A New Beginning


I got a shower and put on a black and white striped long sleeved shirt, a skirt and some black and white striped leggings. I did my hair back in a hair band. There I was done. I picked up my camera and walked to the living room. No one was around so I laid on my stomach( I tend to do that when I tape myself). I turned it on. "I realized something this beautiful morning. I no longer live with the ‘sirs’ but my dads. My gut tells me I’m getting to attached to fast, but(If this don't sound corny) my heart telling that its ok too. Could it be wrong? Possibly and probably but (And I quote Einstein himself) “Mistakes are good, you learn from them. So if you do not make mistakes you will never learn.”.” *laugh* “Isn’t it sad I can quote him? Ahh, my foots a sleep!(shacks foot) I also found out one of my uncles I meet today is married. that’s cool. I wonder if anyone my dads know have kids. I’m saying I need kids my age to be happy. It'll just be nice y'know of course you don't your a freaking camera. Any-who, maybe I’ll make friends in school. Newark high is where I’ll me going. *pushes bangs out of eyes* God, looks like its time for a hair cut." I say to the camera. "I don't think you need one." A voice says behind me. I turn off the camera and turn around to find Gee there. "Oh and just how long have you been there?" I ask shyly. "Long enough to know that you can quote Albert and you right foot is asleep." He said with a grin. "Oh" I say feeling my face heat up. I stood up. "Can I play the piano that’s down stairs? I know it was your grandmas but--" "Oh of course you can! It needs someone to play it." Gee cut me off. I nodded walking to the basement.