First Act as an Adult

Typical Pictures

I live in a family of geeks so we have all the latest technology. In fact, for my birthday I got a new camera (my old one ate the life of batteries like Oreo cookies: quickly licks away the inside and leaving the outside for someone else) and it is tiny and bright green, but prefect for taking quick pictures of anything and everything.

One classic photo opportunity for us, and everyone else that visits Disneyland, is in front of Sleeping Beauty’s castle, which was beautifully decorated for the holidays. My mum pulls out her camera, I give her my camera, and my dad has his mobile out. My mum took some reasonably creepy pictures of my father and me and one with just me. In return I had to take pictures of them while trying not to get the family positioned next to us.

Throughout the day, my dad was constantly on his mobile taking pictures of me then using his Google earth application to immediately pinpoint me in the world. I do not know why he was so fascinated by it but he was, and it kept him entertained and not annoying me so I didn’t mind.

Throughout the day, my mum was constantly on her Blackberry. Only work and school associates had this number and she was conversing with them and working all day. I understood though it was for school and she was stuck in a group of incompetent people. I know the feeling; I was just in a school group like that. See my mum I understand, my father not so much.
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I may or may not upload all of this story today. I already have it finished, I put it in a scrapbook with all the pictures from my trip in it. My friends wanted to read it so I brought it to school and gave it to them. They all enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading.
