First Act as an Adult


Unbeknownst to me, for some reason we always start off in Tomorrowland. The only reason I can think of for going there is for Space Mountain, which was the first ride we went on. According to my dad it is the best ride at Disneyland, and I would have to slightly agree by saying it is in my top three. The queue also gets really long as more people arrive at the park so we quickly went through the queue and onto the ride. It was cool and exciting and for some reason one of the voices, while waiting in the queue, sounded like Leonard Nimoy to me. Maybe I’ve just been watching too much Star Trek recently.

After Space Mountain, which wonderfully began the rat’s nest I would have in my hair by the end of the day, we made our way through Tomorrowland. Having never been on the Buzz Lightyear ride before we got in the queue for that and I had fun shooting my dad, and my mum had fun beating us, finally, at something similar to a video game. I usually beat her, so she was proud of herself; of course I wasn’t really paying attention because I was having too much fun turning the car abruptly.

Star Tours was next for us. Outside of the ride is this warning sign that says stuff like ‘if you have heart problems do not go on this ride’ well my dad has heart problems, does he care? Nope. We went on it anyway, and I almost fell out of my seat because those are not the type of seat belts you can tighten like on a plane. It was slightly boring, but it was made up for by all the Star Wars related things.
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I just got the Glee soundtrack from my mum, that's the only reason I watch the show is for the music. The story is kind of boring and cliche but the music is good for the most part.

My favourite song on the CD would be Artie singing Dancing With Myself, but the ending is different on the CD then on the show and I liked the shows version better.

Well thanks for reading, comments appreciated.
