these I wish I had a beer, He thought. He walked down to the hotel bar and orderd a dry martini. 20 minutes later, and about 7 hard dry martninis later, he was sauced.

He stumbled up the steps and got into the room and all the memories of Elena's death and visting the grave flooded back. He grabbed some advil to numb his emotional pain. he took them and was having an immediate high. The door clicked open and Frank stood, shocked at his husband's state.

"Gerard!" He gasped. "What the hell are you thinking!?"

"Fuhrankieeee, itzzz theee, anna...annaviersirrryy, uff, Eleenaaz d...deathhh, I'm truublledd.."

"That's still not a reason to get drunk and high!" Frank snapped. He was clearly pissed. "Gerard, why would you start again?"

"Aiii, don't know.."

"Gerard," Frank said seriously. "We need to get you to a hospital. You need to have your stomach pumped."

Gerard gagged on his spit and moaned softly, "I don't want to die."

"I'm calling for an ambulance and the guys." Frank said as he dialed Mikey.

"He did what?!" Mikey's voice boomed thru the phone.

"I know, I know, but we need to get Gerard to a hospital." Frank said sternly.

Frank called for an ambulance and they came and got up to the hotel room and loaded Gerard onto a gurney.

They asked questions about Gerard, like if he was suicidal, or had a drinking or drug problem. Frank felt unable to awnser.

He seemed so happy... Frank thought.

They get Gerard into the ER and they intubated Gerard.

Mikey watched them as they shoved a tube down Gerard's throat. Then they followed by administrating and remoing small volumes of liquid. Warm wather was administarted thru the tube. This is to ensure the tube is not in the lungs. They had a suchtion device in case he would puke. They reapeat it until they felt that all the alcolhol and adivl was out of his system. He was under anestisa so he wouldnt feel it.

"Oh Gerard, why?" Frank whisperd.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK.lovelys, i've missed you all and I love you so here is an update, I can't beleive I made Gee OD and get drunk, but it was the anniverdiry of Elena's death in thid fic.