Status: Active.

The World Is Ugly.

Chapter 2.

I was lost in EastJesusNowhere. Not joking…

Now I know why no one ever goes on that road… It leads nowhere…

I should probably turn back, and go back home…

Yeah, like I’ll do that.

No matter where this road was leading me, I’d go there…

I’d probably die during the journey, well, that’s fine with me… Better die on the road than stuck at home.

Anyway, as I said before, I’m not for happy endings.

My stomach groaned loudly, making me realize that I was in fact hungry. I had eaten nothing since last night. I didn’t even take the time to grab something to eat this morning.
I stopped, opened my bag and grabbed an apple. I zipped up the bag again. And took a small bite from it and munched it slowly before swallowing.

The scenery before me was pretty.

Everything was green. I like green.

Actually, I was in the middle of what looked like a forest. The sun rays were piercing through the roof made leaves making bright spot on the ground. It was pretty.

Then I realized something, I hadn’t seen a car since I left town, not a single one or anything for that matter. It was just me, myself and I.

I smiled like a maniac and kept on munching on my apple, looking at the trees and everything, all the small details you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t taking your time.
But I had all the time in the world…


You know, at first I thought it was a smart idea, leaving town to go and explore the wide and wild world.

And everything was going great, sleeping in my sleeping bag, next to a small fire. Luckily, my bag was full of all the random stuff I had put into when I was supposed to go camping with Kevin, but the plan changed at the last moment and I just shoved the bag in the closet. I’m glad I did.

But you know, it’s not fun camping when it’s raining… And especially when you don’t have an umbrella or even a tent.
I had left the road a few days ago, and decided to walk through the forest. It had been raining non-stop since yesterday and I was now up in a tree, hoping to protect myself from the rain a little.

No, I’m not joking. I really was sitting on a tree branch, looking down at the ground and hoping I wouldn’t fall during my sleep.

I felt like Indiana Jones or any other guy or girl that ever ended up trapped in the jungle at one time in their lives.

I tried to settle myself in the tree, trying to find a comfortable position… Okay… Well, as comfortable as you can get when you’re about to fell asleep in a tree.


Okay, I actually slept 4 hours in the branches and didn’t fall! I’ll not say anything about me tripping on my own foot on my way back down to the ground and how I almost killed myself, hitting my head on a rock.

I had been out in the wild for a week… A whole fucking week… I was running out of water and food. And it was getting colder and colder…

That’s what I get for leaving my comfy house to go wander in the country in December! December

The more I thought about it, the more obvious it became that I was beyond stupid. Completely nut, and that I totally deserved to be locked up in a nuthouse…

I sighed deeply, holding my hoodies tighter around me. Yeap, hoodies. I’m fucking freezing! I need to get close to a road or something… or some lake so I could take a bath or something… A lake, then a road, and then a car…

Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car…

I kept repeating that to myself, out loud.

They say that the first sign of madness is talking to yourself, well I am sorry but I’m not insane, I’m just talking to myself because I’m in the middle of nowhere, between eh… a tree, and another tree and more trees…

Oh God…

I took my cell phone out of my pocket, to check if I had any missed calls and to my oh-so great surprise, it was dead. Just like the batteries for my music player.
I could always sing to myself, but… no thank you I had enough rain without even asking for it in the first place…

I was losing it, slowly but surely loosing it…

Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car…

My stomach growled.

Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car…

I’d give everything, anything for a shower and something to eat…

Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car… Lake, road, car…

Someone kill me already.

Lak-… Wait, what’s that…

It sure looked like water to me, lots of water… A lake! Thank Lord!


Okay, all clean and freezing…

I think my lips are turning purple, just like my fingers and feet are turning blue…

I kept on walking through the woods, trying to stay in the same direction. The last thing I need in to make a circle or whatever… I just need to leave that fucking forest, find a road and hoping to see a car drove by and hitch’ a ride to wherever that person is willing to take me…

The sun went down, causing me to stop walking and sleeping on the ground once more. I kept on walking as soon as the sun showed up. Actually, I couldn’t see it, because of those damn trees.

It was just another day in the forest for Jaelynn, me, who is starving and tired…

The trees were less and less present and soon I find myself in the middle of a road. I did a little happy dance, but refrain myself from singing anything…
That’s how bad at singing I was…

Alright, so lake? check. Road? Check. Car? None in sight…
I adjusted my bags on my shoulders, looked from left to right and decided to go right. The sun was up, and high, it was about midday. I was glad to be away from the trees for a while… I was beginning to think that they were looking at me and stuff… I always get paranoid with stuff, but that was the final blow… I mean, trees? That was really random… I just needed human contact, I’d love to see a human being and wave at it, maybe speak to it too? I was really getting tired of speaking to myself and with myself. You just couldn’t have a real conversation… I just always ended up in an argument… Have you ever argued with yourself? I did… for about a week.

I sighed, covered my face with my hands and took a few deep breathes.
I needed to calm down, get out of this mess and find a city of some sort…

And just as an answer to my prayer, I heard the roaring of a car.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know... It's weird...
it'll be less weird next chapter, I promise.
Thank you! to those who commented =]