Status: Active-ish

Scar of the Night

Stupid Bunny

"Scar! Wake Up!!" Embry yelled.

I growled and turned over, taking the blankets with me.

"Scaran! Get up!" He begged again,"Or I'll send Paul to wake you up."

"No!!" I shot up.

Last time that they went to get Paul to wake me up, he poured ice water on me. I got a freaking cold a day later, and Paul got a lot of choice words from me. I got up and almost fell out of my bed and onto the floor.

I shooed Embry out of my room so I could get dressed. It was summer so I changed into some jean shorts, a white AC/DC shirt and my purple hoodie, unzipped to the bottom of my breasts. I slipped on my sneakers and headed to the bathroom to do my usual business.

I ran down stairs and saw dads girlfriend in the kitchen, Elisa. I liked her to a point, but she was always trying to get me to shop with her. I'm the kind of girl who would rather be playing mud football than go shopping. I hang around guys to much.

"What would you like for breakfast Scar?" Elisa asked.

"I'm good." I said,"Just want an apple before heading out."

"You really should eat more..."

"I'm just never that hungry."

"Yet your brother can eat half a kitchen in an hour."

"He is a boy." I was getting a bit annoyed, "What do you really want?"

"For you to just go shopping with me once. Today." She said, her smile begging me.

I thought about it. She would never ask me to do it again, but today would probably kill me, so either way I wouldn't have to listen to her. I guess I'll just go with her and get it over with.

"Fine, I'll go." I said unhappily.

"Yes! Be home at 2, okay?" Elisa said excitedly.

"Whatever. See you later."

I headed out the door, grabbing an apple on my way out, heading towards the beach where the guys were, like usual. It took me about 10 minutes to get there because I had an ADD moment and saw a bunny and just had to catch it. He was very soft and I guess I was warm because he stayed in my arms as I walked.

All the guys were talking in a circle with... Sam Uley in the middle? Why was he here? With my guys? Its not that I didn't like Sam, he's just older than all of us and I feel out place when he's near us. I like his fiance Emily though, shes really nice.

I got a bit closer to the water and just started to walk across the shore farther from the guys giving them their privacy. I noticed as we got a bit further away from Sam and the guys bunny started purring sort of. I sat down in the sand so the guys were still in my view.

Bunny didn't like it though and he took off farther away. I just had to chase him, and lost sight of the guys. Bunny didn't stop though. He had me chase him back into the forest and all around. Finally I gave up, which I normally don't do, and sat down. I looked around and realized I was sort of... lost.

Stupid Bunny. Where'd he even go? I got up and started walking back the way, I think, I came. About I think 20 minutes later I was at the beach. It was cloudy like usual and the sun was gone as I looked at the sky. I headed back towards where I last saw the guys and Sam.

I was halfway back and I saw the freaking bunny. He didn't seem to pay any attention to me as he hopped into the woods. Stupid bunny. I continued my journey back and saw the guys looking at the path I normally came down, waiting for me probably. Sam was gone.

"Howdy partners." I said as I approached them.

"Scar!! Where the hell have you been?!!?" Embry yelled at me.

"Well first I was talking to Elisa, then I found a bunny, came here and saw Sam and went down the beach. Then bunny apparently didn't like you guys being in my view and he ran off."

"That doesn't explain why your late though." Quil said.

"I didn't finish yet!! I chased after the stupid thing then got lost and it took me 20 minutes to get out of the forrest. When I started to walk back here I saw him again but he ignored me! Stupid Bunny."

Some of the guys were trying not to laugh, but Embry smacked his forehead. I felt something brush against my leg and saw... bunny! Stalker bunny!!

"See!!" I yelled.

They stopped their laughing and looked at bunny. And then out of nowhere Sam appeared.

"Shoo!!" He yelled at bunny.

"Why are you being mean to him? He hasn't done anything." I said.

"Rabies, Scar." Paul said.


I picked bunny up and he snuggled close to me.

"See, harmless." I said in victory.

Then my phone went off. I handed bunny to Embry and opened my phone.

"Ello?" I said.

"Scar!! You have 15 minutes to be here!" Elisa yelled through the phone.

"Okay Okay!!!"


I rubbed my ear and turned back to the guys. Embry was holding bunny away from him and had a look of disgust on his face, so did everyone else.

"Whats wrong with bunny?" I asked.

"He smells horrible." Embry said.

"Just drop him then."

"Where you going?" Jacob asked appearing next to me.

"Shopping..." I mumbled as bunny hopped away.

"Do my ears decieve me? Did Scar just say shopping?" Quil smirked.


More laughing occurred and I started back towards the house. And now I had to get through shopping with Elisa. Great.

Jacob's POV::

"Keep her away from more animals that smell like that." Sam said as Scar walked away.

"Why did it smell so awful?" Embry asked.

"Because your becoming what I told you before. That rodent was a vampire that was in disguise as an animal."

"What did he want with Scar?" I asked.

"He wanted her blood like the bloodsucker he was."

"When will we be full werewolves?" Jared asked.

"When ever trouble sets in." Sam said and walked off.

I don't want to be the monster he told us we were going to be. I have Bella to worry about and apparently Scar now. I ran my hand through my hair and then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Come on, lets go play some ball." Quil said.

***9 at night***Scar's POV***

"Your a hot mess, and I'm falling you!!" I sang loudly as me and Kim headed towards the bonfire.

"And I'm a hot jam, gonna make you move!" Kim sang just as loud.

"I can't believe I went shopping with Elisa for 6 1/2 hours. I should have died!"

"Thank gawd you didn't! Your brother and I might commit suicide."

"I kept strong just for you Kim."

We laughed and continued to sing louder as we approached the bonfire, getting a lot of looks from everyone. We just kept singing. When we got close to Embry, I fell on him like I died.

"I should have died..." I said quietly.

Kim giggled.

"Shopping that bad?" Embry asked.

"YES!" I sprang up, "And I saw Kim's crazy lover boy in Victoria secret, which I was forced to go in, buying something!"

"I don't have a secret lover!!" Kim yelled.

"Sure..." Me and Embry said.

"Who is her secret lover?" Jacob asked me.

"Gabe Killian. Some weird dude who thinks Kim likes him because she gave him a pencil."

The guys laughed and Kim blushed in embarrassment and sat down next to Jarred. Elisa, dad and other parents showed up soon, so did Sam. I was staring into the fire as Sam told the legends of our tribe. The fire's ashes formed words suddenly.

He's watching you...

What? Am I hallucinating?

Stay away from him...

Who? Who do I need to stay away from?

Here he comes...

I looked around and right next to me was bunny. How the hell does he keep popping out of nowhere? Is he what the fire was talking about? I picked bunny up and looked at him as he snuggled close to me.

"How can you hold such a nasty creature!?!?!" Elisa yelled suddenly.

"How can you be such a bitch?" I asked back calmly.

Elisa scoffed and everyone had their mouths open or they were looking at bunny. Sam was glaring at bunny. Did the dude really hate bunny that much?

"Scar get rid of the rodent." Embry said.

"Why? He hasn't bitten me." I said.

Then I looked into the fire again, more words were there.

Listen to him

"Fine..." I said.

I dropped bunny on the ground, but he got all pissy and scratched my leg and bounced off. I should listen to fire more often, I thought sarcastically. I examined the cut, it wasn't bad so I ignored it.

"Jesh, I didn't think you would listen." Embry said.

"I guess I had a bit of guidance..." I said looking at the fire.


I smiled and got up.

"I'm going home." I said.

"I'll go with her." Jacob said.

"Then come on."

He caught up with me quickly as we headed back to my house. It felt like an awkward silence was upon us as we walked. Jacob had been pretty distant the past few months, busy with Bella, whose boyfriend left her.

"Sooo... hows Bella?" I asked.

"She's okay, I guess. Her boyfriend isn't back yet." He said boyfriend with hate.

"You don't like him?"

"What kind of guy just leaves like that? It just... angers me."

"Well thanks for walking me home." I smiled and walked away.

I walked into the empty house and straight to my room. I changed into pj shorts and a tank top and laid down on my bed, staring at the celling. Why couldn't mom still be alive? She could be the person to set me straight when I was out of place, care for me when I was ever upset or scared, but its not like I cried to much...

I closed my eyes passing out slowly, but not before glancing at my window where I saw that stupid bunny.
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Hope you liked it!!
