Sequel: Guardian Angels.

I Am Fallen.

Is There Another Way?

We arrived at school just as the bell had gone. Erica's mother had given us a lift there but we were still running late, the other students were making their way to lesson.

Erica had Art class whilst I had history, she walked me to my class first so I wouldn't get lost again. Just as I was about to open the door, she leant in and kissed me lightly on my cheek, making me blush.

I watched her as she walked away and turned the corner. I sighed, it hurt already being separated from her.

Then, a door to my right swung open seemingly by it's own accord. I peered into the dark classroom, unsure whether to go in or not.

Glancing around, I saw the corridor was empty. I really hope I don't regret doing this.

As I stepped in, the door slammed shut behind me and as I tugged on the handle, it wouldn't budge.

'It won't open, Zachariah.' a deep voice boomed.

I froze and turned to face Michael, the archangel who had sent me here in the first place. I pinched myself to see if it was imagination but the throb in my arm told me that this was no dream.

'We've been watching, Zachariah. Or should I say Zach?' he grinned for a moment then his face went back to blank, expressionless.

'Why are you here?' I asked slowly. This couldn't be good, could it?

'We've been waiting for you to save someone. All we can see is you wandering around with a human girl though. That is not in your best interest, Zachariah.' he warned me.

'I...but...I like Erica.' I whispered.

'I see you've been run down with human emotions. You really should learn how to control those, you know. They could get you stuck here, forever immortal. That really wouldn't be a good thing, would it?' he told me. It was a rhetorical question, he required no answer as he thought he already knew.

'But...but Erica...' I said. What could I say? What about Erica?

'She is a human. She will die and you will still be in the same state as you are in now. Do you honestly think that she would want that?'

'No...' I confessed. I knew Erica would hate being old and withered while I was still young.

'Well then. Save a human and mean it so you can earn your wings back. Or you could remain here, spend a few decades with Erica until she dies. Then what would you do? Wander the earth by yourself?' Michael asked, leaning against a nearby desk. It was almost comical to see him there...if the reason he was here wasn't as serious as it was.

I shook my head. He was right, of course. I couldn't stay here, no matter how much I liked Erica.

'Fortunately for you, I have been sent here to give you a hint of who to save. Maybe it will come as a shock, maybe it won't but we have found a human who will be in danger. Someone that you obviously care about enough to put your own life on the line.' he said calmly, as if he wasn't the least bit bothered about a possible death.

I didn't want to hear the name of the person. I had a horrible feeling that wouldn't shake, it wouldn't budge. I couldn't bear to hear her name, I just knew it would be her.

'It is Erica.' he said softly, telling me anyway.

'Is there no other way? No other person?' I mumbled skeptically. I knew what he would say but I didn't want to believe it.


My eyes closed and I felt a weight. My knee's started to buckle so I clutched onto a table tightly.

'How?' I asked bluntly, opening my eyes again to look him in the face.

'That I cannot tell you. However, you were a guardian angel so your...instincts will still be with you. When the time comes, you will know.' Michael said, standing up and moving from the desk. 'I must go now, Zachariah. Remember what I have said, we expect you in heaven soon enough.'

As I stood and watched silently, Michael started glow. He grew brighter and brighter, the room around me lighting up, the objects casting shadows. As he became a white light, it was too much for me to bear and I shut my eyes. When I opened them again, he had vanished.

I had to save Erica. I had to save her from dying. No matter what I did, we were going to be separated in the end. There was no hope.

A tear slid down my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Did anyone see that coming?
No, I didn't either until I began writing it aha.
The song that sort of inspired this chapter: Until Tomorrow-Paramore.
Tell me what you think of the chapterrrrrrrrrrr :)