Status: Active-ish

Scar of the Night

Start Of It All

Its been about a week since bunny appeared, and thank god he hasn't. That stupid bunny is nothing, but trouble to me. On Friday though half of the guys got sick, including my brother, and the other half got sick Saturday. Its Monday, and I'm bored as hell.

"So when do you think they'll be better?" I ask Elisa at the table.

"I really don't know Scar. Your father has told me its only mono." she said.

"Isn't that spread through kissing?"

"And through air or contact with an infected person."

"So I could get sick??"

"Well right now you and Kim are the only 2 not sick out of the boys."

"Yeah...its so mono..." I said.

Elisa got up up and went back into the kitchen to clean it and I headed back up stairs. I just needed to see my brother for a minute or two. Its not like I would die on the spot or anything.

I opened his door a bit and spoke softly, in case he was asleep.

"Embry? You up?" I said quietly.

I went in all the way and over to his bed. No one was in the bed. Embry was gone!

I screamed and ran back downstairs and straight into Elisa. I opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off.

"I'm going shopping. Be back soon." she said with a huff.

She darted out of the house, leaving me alone. I went back to Embry's room to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Apparently, I was because Embry was in his bed when I opened his door. But I swore he wasn't here before.

"Feeling better?" I asked.

"Sort of..." He said fake weakly,"I'm still hot."

I rolled my eyes and walked out of his room to my own. I brought out my drawing pad and a pencil and did something I avoided for about 4 years now. I started to draw. I guess my mind wanted to draw Jacob because thats what I drew.

First his face, then his well built body, and finally just the background behind him. Jacob wasn't my favorite guy of the group, but he was sort of like another brother to me. Nothing more, so stop thinking what I know your thinking.

Like I would ever date Jacob Black. I don't like the guys like that. I've never even had a boyfriend. Its not like I wanted one either.

I dropped the drawing of him on the floor and turned on my ipod speakers. I listen to any kind of music so Going Under by Evanescence started to play. I danced around for awhile like an idiot and then got super bored.

I guessed that I should just go to the beach and chill out for awhile.

When I got there I saw Sam standing on the beach like he was waiting for something, someone. I climbed up a tree some and hid in the branches and watched him.

I felt like a spy on a super secret mission that might save the world....thats until I fell out of the tree. I landed on a fallen branch with a huge gash in my arm. Dammit.

Sam didn't even look my way though and I lean up from behind a bush to see what he was looking at. I pulled off my sweatshirt and made a sling type thing for my arm and looked back over to Sam, but he wasn't alone anymore.

Jarred, Paul, Embry and Quil were there now too. They were supposed to be sick!! Those liars are so going to get it when I get a hold on them. I mean if they wanted to get away from me they could have just told me, not sneak off like this!

I was furious, but also seeing white and black dots in my vision. Stupid cut! Stupid guys! Stupid liars!

I started to get up, but then Jacob and Seth came running by near me. I ducked back down and waited again. I needed to get to home to get a ride to the hospital. I hate stitches, but I'll need them to not lose more blood.

I got up trembling some and slowly made my way back home where I collapsed on the floor of the living room. Elisa came running over to me and immediately took me to the hospital. This would mean another shopping trip to pay her back later.

21 stitches later
"Hey." Embry said to me.

I turned my head away and crossed my arms. Like I was talking to him.

"You don't have to like me, but please tell me what happened." He said.

I shook my head no and waved him off.

"Fine I'll leave, but you'll eventually tell someone." He got up and left.

I wasn't going to talk to him. Not right now. I'd make up with him later this week. I'm to tired and injured to deal with them and Embry right now.

Too bad this only just the start of it all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Srry for not updating for so long!!
Next update will be out sooner.
Luvs ya'll <3
