Status: One Shot - complete

Uninvited Love

Chapter 1 of 1

Rhian let out a faint sigh as she rested her head against Brian’s shoulders, his arm tightening around her shoulder as he placed a kiss on her temple as they waited for the delayed flight from Ohio. Her eyes drifted shut, it had been a long, busy week and if she was honest this would probably be the last place she would usually choose to be the night before New Years Eve, but she had no choice. She wasn’t about to leave her cousin with no where to go on New Years. They were both the only child and had grown up closer than a lot of siblings until Rhian’s mother re-married and moved to Huntington Beach when they were fourteen. They stayed in touch and remained close friends so when Savannah had called her up in tears the previous morning she didn’t give a second thought to inviting her to come and stay with her and her husband, Brian, for as long as she needed.

“Baby, her flight’s just landed; she’ll be coming through soon.” Brian’s soft voice drifted through her half conscious mind causing her to lift her head and stretch her limbs.

“Finally, I thought we’d be seeing in the New Year at LAX.” She muttered as she pushed herself off the hard plastic seat, stretching her limbs. They walked over to where the arrivals were making their way through from baggage claim, stood with Brian’s arms wrapped around her waist, his chin against her shoulder as they watched the passengers slowly make their way through from baggage claim.

“There she is.” Rhian cheered excitedly breaking away from Brian’s grasp as she saw her tall, dark haired cousin walk through pushing a trolley full of luggage through the mass of passengers.

“Vannie” she called loudly waving her hand to get her attention. Her cousin looked up through the crowd a small smile appearing on his lips as she spotted Rhian.

“Oh it’s so nice to see you. It’s been so long.” Rhian said as she embraced Savannah as she stepped away from the luggage trolley.

“I know; it’s been forever. Thank you so much for offering to have me like this, over the holidays and everything.” she said with a smile.

“Hey, it’s nothing, you would do the same for me right? Brian and I are more than happy for you to stay for as long as you want. Right Bri?” she replied with a large grin as she turned towards Brian.

“Of course baby.” Brian replied with a warm smile as he took hold of the trolley and began to push it through the airport.

“By the way I hope you’ve packed something suitable for Zack and Gena’s party tomorrow night.” Rhian said as they walked with linked arms through the parking lot, Brian steering the trolley ahead of them.

“I hope you don’t mean dressy and formal because I have nothing like that packed.” Savannah asked her eyes widening with worry.

“Oh don’t worry honey; I’ve got plenty of dresses you can choose from.” Rhian told her.

“And shoes and jewellery and purses.” Brian muttered as he unloaded the bags into the back of his Escalade.

“Careful Haner.” Rhian warned with a smirk, her hand on her hip as she glared playfully at him.

“Sorry baby, but that was just too easy to give a miss.” He replied as he took a step closer to kiss her lips before taking the trolley back to one of the bays.

“You two are so great together. I hope I can be like that someday.” Savannah mused as they got into the Escalade.

“Oh Hun, you’ll find the man of your dreams soon. You never know he may even be right here in California.” She replied happily with a beaming smile as Brian got into the drivers side.

“Yeah maybe.” She replied quietly.


“I’m still not sure about me coming tonight Rhi.” Savannah said timidly as her cousin finished off curling her hair.

“Don’t start that again Vans, you’re coming, I’m not having you sat around here all on your own, especially not on New Years Eve.” Rhian replied warningly waving the curling iron at her in the mirror with a smile.

“But I’m not going to know anyone there.” she whined in defence.

“Nonsense. You know me and Brian and you met most of the other people at our wedding.” She replied.

“That was almost three years ago now, and I’m not going to spend the night attached to you and Brian am I?” she replied.

“You are coming, and that’s final. You’re ready now and look fantastic, and remember what I said about meeting the man of your dreams here in California, you never know you may find him at this party.” Rhian replied with a smirk as she placed the curling irons on her dresser.

Savannah gave a resolute sigh as she stood up; briefly checking her appearance in the mirror before picking up the clutch Rhian was lending her for the evening and following Rhian out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

“Wow, you two scrub up pretty well.” Brian stated with a smile as he looked up at the sound of them coming down the stairs.

“You’re looking pretty fine as well Mr Haner.” Rhian replied with a smirk as her eyes roamed over his body as he crossed the room to meet them.

“I am definitely not spending the night attached to you two if you’re going to be fucking each other with your eyes all night.” Savannah muttered with an eye roll as she turned towards the front door.

“I’m sorry, we’ll be on our best behaviour, I promise.” Rhian replied as she and Brian followed her out.

“Just relax and be yourself, you’ll be fine.” Rhian assured Savannah as they approached Zack and Gena’s front door. She nodded quietly and followed her and Brian into the large house, through the large entrance hallway into the living room which was crowded with people chatting happily with one and other as music played over them.

Savannah looked around the room nervously, she’d never been great with meeting new people and, although she’d met most of these people at Brian and Rhian’s wedding, that had been almost three years ago and she wasn’t so sure any of them would remember her.

“This is my cousin, Vannie, you remember her from the wedding right?” Rhian's voice cut through Savannah’s thoughts, drawing her attention to the people she was being introduced to. She smiled as the two girls nodded happily, greeting her with smiles.

“You remember Zack and Jimmy and their wives Gena and Leana?” Rhian asked with an encouraging smile.

“Yeah, nice to meet you all again.” she replied.

Rhian spent the next few minutes making sure Savannah had been introduced to everyone she thought she needed to know. After that they got drinks and set about having fun.

Savannah stood by quietly as she listened to the others talk about their Christmas', the girls showing off jewellery they'd had off family or loved ones.

“I’m going to get a drink, you okay?” Rhian whispered into her ear. She nodded with a smile and turned back to continue with the conversation. Her smile faltered as she realised that the girls were currently talking about something that she had no idea about. With a small sigh she went to turn away stopping as she was met by a solid wall of muscle. She looked up to find a set of hazel eyes sparkling at her.

“Sorry.” She said quietly as she continued to star into his eyes.

“Nothing to be sorry for.” He replied in a deep voice with a smile that made a set of dimples appear. “You’re Savannah right? Rhian’s cousin. I’m Matt.” He said.

“Nice to meet you again Matt, and please call me Vannie or Van’s, only my mother calls me Savannah really.” She replied with a smile.

“That’s fine by me, so how long are you in Huntington for?” he replied.

“Well, um, I’m not too sure at the moment. Things weren’t going great in Ohio for me, so Rhi and Brian have said I can come and stay with them for a while.” She replied with a smile.

“Oh, well I’m sorry to hear that things haven’t been going great for you. I hope things work out better for you here.” He replied. Savannah found herself biting her lower lip as she smiled back at Matt.

“Um, I don’t want to speak out of turn, but um, weren’t you with a beautiful blonde when I met you at the wedding?” she asked nervously.

“You mean Val. Yeah, we didn’t last too much longer after that actually.” He replied.

“Oh that’s a shame, you looked kind of…”

“Perfect for each other? Yeah, everyone says that, apparently the photographer she worked with on a lot of her shoots was a little bit more perfect than Me.” he said with a faltering smile, his eyes loosing a little of their sparkle for a brief moment.

“But hey, that was a long time ago now.” He said quickly his smile returning to full force. “Tomorrow is a new year for the both of us right, let’s start it with a smile. C’mon.” he replied taking hold of her hand and leading her across the room to where other couples were dancing.

The next couple of hours passed quickly, Savannah spending most of her time with Matt; dancing, drinking, talking, laughing.

“Vans, can I ask you something?” Matt asked as they danced quietly together.

“Of course you can.” She replied with a beaming smile as she looked up into his eyes.

“Well, um, it’s getting close to midnight and well, um, I was kind of wondering, seeing that everyone else is paired off, that maybe I could well um, kiss you at midnight?” he asked visibly blushing more with each stuttered word. Savannah bit her lip again, fighting the smile that was desperate to show itself.

“Yeah, why not.” She replied trying to sound as if she wasn’t bothered by the request.

“Cool.” Matt replied quietly with a small nod as he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

Before they knew it they were beginning the countdown to midnight, to the New Year. Savannah and Matt had barely left each other’s side from the moment he had come over to talk to her and they were now, holding each others hands, staring into each other’s hazel eyes counting down. As they reached zero, Savannah felt herself stretch up as Matt leaned down, their lips touching briefly. They pulled away; keeping eye contact and both whispered ‘Happy New Year’ with beaming smiles. As everyone around them began to cheer and celebrate the New Year, Matt and Savannah leaned closer to each other again, this time applying more pressure as their lips met, Savannah gently parting her lips to allow Matt’s tongue to sweep into her mouth.

She moaned uncontrollably as the kiss deepened, Matt’s arms wrapping around her small waist to pull her closer to him.

Then in an instant their lips were separated with a disgruntled moan, their eyes once again locked.

“I wouldn’t usually do this but it feels right. Do you want to go upstairs?” Matt asked breathlessly.

“Yes.” She replied in a whisper. Matt’s hand loosened from her waist and found her hand, lacing their fingers together before leading her up the stairs to one of the spare rooms.

Once on the other side of the door Matt pushed Savannah up against it, roughly pushing his lips onto hers. Her hands found the back of his neck, pulling him closer to her as his hands inched their way up her back before taking hold of the zipper of her dress and slowly pulled it down. His tongue traced her bottom lip and she quickly granted him access, their tongues beginning the battle for dominance.

They both kicked off their shoes as Savannah’s hands trailed down Matt’s torso, unbuttoning his shirt as she went. Their kiss was broken when Matt pulled away from her to gently push the dress off her shoulders, smirking as he saw the black lace bra she was wearing, as he shrugged off his own shirt. They began to kiss again, the dress pooling at Savannah’s feet as Matt let go of the material. He pulled her slowly over towards the double bed behind them. They fell onto the bed, Matt pulling heron top of him as her hands quickly found the zipper of his pants and began to loosen them. She sat back and pulled his pants off his body, a smirk on her face as she caught sight of a very prominent erection confined in his boxers.

With a small growl, Matt grabbed hold of her hips and flipped her over so that he was on top, his lips once again on hers as his hand slipped under her back to unclasp her bra.
Suddenly her hands were on his chest pushing him away from her. He watched with confusion as she stared into his hazel eyes.

“Just so you know, this isn’t something I’d usually do neither.” She said with a small smile. He smiled back and nodded before he returned his attention back to removing her bra.

He threw the bra to the floor to join the pile of clothes they’d already discarded and leaned down to capture her lips with his again. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she used her feet to push down his boxers. His lips began to trail down her body, his teeth nipping gently at her skin as he went. A moan escaped her lips as she felt his warm breath on the inside of her thigh. He kissed the top of the inside of each thigh before moving to take the lace material in between his teeth, tugging it slowly from her body. Subconsciously she raised her hips to aid him remove them from her body. Another loud gasp escaped her as she felt his lips brush lightly against her opening. Her fingers gripping into his short hair as she felt his tongue dance over her clit. She was instantly wet as he briefly slipped his tongue into her opening before returning it to flicker against her clit again.

It wasn’t long before a familiar feeling of impending ecstasy washed over her and she tightened around his face, calling out his name. As her body convulsed from the orgasm Matt pulled away and crawled back up her body, plunging his tongue into her mouth as he gently rubbed the tip of his large thick cock against her opening causing her to squirm before slowly pushing his penis deep within her, causing another scream to be lost in his mouth. They kissed passionately as he began to thrust deeply into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist to allow him to penetrate her deeper, filling her more; her hands gripping his large tattooed biceps.

Moan after moan left her body as he hit her spot with each thrust. She closed her eyes as his lips attacked her neck and lips.

“Fuck, Matt!” she called out feeling the heat begin to take over her body again.

“Keep going!” she demanded breathlessly. He obeyed, quickening the pace, tipping her over the edge. Her body shook uncontrollably as she tightened around him again, soaking him with his juices as he shuddered inside of her, both yelling a wordless moan. Matt slowly rode out their orgasms and leant down to kiss her forcefully on the lips before he pulled out and collapsed next to her on the bed. Not a word was shared between them as they allowed sleep to take over their bodies.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, so this is a one shot I've written for Maybe I'm Dreaming. It was meant to be posted before the New Year, but I didn't feel right posting it after what happened.

Anyway, if there's anyone else who would like a one shot written for them, just ask and I'll give it a go!
