Sequel: Guardian Angels.

I Am Fallen.


Now that I was ready, I was more alert and aware of what was going on. I was actually going to a place where teenagers were.

I could barely figure out what Erica was like or what she was thinking. How was I meant to handle more?

I pondered this through while passing Erica's older brother, Liam, on the stairs. He gave me a quick nod and said 'Hey Dude.' in acknowledgment. He was essentially like Erica but in male form. He had the same raven black hair, the same crystal blue eyes...although he was taller then both me and Erica. He had returned to his house on Sunday afternoon, catching one glance of me and saying how he hadn't realised Erica had managed to get a boyfriend.

For some reason, I blushed. I didn't even know what a boyfriend was but the word alone had made me feel something was fluttering in my stomach. I wasn't sure what it was but when I had looked across to Erica, she avoided my eyes.

'Hey, Zach! You done up there yet?' she yelled from the living room, not realising I was stood in the doorway.

'I believe I am, yes.' I said, watching her jump up in shock.

'Holy...jeez. Warn me...seriously. You could kill people like that, you sneaking up on them.' she breathed, swinging a bag up on her shoulders.

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.' I said, smiling at her slightly.

She shook her head and steered me out of the house, I could hear the front door click as it shut.

'School isn't that far, just I hate walking so I get my mum to take me. It's literally around the corner. I phoned the office while you were getting ready to let them know you're new. I just said that you were a close friend of mine and that you were moving into our school for the rest of the year. Good excuse or what?' she asked but didn't wait for a reply as usual. 'No, I suppose it isn't but they bought it so don't complain.'

She said that like I was complaining.

'Ahh, here it is!' she said, pointing forward down the road to a large building. It had huge metal fences surrounding it...bars on the windows. It didn't look too friendly.

'It's...lovely?' I muttered, making it sound like a question.

'It isn't but hey, you'll get used to it.'

As she said this though, about four other girls ran up to Erica...all screaming questions down her ear. I could only make out parts of what they were saying.

'Oh my God! Who is that?-'

'Where did you meet him-'

'Aww, he looks shy-'

'Shy? He looks hot'

They all turned to me and gave me appraising looks. I was terrified...and surrounded.

'Hey...' said a girl with bright blonde hair, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. 'My name's Helen...and you are?'

As I was about to reply, a small girl with green eyes and pale skin butted in.

'Forget her, I'm Amy. Nice to meet you erm...?' she said, waiting for my name.

'Honestly Amy, get a grip. It's not like you'd be able to kiss him, you come up to his elbow or something.' laughed another girl, sweeping back her cropped brown hair from her eyes, drawing my attention to her tanned face. 'I'm Kate but you can call me anything you want.'

This was getting confusing...I could call her anything? I thought her name was Kate?

'Could you pick a more obvious line, Kate? Jeez, why don't you just say you like walks on the beach while you're at it?' sighed a girl with braided, black hair. She had mocha coloured skin and gentle, chocolate brown eyes. 'I'm Christie by the way.'

I smiled at her and waved to the others who were still beaming at me and whispering to each other quietly.

'He's Zach. He's a erm...friend from the place I went on holiday. He's staying with me for the moment and he's at our school for a while.' Erica said, putting her hand on my shoulder.

They all launched into a series of more questions but Erica silenced them by putting her hand up.

'Come on guys, he's new. Don't freak him out on the first day.' she told them but I could hear the smile in her voice. These girls were probably her closest friends.

'Okay.' They all chorused, laughing with each other and starting for the school. Erica followed, towing me with her by my arm.

'We'll go the the office before the bell rings so we can get your timetable.' Erica explained, chuckling as her friends simultaneously turned to a boy and screeched hello's to him.

'He's one of the popular kids. Everyone likes him...including my friends.' she said, grinning as the boy gave a bemused hello back.

Maybe this day wasn't going to be so bad after all?
♠ ♠ ♠
Woooo. Erica has friends.
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