Sequel: Guardian Angels.

I Am Fallen.

It's Called A High Five.

Erica had said goodbye to her friends as we entered the school, telling them that she would see them at break (whatever break was). Then she grabbed my arm, pulling me around the corridors to find the office.

We walked in and I was immediately met by warm, glowing lights and a friendly smile from a lady sat behind a table.

'Hello dear. How may I help you?' she asked, scribbling on paper as she spoke.

'He's new here, his names Zach Featherstone. We're here to pick up his timetable and school uniform.' Erica told her, throwing a wink at me when the lady turned away.

'Ahh yes. Here you are, dear. I see you already have a friend so she can help you around when you get lost. I hope you enjoy the school.' she said, smiling once again at me as she held up a pile of clothes and a piece of paper.

I just smiled back at her and took the items out of her hands. I assumed that was what I was meant to do.

Erica ushered me from the room and as soon as the door swung shut, she held up a hand, palm facing me.

I just stared.

'High five? Never heard of it? No? Sheesh Zach, don't leave me hanging.' she said, rolling her eyes and grabbing my own hand to slap against hers.

'What was that?' I muttered to her, at a total loss to what just happened.

'We just slapped our hands together. On Earth, we call it a high's what us humans do to celebrate.' she whispered in a dramatic voice.

I nudged her arm, knowing that she was mocking me. It wasn't my fault I knew...well, nothing.

Then I remembered something.

'Zach Featherstone?' I asked.

'Oh...well. You know, wings have feather's and I thought it would be a suitable last name for you.' she grinned.

I laughed with her as we walked and Erica led me to a room, a sign informing me it was 'Boys'. Boys? Is that where they kept them?

'It's the toilets.' Erica explained, catching one look of my face and already knowing I was confused. 'Like my bathroom but...less hygienic. You can get dressed in there and...' She pulled out a bag. 'You can put your clothes in here when you've changed.'

I nodded to her and five minutes later, I was ready. Well, except for one thing. I held up the slither of fabric.

'I don't know that this is.' I admitted, ashamed. I honestly thought I was getting better at learning this stuff, In fact...I thought I had the clothes figured out.

'Oh, you wouldn't know what that is yet. It's a tie, it goes around your neck, under the collar of your shirt. Here...I'll do it for you.' Erica said, grabbing the tie and throwing it around my neck.

I looked down and watched her loop the fabric around and around, pulling the end of it through the hole she'd made. How did she do that?

She pulled gently and the tie tightened. Then she started fiddling with the tie again, pulling it looser so it hung slightly.

'Can't have the tie too tight or too high up. You'd get beaten up here.' she said, patting the tie and admiring it. 'I reckon that's okay...tie's suit you.'

I blushed and looked swiftly away before she could see. She said the tie thing suited me!

She giggled and once again grabbed my arm to guide me through the corridors. Suddenly, she stopped and her face whitened as she stared ahead of us. I peeked around her and saw another girl, her face for some reason. I was confused.

'Don't say anything to her. That's Kylie, she's like the queen bee around here so don't mess around with her. Oh shoot, she's seen us.' Erica mumbled, hovering slightly further in front of me.

The Kylie girl sauntered over to us and as soon as she opened her mouth, I knew she wasn't good news.