Status: On Haitus, I've been busy getting ready for school!

Its you and you're dying, I'm sorry

Cold Creeping Cold Pain

Gerard was wheeled into the MRI room and was instructed to lay on the table. They put him halfway in the scanner.,and he could hear faint drum beats. Suddenly he felt pain in his arm. He bit his lip, drawing blood. The pain subsided a short minute later, and he was put in the scanner again.

"OK, we're all done," The nurse commented as she helped Gerard shimmy onto the hospital bed.

He pulled the covers tight around himself. He felt cold, cold and in pain.

"I...I'm so cold....and pain, all I feel is...pain," He gasped. He curled up in a ball and the nurse turned her head. She looked at him.

"Mr. Way?" She asked looking worried.

" cold..." He gasped.

The nurse put a hand on his forehead.

"Crap," She muttered.

Gerard curled up tighter and pulled the bedsheets close to his body.

"Uh, can someone get me some heating blankets?" The nurse called out.

"Here you go ma'm," A young male intern said.

She put the blankets on Gerard to heat him up. Gerard shivered.

"Mr. Way, your liver's slowly turning to dust...." She traied off.

"No! This can't be happening! I...I have a husband and I....I'm in a freaking band! I have fans who care about me!! I can't die!" Gerard cried. Tears were pouring down his porcelin face.

"There has to be someway to reverse this!" She mutterd.

"Jus..Just let me call my everyone else..." He gasped.

The nurse wheeled him to a phone.

Gerard dialed Frank.


"Gee? What's wrong?"

"I..I think I'm going to die..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Cliff hagner!!!!!!!