A New Beginning


Gerard’s P.O.V.
She walked out of the room humming some song. She’s such a weird girl but I and Frank are weird to so.... *BING BONG* the door bell rang "I'll get it," Frank said jumping up and running out of the room. He came back moments later holding a big box. "What’s that?" I asked. He sat down next to me setting the box on the floor in front of us. "I'm not sure. That was Ms. Lupon, She said this stuff is Mia’s and that she found it by the dumpster by the children’s home,'' He said. There were canvases for paintings...like 20 or more they all seemed painted on. "Should we look at them?" Frank asked. "I'm not sure." I said. We both leaned over and each grabbed a canvases. The first one I pulled out was a girl in a yellow dress, leaning up agents a wall. She had an angry face.
The one Frank pulled out something that looked like a back hole. We stared a glance at each other. I pulled out the next one. It was quite weird. A black and Wight charcoal drawing of two boys maybe the age of 4 sitting in a tree kissing. I passed it to Frank and picked another. It too was a charcoal drawing of a girl on rocking horse. Than again passed it to Frank to see. The next one was yet again a charcoal picture of two boys in a school yard in their school uniforms. The one with the lighter hair was holding out a flower. The other boy had a demons face, fangs and all it look as if he was hissing at the other boy. At the bottom of the picture it said, "Of love he spoke." I passed it to Frank. He looked up from the panting with a razed eyebrow. We continued to look at them when we came to the last panting it was Mia. There was now doubting that because it was a "girl" (Mia) sitting a in a chair. There was a man behind here with a pare of clippers that were coming down on her hair there where shadows of other people in this room she was in. The look in her face was horrible she was biting her lip while looking the other way. A nervous, embarrassed look.
We put all of the painting back in the box. We just sat there not knowing what to say. "Gee did some of those creep you out just a little?" He asked. I just nodded.

(Ariel and Beth here! We still need people to enter our contest! Just comment where the phrase 'later days' is from and why it's famous!