A New Beginning

Rushing into adulthood is bad?

Mia’s POV 2 Days later

I sat at the island in the kitchen, staring down at my breakfast. A bagel with cream cheese. I would be starting school tomorrow and to be honest I was scared. I mean, not because of the kids that went but of the fact that I had always did my home schooling work at my own pace, But now I would have to have it turned in at pacific time. I don’t suck at school, in fact I love it. Its was just going to take some time to get use to I guess.
I had no chose I had to work hard to keep up because I WAS going to college and no one would stop that. I want to go to a film school. I want to go to NYFA. Which is New York Film Academy and I would do anything to go there. I had been looking in to that school since I was 12 for film making. Ms. Lupon had always said not to set my future when I was so young because I may change my mind when I’m older, But I don’t think I will, it’s my life.

At this point dad had walked in and sat across from me. Just looking at me.
I came to call Frank dad and Gerard daddy.
When I finally looked up he looked worried. “You ok?” He asked. I smiled and nodded. “What’s got you so quite?” He asked. “Nothing, just thinking about school and what I want to do with my life,” I explained. “Thinking about what you want to go with your life Huh? Pretty big thoughts for a 16 year-old.” He said with a smile. “Well I guess I’ll have to start think about it soon. I’m going to be a sophomore. So I only have like 3 years of high school left.” I said sighing. “So what DO you want to with your life?” He asked as daddy walked in, going to the refrigerator, looking inside.

“Well I was thinking of going to film school after high school. I wanted to go to NYFA. Its a respectable school and such.” I said as daddy sat down now joining the conversation. “NYFA?” Dad asked looking confused. I smiled. “It’s a school in New York, It’s New York’s film academy.” I explained. “New York you say?” Daddy said. “Yeah so I would close to home but also get a chance to see new stuff. I mean nothing is for sure, I know but is the school I’ve wanted to go to since forever.” I said sighing again.

“It would seem your are ready to be an adult, but there’s no need to rush baby, like you said you have like 3 years of high school left, concentrate on that then you can worry about being grown up.” Daddy said patting my hand. I smiled. “So you’re not going to tell me ‘I might change my mind when I get older’” I said thinking back to what Ms. Lupon would say.
“No you seem like you are determined, so just know we will be here for you no matter what you decide to do” Dad said.