A New Beginning

Chapter 3: Moving-In

(Sorry aout the short chapter!! Ariel&Bethanie)

Time-elapse 2 days

I can't believe it; we now have a daughter named Mia Ann Iero-Way. I was so happy! We are bringing her home as we speak. She’s going to meet the guys in a few days. I can't bereave she don't know MCR it’s a shock really. Lol...We pulled up to our house. She got out of the car. Looking around taking in everything. She looked back at us and smiled. We may be famous and stuff but we live in an average two-story house. She grabbed a box out of the back of the car. There was only like 3 boxes, she didn't have much. We walked in to house. I have to say its looks small on the outside but it’s big on the inside. She dropped her box at the bottom of the stairs. She put her hands in her back pockets and just looked around. Gerard came and stood next to me. I looked at him he leaned over and kissed me. There was a clicking nose we looked over at Mia. She had one of those old cameras from the 60's and 70's the one that give you the little pics. She smiled and it spit out the picture. She looked down at the picture and smiled. She than handed it to me. It was the perfect picture. A sweet innocent kiss, that’s what made is beautiful. "So do you want me to show you to your room?" Gee asked after smiling at the pic himself. She nodded and picked up her box. She don't talk that much as she did the first day we met.