Sequel: Guardian Angels.

I Am Fallen.

Back In Heaven.

My eyes opened, though they still stung with tears. I was back but it felt wrong, I felt like I was not where I should be, where I belonged.

Erica had been shouting something at me. I couldn’t figure out what though, it had been impossible for me to hear her.

My mind brought back all the memories I had experienced on earth with Erica. How she’d shoved me into the bathroom when my nose had poured with blood, how she stuck by me when the whole school watched and laughed, I even smiled when I remembered her throwing the popcorn at me.

I could remember brief moments but parts were faded, blurred. This couldn’t be happening!

‘Still thinking about her, huh?’ someone asked. No, it couldn’t be. He couldn’t be here, in heaven!

I looked up to face Lou.

He grinned at me, looking too out of place in his low-riding jeans and baggy Slipknot t-shirt. I couldn’t believe he was here. I was happy to see him though, to feel as if my whole time on earth hadn’t just been in my imagination.

‘Lou!’ I shouted, rushing over to him as he held up a hand.

‘Dude, don’t go all emotional on me again. How are you holdin’ up?’ he asked, eyeing me with sympathy.

‘I’m…not okay, not at all. All I can think about is Erica and whether everything was a dream. It feels like I’m losing my mind, I think I…I can’t remember what she looks like.’

Lou stared a moment and pulled me into a one armed hug.

‘Zach, it’ll be okay. You’ll remember because I know you won’t forget her. I mean, anyone who saw you down there would tell you that.’ Lou said consolingly.

I nodded without really thinking about it. I was still trying to dreg up memories of Erica. Then I realised what he had said.

‘You were down there…’ I said slowly.

Lou watched me as if I had gone insane, he raised an eyebrow.

‘Yeah, I was. Point being?’ he asked.

‘Why were you down there?’

‘Oh…well. I kinda got assigned a job to watch you. Sort of like a guardian angel to a guardian angel.’ he laughed, punching my arm lightly.

‘How come you’re still in those clothes?’ I said, indicating to his teenager outfit. He had it down perfectly, even the scruffy converse were similar to the ones Erica had worn when I had first met her.

‘I erm…still have a job to do on earth. Guardian stuff, you know?’ he mumbled, looking at his shoes.

‘What job?’ I asked sharply.

‘Well, dude. Don’t go off the rail but erm…I’m watching Erica from now on. The archangels thought it would be a good idea if you stayed away from her.’ Lou admitted, a hand resting on his neck.

‘But…but-' I started but Lou held up a hand.

‘I think they’re right, Zach. It’s unhealthy. You can’t keep feeling like that for her, she’s human!’

I gaped at him, thinking it through. He was right and they were right. It wasn’t even possible for us to be together like this. But what if I asked them to…no, would they allow it?

I turned away from Lou and started to stroll off. I could hear him shouting behind me but I didn’t even pause. I had a job to do.

I was going to the archangels.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so inspiration for this chapter was: Was it A Dream by 30 Seconds To Mars and Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton (Thanks to gimmeurtots72)
I wonder what Zach's plan could be? aha